Post Injury Stack Help

Greetings friends… (Sorry I bumped my own thread, but the title was misleading…)

For my TN friends and others of you that may have read some prior posts, I am still recovering from a fairly significant automobile accident 8 months ago that left me with two crushed femurs… plated and screwed back together…

I started working out again in February and restarted my AAS (which by the way I attribute to my quick healing)… I mean having been “on” for the prior 18 months.

Here’s my question:

I lost serious weight and strength… down from 209 at the most to 145lbs… now settling in at about 160 :frowning:

I want to get back to about 185 and lean… I unfortunately am still a little soft from inactivity and some atrophy…

I have stacked 800mgs of test cyp. 400mg of Primo and 200mg of Mast in the past with good results… I also included GH at 5iu/day 5 days on, 2 off. Unfortunately my GH source is no longer able to supply… (ughhhhhhh, I love the GH… !) but I have access to most other inj. AAS.

I am going to restart the test cyp at 800 (400e3d) and wanted to know what I can stack with it to grow fast… I know this is asking a lot without the GH, but I want to grow fast, big and lean… Imagine one of us wanting that… lol… so any suggestions as to what I should stack with my test would be greatly appreciated…

Also, as far as diet and supps go… any thoughts on a nice cleaner but protein packed diet? I use CoQ-10, R-ALA, Arginine, and 5 grams of fish oil each morning and ZMA and a Nolva supp at night with another 5g of fish oil… I also take metformin twice daily. My diet sucks right now and I just can’t figure out what’s best for my goal…

Glad to be back… missed you guys… hope all is well…
… and thanks in advance for any advice!



Hate to bump my own thread… but “is there anybody out there”?

800mg test and 400mg deca and 350mg dbol.

800mg test and 525mg tren and 350mg dbol.


I would say these are great for size… probably the deca is better for size… exchange in drol if wanted, place your own pct and ancillaries here—>…
seemed that all you asked was what to stack test with for the best and fastest gains…
10-12 weeks of this and you should have done the majority of the work due to muscle memory.


Thanks JJ…

I was leaning toward tren or deca… more to tren… trying to lessen the bloat of test… I do use A’dex but seems like tren in the past has bloated me less…

As for the dbol… I assume that is an oral and I won’t do them… your thoughts on another injectible or upping the tren or deca instead of adding a third?

In any event, I am thankful that you responded and appreciate the advice!



[quote]Time2Jet wrote:
Thanks JJ…

I was leaning toward tren or deca… more to tren… trying to lessen the bloat of test… I do use A’dex but seems like tren in the past has bloated me less…

As for the dbol… I assume that is an oral and I won’t do them… your thoughts on another injectible or upping the tren or deca instead of adding a third?

In any event, I am thankful that you responded and appreciate the advice!



OK… well tren will definitely give less water than Deca… so tren it is.
Adex throughout… fine.
As for the dbol, it was an idea as a kickstart… BUT. If you used propionate instead of Enan/Cyp then you would not need a kick as the Acetate and prop would begin working the first week with results soon after… plus there will be less water - and if a nice high dose of prop and 60% that in Tren, you would have a great “clean” bulk cycle… i wasnt aware you wanted to watch bloat.

So maybe;

Wk1-10 Prop 100mg ED (700mg)
Wk1-8 TrenA 75mg ED (525mg)

OR a lighter one:

Wk1-10 Prop 75mg ED (525mg)
Wk1-8 TrenA 50mg ED (350mg)

Or if you wanted a long ester of test you could frontload/kick with prop:

Wk1-5 Prop 40mg ED (300mg)
Wk1-12 Test 650mg [or 10weeks@800 IF you REALLY want;p]
Wk1-8 Tren 350mg [or if ran with 800mg T - upto 525mg of tren]

If no third drug is wanted, or if you just want tren and cyp/enan, then the tren will give a nice kick start anyway as long as you use the Acetate over the Enanthate ester.


Thanks Bushy & JJ…

The base of my stack shall be cyp. just because I have a script for it. (enough to use 1000mg/wk in the stack).

Like I mentioned… I have access to all of the inj except GH… :frowning: and may even consider a dbol kicker with a course of milk thistle… (i am 48 and worry about the liver a lot)…

I have been reading up on tren/ace but seems that bushy prefers the deca? I had deca dick on a very short stack once upon a time and it turned me off… (a course of cialis from a friend solved one aspect of it)… If it is tren I will try to get the acetate ester

the eating is also a hard part… it’s like I forgot everything I learned… What is a good diet for lean fast mass? I dont mean that you have to prepare a daily meal plan… but just some foods or a general diet name?

