Prime Workout for Off-Season FB

Hey, it’s my sophomore year and I want to get jacked for football next season. Our team workout plan is really slow and I really want to exhaust myself 4 days a week giving it ALL I possibly have. I’ve been looking on Google for some good off season routines but most of them don’t focus on squatting and legs as much as I would like. I want to increase my squat as much as possible from here till then (about 8 months) but also including the other needed football lifts/exercises.

Anyone have any ideas? or links? I just don’t want to start seriously lifting until I know the best way to go about it.

westside or westside for skinny bastards?

I am not totally schooled on westside so i maybe wrong, but i know for my powerlifting team the lifts do not always transfer over to being good on a football field, why don’t you put what your program is because i have experienced some good gains from school football programs

  1. Run track in the off season if you are anything but a lineman. If you are a lineman that would not be as important.

  2. For football you want be sure you are doing squats, DL, snatches, power cleans, bench (incline and flat), lat pulldowns, chin ups, leg press, OH press, upright rows, lateral raises and probably more but I am going semi-quick here. Footwork drills, specific position drills, and sprints should be included every week.

  3. You should be doing about 12 week program with 4 x 5 or 5 x 5 reps and sets. After the 12 weeks, take a week for only recovery, drills and running.

  4. Retest your 1 RM for all lifts and list 80% of 1RM for 4 x 5 or 5 x 5 again.

  5. This will leave you about 2 weeks to recover before camp starts.

I would include 200 - 400 m sprints and bleachers as a staple every week too.

You will have to pair the lifts up and decide which days, but if you get after it in all aspects and have talent you should progress tons! Don’t neglect a proper diet; be sure you eat enough to grow and get stronger.

Good luck.

Also, look at Joe Defranco’s site. He trains NFL guys and has tons of good info.

I would concentrate on lifting for the first 4-5 weeks.As you have most probably lost strength during the season.

Westside for skinny bastards
Mon. Max effort upper
Tue. max effort lower
Wed. Off
Thur. Rep-Upper
Fri. Dynamic lower

Using the program smartly you’ll make massive strength gains.

Afer focusing on strength fully, I’d add sprints and your position specific drills as well.

So 3 lifting days:
Max effort Upper
Max effort lower

And then fit the sprints,agility and drills in 2 times a week.
After concentrating on strength and speed for a 3-4 weeks, as well as slowly getting back into your own drills.
I would later add in some conditioning.

We are talking American Football, right?

If not, disregard my post.

I have over 20+ years with American tackle football.

You have to account for adrenal fatigue, as such i would stay away from overdosing on supplements such as caffeine. You being a young individual are probably infatuated with all the supplement industries claims.

if anything, westside for skinny bastards is the best routine your going to get without either paying for one (which i would gladly write one up for you for money), or doing your own research on the subject. It has its flaws, but through trial, and error it has become fairly useful. Lets put it this way; i would have started more games earlier in my career had it been a staple of my training.

I can tell you this; internet routines are sugar coated to serve a mass audience and are not catered to the individual, with that said, there are too many variables to strictly rely on a googled routine alone.
not only that but your never getting the best routines, just 50% effort on the part of the person who wrote it in order to advertise his higher cost, and/or companies products/athletic training.

[quote]OooahhhCANTONA wrote:
I would concentrate on lifting for the first 4-5 weeks.As you have most probably lost strength during the season.

Westside for skinny bastards
Mon. Max effort upper
Tue. max effort lower
Wed. Off
Thur. Rep-Upper
Fri. Dynamic lower

Using the program smartly you’ll make massive strength gains.

Afer focusing on strength fully, I’d add sprints and your position specific drills as well.

x2- a tested and true approach

So 3 lifting days:
Max effort Upper
Max effort lower

And then fit the sprints,agility and drills in 2 times a week.
After concentrating on strength and speed for a 3-4 weeks, as well as slowly getting back into your own drills.
I would later add in some conditioning.


[quote]OooahhhCANTONA wrote:
I would concentrate on lifting for the first 4-5 weeks.As you have most probably lost strength during the season.

Westside for skinny bastards
Mon. Max effort upper
Tue. max effort lower
Wed. Off
Thur. Rep-Upper
Fri. Dynamic lower

Using the program smartly you’ll make massive strength gains.

Afer focusing on strength fully, I’d add sprints and your position specific drills as well.

So 3 lifting days:
Max effort Upper
Max effort lower

And then fit the sprints,agility and drills in 2 times a week.
After concentrating on strength and speed for a 3-4 weeks, as well as slowly getting back into your own drills.
I would later add in some conditioning.


x2 -a tested and true approach