Generally I like the pics on the Images deal. However the article about Gironda brought something to my veteran brain.
What about a few pics of powerlifters, or Olympic lifters, or even Strongman competitors? You had Platz, Coleman, Reg Park also some damn gorgeous young women.
How about Doug Young in his lifting, or Kono lifting.
Hey Goggins rock bottoming the first 1100 lb squat in history and successful. Or Gillingham pulling 858 at National Masters. These are also Powerful Images.
eh…I kind of enjoy looking at hot, nearly naked, sweaty young women…But that might be just me…
I think it was mentioned by maybe TC or Tim or someone a few months ago that they would gladly put up a powerful image of a powerlifter or some such, but the image dimensions along the left column (the vertical rectangle) do not allow for most power lifting pictures (since power lifting involves a horizontal bar, thus a horizontal image)unless shrunk to fit, in which case the image is too small to be efective.
But they did mention if you could find an image that “fits” then they would most certainly consider it.
[quote]lostinthought wrote:
eh…I kind of enjoy looking at hot, nearly naked, sweaty young women…But that might be just me…[/quote]
I am with lostinthought
[quote]JohnnyNinja wrote:
I think it was mentioned by maybe TC or Tim or someone a few months ago that they would gladly put up a powerful image of a powerlifter or some such, but the image dimensions along the left column (the vertical rectangle) do not allow for most power lifting pictures (since power lifting involves a horizontal bar, thus a horizontal image)unless shrunk to fit, in which case the image is too small to be efective.
But they did mention if you could find an image that “fits” then they would most certainly consider it.[/quote]
I used to have an image of Kazmaier that might work (fried computer = lost image) It was Kaz seen from behind at a Highland Games comp.- Monstrous back with tons of detail - Has anyone seen this image?