Greetings friends… (Sorry I bumped my own thread, but the title was misleading…)
For my TN friends and others of you that may have read some prior posts, I am still recovering from a fairly significant automobile accident 8 months ago that left me with two crushed femurs… plated and screwed back together…
I started working out again in February and restarted my AAS (which by the way I attribute to my quick healing)… I mean having been “on” for the prior 18 months.
Here’s my question:
I lost serious weight and strength… down from 209 at the most to 145lbs… now settling in at about 160
I want to get back to about 185 and lean… I unfortunately am still a little soft from inactivity and some atrophy…
I have stacked 800mgs of test cyp. 400mg of Primo and 200mg of Mast in the past with good results… I also included GH at 5iu/day 5 days on, 2 off. Unfortunately my GH source is no longer able to supply… (ughhhhhhh, I love the GH… !) but I have access to most other inj. AAS.
I am going to restart the test cyp at 800 (400e3d) and wanted to know what I can stack with it to grow fast… I know this is asking a lot without the GH, but I want to grow fast, big and lean… Imagine one of us wanting that… lol… so any suggestions as to what I should stack with my test would be greatly appreciated…
Also, as far as diet and supps go… any thoughts on a nice cleaner but protein packed diet? I use CoQ-10, R-ALA, Arginine, and 5 grams of fish oil each morning and ZMA and a Nolva supp at night with another 5g of fish oil… I also take metformin twice daily. My diet sucks right now and I just can’t figure out what’s best for my goal…
Glad to be back… missed you guys… hope all is well…
… and thanks in advance for any advice!