Hello. I wanted to post a Power clean video to get critique on my form. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Looks fine to me for a power clean. Of course, if you are trying to train the clean for competitive weightlifting, you’ll want to learn to catch the bar in a full front squat after the second pull.
Hard to tell but most likely start position hips too high and stance too close. The bar is wiggly and so are you before you pull. Feels like your initiating the explosion too early so that in result you jump forward
Do the catch drill often
You have good speed at the top, that can’t be taught. A couple of things:
It looks as though you might be bending your arms too soon, around mid thigh. Difficult to tell from the side. Arms are the last to be used in the pull.
Start with your hips lower. Keep your back angle at around 45 degrees from floor to knee. Hips hips and early arm bend prevent you from getting proper extension into the finish pull. Due to this, the bar is moving forward in front and you jump forward to shoulder the bar. If anything, you should be jumping slightly back.
Dude you look like daniel kaluuya