Hey all, just looking for some feedback on a new training program I’m about to put in motion. I’m in the Army, so I’m forced to work around that and I’d like some more experienced lifters to look at it.
I’m currently looking to gain strength and muscle, while keeping fat loss at a minimum, eating around 4400 calories a day at 194 pounds, 19 years old and about 18% BF. Estimated lifts are a 320Bench, 430DL, and a 390 Squat. Not where I want to be, but I’m making improvement. Also, I’m in Korea so some things may be fairly difficult to get a hold of. However, I do have a respectable gym to work with.
We run almost every weekday morning(3-5miles), and when we don’t it’s bodyweight exercises/circuits. I’m currently doing 5/3/1, with about 4-5 assistance exercises after the “main lift” for that day. Monday is Bench/Back, Tuesday is Deadlift and posterior chain, Thursday is Mil press, shoulders and arms, and then Friday is Squat. Core work is thrown in whenever, however I don’t have a set plan for core so any help would be greatly appreciated.
And lastly is conditioning work. On top of the Army PT conditioning, on Wednesdays I’m planning on doing hill sprints, Saturday is a two mile run with resistance(56in. parachute), and then Sunday is a ruck run(35lb pack on your back and jog 6-8 miles)
Writing it down it seems like quite a bit of work with not much time for rest, but the mornings aren’t that high intensity and don’t bother my workouts much. Again, I appreciate whatever advice you can give