PPL 6 Days/Wk, Mixing Reps/Weight

Any merit in running a 6 day PPL and having 3 PPL days geared towards pursuing a higher 1rm and 3 PPL days geared towards higher reps/hypertrophy style training?

Or is this dumb and would just be a lot of wheel sprinning

Higher 1 rep maxes, like getting stronger in low rep ranges on DB presses and rows?

Or pursuing higher 1 rep maxes like getting ready for a powerlifting competition?

I think so, especially if youā€™re a 2A as youā€™ll be dedicating first half of the week to training like a 1A and second half like a 2B.

No, that can be a really good, fun way to train.

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Although I have zero interest in competing, I was talking more towards conventional barbell moves. Or, Atleast ā€œbigā€ exercises. OHP, dead, bench (incline or flat), squat etc.

Iā€™m more like a 3add

Kinda what Iā€™m thinking. You could have two goals and make progress on both sides, strength and size. Which I know arenā€™t mutually exclusive, I just meant strength in the sense of setting lower rep PRā€™s

I tried this years ago back when I thought I knew more than I did and burned out in like 3 weeks. YMMV but Iā€™ve never thought of going back to that approach.

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Post up a sample week.

I havenā€™t come up with anything yet. Figure a strength day would be main movement, then 1-2 supplemental lifts. Pump day would be accessories and maybe 1 heavy semi close to main lift thing, like DB bench for bench work on pump day. Idk. Havenā€™t thought tooooo into it because I didnā€™t know if it was dumb.

A pitfall I can think of is having too much time between similar styles of workouts. Like if you do Mon-Sat, after your wed workout you wonā€™t be hitting higher loads again until the following mon. 3 straight days of strength focus could be draining pretty fast. Maybe go:

Push heavy
Pull pump
Legs heavy
Push pump
Pull heavy
Legs pump


That sounds pretty good :man_shrugging: Fwiw, I wasnā€™t implying keeping the strength and pump work together was what I was going to do. I honestly didnā€™t even know where to begin on thinking of order. So, thanks for the sample! It definitely passes the makes sense check for me lol

Ha, youā€™re right. Not sure why I made that assumption.

No need to apologize man, it was a solid post, that to my beginner eye seems like a solid idea

Age? Easy or hard job/studentEtc?

ā€¦basically 21 and ready to eat big, then fine. 30+ not so much.

My knee jerk would say do something like this below, 2 on 1 off. The ā€˜freeā€™ day hit your weak points for very high repsā€¦

Why not 30+? Iā€™m 33 and love running PPL 6 day split.

28 on TRT will blast, extremely physical job, already workout 6-7 days a week with unplanned off days here and there due to work/life.

I skimmed the article, Iā€™ll have to wait till I can sit down and read it.

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Heā€™s just too old to remember what young feels like :blush:

(Just joking of course)

I was spitballing with a similar idea a while back

Day 1 push heavy
Day 2 pull reps
Day 3 legs heavy
Day 4 push reps
Day 5 pull heavy
Day 6 legs reps

Heavy day my plan was 3 exercises only
Rep day was for balance and weak points. Heavy days geared at BB and DB, rep days geared towards machines, dbs, bodyweight but no barbells


Shit I thought you were 40 son

That sounds awesome!

As to the 40ā€¦ Iā€™m 28. Almost 29. I was burned out on drugs (no real hard stuff) and alcohol before i got out of high school, and Iā€™ve held a full time job in manual labor since 17, and Iā€™ve never ever worked 40 hours a week :joy:. So thatā€™s my excuse for looking 40

Iā€™m pretty sure it was gonna be (for example)

Heavy push

  1. OHP 2x warm up, 1x rest pause heavy
  2. Incline bench 350 method
  3. Weighted dips 3x10-12

Heavy pull

  1. Block pulls rest pause
  2. Barbell row 350 method
    3 weighted chins 3x10-12

Heavy legs

  1. Box squat rest pause
  2. Rdl 350 method
  3. Calf raises

Rep days could be whatever, just get a pump and go home, almost like an active recovery day to promote blood flow

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