Premature Graying

I’m 20 fucking years old and these rogue strands of hair are invading my head. My options? I could use a men’s hair color, but I bet it’d be a pain in the ass. I’m not going to get highlights, not because it’s “gay,” simply my preference. I’m not sure if I’d look good with a shaved head either. Don’t you have to be a big dude like Cupcake or Goldberg to pull that off?

Hey man, I’m 21 and I have 2 gray spots. I’m engaged, so one of them is the “Suzanne Spot” because she caused it. The other one just started popping up. It happens bro - be a man and suck it up :slight_smile:

Check out my thread in the DP.


Just took a look. I sympathize with thee, pooh. That’s funny as hell that we both posted about this in the last 3 days.

Isn’t their a radio infomercial about this, some growth hormone releaser??

Ahh shave your head. I actually thought I’d look funny with a shaved head, but I was wrong.

Chicks seem to dig it.

CMC and poohbaya, at least your hair is changing color, not falling out. IN order to understand what I’m saying, you have to have your hair fall out or at least some of it. Greying hair is annoying, disappearing hair is just not right. Why does it have to do that? Why don’t you lose hair off your ass, instead? I could live with bald genitals. A bald head is another matter.

As a chick, I dig shaved heads. I also dig guys who can wear the “salt and pepper” look. Very very sexy and if you aren’t embarrassed by it, even better!! There isn’t anything wrong with balding either. Guys don’t seem to understand, but us women aren’t looking at your heads on your neck :slight_smile: We like the brains baby.


You big LIAR!


Chris, it helps to be a big dude but you never know until you try it, the first time is a bitch because you have no idea what it’s gonna look like until it is too late. I recommend the following:

Using you fingertips, search for any strange lumps, divots or lobotomy scars.


Shave your head using clippers to get it “real short” then a new razor to clean it up.

Admire your new dome.

Do not lose heart because it is all pasty and cadaverous looking…that goes away in about a week or so.

If you look lousy with the shaved head prepare a “I did it for Charity” story.

Find a cool hat.

Smaller guys do not end up so mean looking which is a good thing as people tend to be intimidated easily, even by a guy who’s a…uh…Cupcake underneath…

Fucking Pussies.

“We can lie in the language of dress or try to tell the truth; but unless we are naked and bald, it is impossible to be silent”

~ Alison Lurie

Simply keeping your hair short or in a brush cut will make the gray less noticeable. When I let my hair grow longer than an inch or so the gray is quite noticeable. When I keep it really short it’s less so. Personally I don’t care either way, but I could see it being a concern if I was only 20yrs old.

At least your not going bald. It’s one thing to choose to shave your head, it’s a whole other story not having a choice.

Myself and CGB aren’t huge dudes and we sport it bald. It looks good just like GCB’s girl will attest to. You got to look good naked though to pull it off being not so gigantic guys. I personally think it looks real clean and professional. It fucking sucks having to shave 3-4 times a week to avoid looking like a bum though. Also, just like CGB said, grey ain’t shit compared to your hair falling out.

Isn’t there a shampoo that colors your hair? How does Grecian formula work?

My brother started turning grey in high school. Never colored it, never wanted to. Personally I think I would color mine. I got a few popping up in my goatee, which I am planning on chopping off as soon as I get my six-pack.

Are you juicing? I always get grey hairs while on, and I know I am not the only one.

I will second what CGB’s girl said…it isn’t what is on top of your head that matters to a woman, it is what is inside it. Unless of course you are doing a comb over or a mullet. Either of those looks just won’t cut it.

Gray, shaved or short buzz, all are great on a true T-Man.

Looking good naked doesn’t hurt, same goes for being able to lift heavy things.

I sencond Big Dave…

Also, didn’t you have a big surgery or a serious injury that had you bed ridden? That may also be the culprit… I found the following blurb on Yahoo

When our bodies are functioning well, cells in our hair follicles called melanocytes generate pigments – the chief one being melanin. When the melanocytes stop producing these pigments, we sprout a transparent hair, which appears as an unsightly gray due to the color of the dead cells that comprise the strand.

Why does this happen? The most common reason is heredity; premature gray hair is yet another thing we can blame on our parents. But there are also several medical conditions characterized by graying of the hair. A B-12 deficiency, a thyroid imbalance, and anemia can all cause premature gray hair. And if you needed yet another reason to quit smoking, there is new evidence that smokers are four times more likely to go gray at a young age.

The common belief that psychological shock or trauma can turn hair gray overnight is cause for a fair amount of controversy. While some people claim such an occurrence, many scientists question the actual time frame involved.

Hope it helps…


I prefer guys with hair…but NOT long hair. Colors don’t matter much unless it’s something weird like purple or green.

I have something of a fascination with the bald headed deal. I find it incredibly sexy. Maybe because it causes the head to resemble a massive phallus…

karma, you are the living end.

RS, I remember back before I started working out thinking to myself, "Craig, your hair is falling out. You are going to look awfully silly being tall, bald and scrawny. Three years later I’m tall, bald and not as scrawny, but still a few pounds away from looking good being bald. I’m up 40 pounds. Maybe another 40 will do it :slight_smile: