Ok, so what am I getting at. I just think that our news system and even our country don’t get what matters. I always see “53 percent of Americans think this” and “49% think this” and blah, blah, blah. But are we really on the right path.
What I’m refering to mostly is the war on terror and the war in Iraq. It seems like the news and the country bases its success on polls and percentages rather than real accomplishments.
I’m not pointing at any party. They are both a bunch of lying pieces of shit. I hate both of them. The Republicans will blast the Dems for something and then do the same thing the next week, and the Democrats do the same thing.
[quote]DPH wrote:
KevinKovach wrote:
It seems like the news and the country bases its success on polls and percentages rather than real accomplishments.
I’m not pointing at any party. They are both a bunch of lying pieces of shit.
Obviously the status-quo brainwashers have failed with you…you’ll be picked shortly by the secret police for ‘re-education’.[/quote]
It does evidence a problem. We aren’t a direct democracy, but a democratic republic, and we should expect some leadership from our leaders.
However, that said, I think this is also from the media attempting to gin up storylines and sell papers. It’s much more easy to sponsor an opinion survey (you can even make biased questions if you want to!) than it is to do serious, investigative journalism.
Also, we’re probably seeing more and more stuff about polls now due to proximity to an election - the time when the opinions of (likely) voters matter more than ever.