Comeon Joe, don’t you know that gunning your lats, really gunning them is the true key to hyougeness?!
I suggest including 2 true lat work days and squeezing in some bonus lat work when you have time.
A. Chest supported dumbbell rowing (lying chest down on an incline bench). Keep your back arched and your elbows close to your body at all times. Pull the bells in line with the hips, not the shoulders or sternum. Hold the upper peak position for 2 seconds per rep.
5 sets of 5 reps
B. Lat pulldown, pull-up style. The biggest reason why pull ups are superior to lat pulldowns is the line of pull: during a pull-up your forearms stay perpendicular to the floor at all times. This really focuses the work on the lats (hence gunning them).
Since hyouge guys like you might have problems doing enough pull-ups I suggest a modified lat pulldown. You will basically be doing a regular lat pulldown (palms facing forward, moderate width). But instead of pulling the bar down and toward our body you will only pull it downward, focusing (and this is the important part) on keeping the forearms perpendicular to the floor at all times.
Basically you want your wrist and elbow joints to ALWAYS stay aligned directly below the bar. You will also want to keep the bar 6-8 inches away from your body and your torso perfectly upward (no backward bending). Also, keep your lower back tightly arched.
4 sets of 6-8 reps
Triple set
A1. Pulldown with the parallel handle (respecting the same guidelines as the preceding description) 10-12 reps
A2. Pulldown hold (same handle as A1. but lower the weight). Hold the peak contraction for 30-45 seconds
A3. Pull-up stretch. Attach yourself to the chin-up bar and let yourself hang down for as long as its tolerable (aim for 1 minute… if you can handle more, add weight)
[quote]Joebob wrote:
My Dearest CT,
To make a short story long today after training, one of my partners told me I was getting hyooge, but I have no lats. Could you possibly lay out a twice a week lat specialization program I can do on my ME and DE lower body days? I do so much pressing on my ME and DE upper days I have no time to squeeze in lat training so I do it on my lower days.
My traps and rear delts are over developed compared to my lats and they take over on my lat exercises. I am gonna cut out trap work and cut my rear delt volume in half. If you could help me out I would be a happy camper.
Love always, Joe