Goals - 12 week lean bulk, wanting to add dry tissue, as little water as possible (diet dependant I know). I’d also like to run the one which is the healthiest.
I’d not want to run three compounds, so a mix of all 3 is a no go.
Tbh I’m just curious to what people’s opinions are in real world use. Research suggest primo will add more tissue and is healthier, where as mast is good for e2 blocking and a dry look, ideal cutting, shining under 12% bf.
I’ve ran 500mg test with good results, but don’t like the ideee of blowing up much. Test put 17lbs on me in 14 weeks. Kept 11lb.
I was going to do 250 test 400 mast. But it seems primo maybe a better option for my personal goal.
Primo is def better for tissue growth. Mast is a weaker compound and the AI aspect is hit or miss. Some guys will run low test and higher mast and bury their E2. I am not one of them. Neither primo or mast effect my E2.
If you kept 11lbs on a 14 week cycle i would consider that a success for sure.
I would def use primo over mast. Mast has it’s place but not in a growth cycle.
250test and 300-400primo for 12-14 weeks would be a good cycle. Of course you will need to eat in a surplus and if you wanna stay lean you’ll need to eat clean.
Start up a training log so we can follow this!