Portland, Oregon Gyms?

Anyone know of any good gyms in the Portland, OR area? I’m new to the area and looking for a more weightlifting oriented gym, just benches, power racks, etc. I’m not into the 24-Hour-Gym or Bally’s type places, I don’t need a juice bar and all that extra crap. I was lucky to have a great YMCA where I lived before so I may give that a shot here. Any advice is appreciated.

Hey- which area of Portland are you in? Nelson’s Nautilus is, in my opinion, the best arround here…no frills, serious people…very few fitness classes…not trendy…fairly cheap, has all the equipment you need. I’ve only been in two of thier locations (I think they have four or five), and everyone there was in great shape, training smart, plus it’s not overcrowded. Look em up.

Depends where you’re at in Portland. I’m in SE, and workout at CAC on 92nd and Stark.

In the NW, the best gym is 24 hour fitness - decks, racks, etc.

Not sure about the NE.

The Jungle Gym is also good, both in Sellwood and on Foster.

Thanks for the help, I’m in Tigard so I’ll check out the nearest ones.