If you’re close with your gp or even on moderately decent terms just have their phlebotomist draw out 250 ml every month or two. It will do the trick just fine. We do it in our office for our patients with high H & H
I’ve gotten all my bloods done for the doc, I’m going to take NPP at 40 mg eod alongside my trt for a short period of time (say 5-6 weeksish), I would start with a lower dose however I want to be on for the shortest period of time possible to see if it works instead of being on a lower dose for a prolonged period of time, if I don’t notice any improvement then that concludes the end of my ‘experimentation’, if I do notice improvement I’ll lower the dose to say 50mgs pw or less. IF, in some very unlikely circumstance I die from a fatal arrhythmia, stoke, or get randomly hit by a bus or something depressing like that (I tend to have bad luck health wise) I shall be constantly be carrying a note with my username and password to this site with instructions for someone related to me to update my status.
So, nearly time for my next set of bloods, recently I’ve been just using my 110mg/wk (109.5mg precisely), although the other day I ran out and had to go longer without (I injected 10mg of TNE on the days I had to go past injection deadline)…
I feel… awful, fatigue, lethargy, irritability etc, my anxiety is acting up a bit and I’m wondering if maybe I have something wrong other than the testosterone, but then I realized I’m spending the majority of the week with a TT in the 3-400’s
Depending on how much time I have to myself after my next appointment I’ll be running my first cycle after next appointment, dosage will be determined based off the testosterone levels from my next bloods, I want a level between 1700-1900ng/dl, this will probably take anywhere between 250-500mg/wk to achieve. I’ll be creating a separate log with pics and stuff (obviously not showing my face), this way people can either comment or flame on me due to my age, either is fine, however I don’t respond to derogatory comments or immature insults without merit
Edit: I just changed my profile pic to a pic of myself, it’s this is a bodybuilding forum so I think it’s ok
Lookin’ good my man. Keep rolling the updates and don’t let that anxiety creep in too far. You’ve got an outlet here if you ever need to blow off some steam or need some encouragement.
@unreal24278 nice man! You’ve come such a long way with horrendous circumstances! Keep killing it and remember it’s a marathon not a sprint!
@unreal24278 you mentioned that you can’t discuss things with doctors. I’ve been told that it’s actually illegal or against the rules to advise patients on steroid use in Australia.
Going back up the thread, testosterone enanthate (Primoteston Depot) isn’t too expensive, but Sustanon is. (I don’t know what black market prices are like in comparison.) I agree that the needles that come in the kit could also be used to hunt whales, but you can get a box of a hundred from somewhere like Medshop for $5 or $6, and you don’t need a prescription to buy them.
Lastly, a couple of the Aussies in the TRT forum are being looked after Dr Zentner. He’s based in Perth, but does clinics in Sydney and Melbourne once a month. I’d suggest going to see him.
Dr Z generally looks after people’s hormones, and doesn’t operate out of an anti-aging clinic. I’d get in touch with the Point Walter Medical Centre, and see if you can set something up.
Can’t really comment on anything else, other than it sounds like you’ve had a rough run with your health.
Sadly, this post is 6 years old, but I see you complain about joint and muscle pain, lethargy, and then mention that your estrogen is undetectable. THAT’S why you feel that way. You need some estrogen. Whenever I tank my estrogen, I get the exact same problems. NPP is great for building muscle, and deca is great for joints, but if your estrogen is tanked, you need to fix that, first. I realize that you were trying to keep your growth plates from closing, but low estrogen is why you feel like crap. I’m currently cruising at 80mg npp and 75mg test e twice a week, btw, and am loving it. I seem to aromatize quite a bit, so I first tried 100mg npp and 50mg test e twice a week, which leaned out my face well (and deflated my muscles), but my mood wasn’t the best. Zero sex drive. Now, on this balance, mood and sex drive are great, and muscles are full.
Why bring this back up? The OP is not complaining of symptoms anymore so i’d imagine he got it sorted?
Maybe because people like myself come across this post in which no one diagnosed his problem properly. I was researching muscle growth on npp vs test e.