As far as the growth goes… I might have to lower myself (raise my expenses) and go to a local clinic… which sucks… but not easy to get my hands on lately… just to control the lean part of the lean mass desire…

In any event, thanks for the advice to date and I will try to find out what ester the tren is available to me in before making a decision… (which might be the decision maker)…

peace to all,

Jet :slight_smile:

Tren is as likely, if not more likely to cause deca/tren dick. Is is a progestin too.
Acetate ester makes for an easier life though IMO.

The cialis wont do shit if there is no libido to work with.

Food wise - high protein, and i tend to choose high carb, moderate to low fat.
Some other bodytypes need low/moderate carbs and high protein and high fat.

i find the ecto and ecto-mesomorphs tend to need large amounts of carbs for bulking (maybe slin will work better for these individuals too on a side note…)

It depends on your ability to get fat, and what carbs do to your waistline.

But the general consensus is high calorie (20kcals/lb bodyweight) and high protein 1-1.5g/lb LBM and then the carbs (low GI and complex) and fats (Omegas 3,6 and 9) are interchangeable.

The avoidance of mixing carbs and fat is necessary for lean gains, as is the choice of carbohydrate and fat source. More insulin means more POTENTIAL fat gain, keep insulin low, calories and protein high… lean gains will follow.

Obviously make use of the post workout window which is suggested these days to be 15mins from the last repetition… get in some simple carbs and whey which will raise the insulin and force the glucose and aminos to the area that needs it - the muscles, do this before changing or preening over you awesome guns… I do that a little later.



[quote] JJ wrote:
Tren is as likely, if not more likely to cause deca/tren dick. Is is a progestin too.
Acetate ester makes for an easier life though IMO.

The cialis wont do shit if there is no libido to work with.

Food wise - high protein, and i tend to choose high carb, moderate to low fat.
Some other bodytypes need low/moderate carbs and high protein and high fat.

i find the ecto and ecto-mesomorphs tend to need large amounts of carbs for bulking (maybe slin will work better for these individuals too on a side note…)

It depends on your ability to get fat, and what carbs do to your waistline.

But the general consensus is high calorie (20kcals/lb bodyweight) and high protein 1-1.5g/lb LBM and then the carbs (low GI and complex) and fats (Omegas 3,6 and 9) are interchangeable.

The avoidance of mixing carbs and fat is necessary for lean gains, as is the choice of carbohydrate and fat source. More insulin means more POTENTIAL fat gain, keep insulin low, calories and protein high… lean gains will follow.

Obviously make use of the post workout window which is suggested these days to be 15mins from the last repetition… get in some simple carbs and whey which will raise the insulin and force the glucose and aminos to the area that needs it - the muscles, do this before changing or preening over you awesome guns… I do that a little later.



Awaiting my Tren Ace & Deca today… GH also :wink:

I do tend to store fat at the waist when I store any… not a “pot” belly per se, but that’s where it goes… and quickly… I do believe it is carbs that do it in my case… also take Metformin 1/2 ea. am/pm

I feel great on low carb, high protein, low fat (supplemented with Omega’s)… but I have such a hard time eating these days…

I have a hard time with my arms… I have longer arms and the thing is… my elbows always look “skinny” even with a bicep and tricep pump… any thoughts on a particular exercise?

I will report back once I have my new gear in hand…

Take care JJ, thanks for the advice…

Jet :slight_smile:

[quote]Time2Jet wrote:
JJ wrote:
Tren is as likely, if not more likely to cause deca/tren dick. Is is a progestin too.
Acetate ester makes for an easier life though IMO.

The cialis wont do shit if there is no libido to work with.

Food wise - high protein, and i tend to choose high carb, moderate to low fat.
Some other bodytypes need low/moderate carbs and high protein and high fat.

i find the ecto and ecto-mesomorphs tend to need large amounts of carbs for bulking (maybe slin will work better for these individuals too on a side note…)

It depends on your ability to get fat, and what carbs do to your waistline.

But the general consensus is high calorie (20kcals/lb bodyweight) and high protein 1-1.5g/lb LBM and then the carbs (low GI and complex) and fats (Omegas 3,6 and 9) are interchangeable.

The avoidance of mixing carbs and fat is necessary for lean gains, as is the choice of carbohydrate and fat source. More insulin means more POTENTIAL fat gain, keep insulin low, calories and protein high… lean gains will follow.

