As my doctor should be letting go of frequent blood tests soon (or I may be letting go of the doctor), I believe it is around time I legitimately think about what I want to do with my treatment with regards to anabolic steroids. I am on TRT. my natural testosterone level was 1052ng/dl, before dropping to the mid 200’s. the cause of my hypogonadism is primary (elevated LH and FSH even on test), possibly caused by testicular trauma. My plan is to take 200mgs of test C per week (100mg e3.5 days), accompanied by 100mg nandrolone weekly (50mg e3.5 days), however I may start with NPP at an equal or higher dose to see how I respond to nandrolone
The nandrolone isn’t a permanent thing, I’m well aware of the cardiac complications that nandrolone will likely cause, however I suffer from what I would call nagging, sometimes fairly severe, irritating joint pain at and I am curious to see if it helps as I would rather chronic nandrolone administration than a lifetime of pain medication. if the nandrolone truly does help, I will consider running it permanently, as I believe a shortened lifespan with a better quality of life is better than a lifetime of pain.
I am aware 300mgs weekly is bloody high for a cruise dose, I could drop my T dosage and do a 50/50 split of test/deca (100/100) however my goal is to get my TT back up to where it used to be.
I can exercise despite my joint pain, I lift weights (not more than 75% on 1rm though, and I tend to focus on contracting muscles and getting a pump and I use damn near perfect form.) I partake in cardiovascular exercise via running, swimming and ellipticals a few times per week. I am hoping to gain some of my muscle mass back that I’ve lost (6-8kg) due to prolonged hypogonadism.
I believe I can get away with this cruise without an AI as my E2 has been at undetectable levels ever since I’ve been on and stopped using Arimidex at 1mg daily for two years to stop premature closure of my growth plates, this includes my recent TRT blood tests, all but one test had my E2 below detectable levels. My cholesterol is good, HDL, LDL ratio is 2.7, my blood pressure is in hypotensive ranges 90/60, sometimes lower (I take a blood pressure lowering medication for anxiety and it causes hypotension). The only issue is my haematocrit, which naturally hovers around 50 percent and my RBC count is high, I will be getting blood drawn regularly (as in say a pint every ten week or so) and I take a baby aspirin every day. I will obviously have caber on hand. My diet is pretty good because it must be, I get an upset stomach when I eat sugary foods therefore I tend to stay away from sweet/sugary food (I also have mild fructose intolerance). Furthermore, I don’t use drugs (rarely drink and when I do, I don’t get drunk
I’m going to update when I begin said cruise soooooooo let’s say this thread might be randomly bumped in the next 6-12weeks by my update. I’d use hcg but both my parents had fertility issues and I have what appears to be primary hypogonadism as my LH and FSH are elevated despite being on TRT for six months therefore I somehow doubt there is any fertility to save, which is a mildly depressing thing to figure out at my age but you gotta deal with the cards life deals you, even when some of them are really shitty cards.