Powerlifting/Hardcore Gyms in NY

Hey, I posted this in a few sections, but maybe there are some members who can help me out who don’t check all the forum sections…

Hey guys. I’m new to this site, and I was just wondering if any of you from the NY area know of gyms/trainers/strength coaches who could put me through hardcore, underground-type strength training and powerlifting? I have been doing the lifts myself for a few years but I want to master my technique and eventually try to compete in the distant future. It would be great if I could work with someone a couple of days a week to master my form. I live in Queens, NY and I could travel to Long Island or any of the other boroughs to do it. The only places I could find are in NJ (DeFranco’s and Renegade) and are a bit impractical for me to get to…so if anyone knows of places/people that offer that type of training in NY, please let me know. Thanks.