Obviously make use of the post workout window which is suggested these days to be 15mins from the last repetition… get in some simple carbs and whey which will raise the insulin and force the glucose and aminos to the area that needs it - the muscles, do this before changing or preening over you awesome guns… I do that a little later.



Awaiting my Tren Ace & Deca today… GH also :wink:

I do tend to store fat at the waist when I store any… not a “pot” belly per se, but that’s where it goes… and quickly… I do believe it is carbs that do it in my case… also take Metformin 1/2 ea. am/pm

I feel great on low carb, high protein, low fat (supplemented with Omega’s)… but I have such a hard time eating these days…

I have a hard time with my arms… I have longer arms and the thing is… my elbows always look “skinny” even with a bicep and tricep pump… any thoughts on a particular exercise?

I will report back once I have my new gear in hand…

Take care JJ, thanks for the advice…

Jet :slight_smile:

I think i know where you mean - the bony process on the ulna border of the elbow - on the underside?

I had the same problem, and TBH, it was the general weight gain that helped, but a few exercises that will work specifically for that area - you are looking to work the Medial head of tricep… so kickbacks, barbell french, db french, rope pressdowns… but truthfully, general weight gain, big exercises… pulls, squats, Rows, presses then plenty of arm extension and flexion for that specific area. Hell, my workouts are STILL based around this basic plan!

Sadly, as with all these things, there is no quick fix other than working the general area, eating plenty and trying to get a little extra localised growth along with the systemic hypertrophy.

Bodybuilding. lol

Hope that helps a little

[quote] JJ wrote:
Time2Jet wrote:
JJ wrote:
Tren is as likely, if not more likely to cause deca/tren dick. Is is a progestin too.
Acetate ester makes for an easier life though IMO.

The cialis wont do shit if there is no libido to work with.

Food wise - high protein, and i tend to choose high carb, moderate to low fat.
Some other bodytypes need low/moderate carbs and high protein and high fat.

i find the ecto and ecto-mesomorphs tend to need large amounts of carbs for bulking (maybe slin will work better for these individuals too on a side note…)

It depends on your ability to get fat, and what carbs do to your waistline.

But the general consensus is high calorie (20kcals/lb bodyweight) and high protein 1-1.5g/lb LBM and then the carbs (low GI and complex) and fats (Omegas 3,6 and 9) are interchangeable.

The avoidance of mixing carbs and fat is necessary for lean gains, as is the choice of carbohydrate and fat source. More insulin means more POTENTIAL fat gain, keep insulin low, calories and protein high… lean gains will follow.

Obviously make use of the post workout window which is suggested these days to be 15mins from the last repetition… get in some simple carbs and whey which will raise the insulin and force the glucose and aminos to the area that needs it - the muscles, do this before changing or preening over you awesome guns… I do that a little later.



Awaiting my Tren Ace & Deca today… GH also :wink:

I do tend to store fat at the waist when I store any… not a “pot” belly per se, but that’s where it goes… and quickly… I do believe it is carbs that do it in my case… also take Metformin 1/2 ea. am/pm

I feel great on low carb, high protein, low fat (supplemented with Omega’s)… but I have such a hard time eating these days…

I have a hard time with my arms… I have longer arms and the thing is… my elbows always look “skinny” even with a bicep and tricep pump… any thoughts on a particular exercise?

I will report back once I have my new gear in hand…

Take care JJ, thanks for the advice…

Jet :slight_smile:

I think i know where you mean - the bony process on the ulna border of the elbow - on the underside?

I had the same problem, and TBH, it was the general weight gain that helped, but a few exercises that will work specifically for that area - you are looking to work the Medial head of tricep…

So kickbacks, barbell french, db french, rope pressdowns… but truthfully, general weight gain, big exercises… pulls, squats, Rows, presses then plenty of arm extension and flexion for that specific area. Hell, my workouts are STILL based around this basic plan!

Sadly, as with all these things, there is no quick fix other than working the general area, eating plenty and trying to get a little extra localised growth along with the systemic hypertrophy.

Bodybuilding. lol

Hope that helps a little[/quote]

actually jj… it’s the folds on the outside of my elbow… and yes, it has to be a matter of just filling out from gains… not only muscle… I lost a boatload of weight recently… :frowning:

OH… in that case recerse curls and hmmer curls will do that justice as well as pronated rowing, and the rest of good stuff…!