[quote]atypical1 wrote:
Free your minds…
Typical Washington Smith machine lobbyists at work…
Move on.
[quote]atypical1 wrote:
Free your minds…
Typical Washington Smith machine lobbyists at work…
Move on.
[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
My gym invested in one of these units recently - a rope climbing machine.
I love chins, pull-ups and most bodyweight exercises in general, so I was excited to give it a try. Even on the hardest setting, it is still pretty easy.
It seems to be just collecting dust now…[/quote]
My gym has one of these too but it’s actually really awesome. It’s a counterbalanced weight stack, you set it to your weight minus w/e you want(the lower you set the stack, the more tension required) and sit on the seat, and then keep tension on the rope to keep the seat in the air. There’s also some arbitrary 1-7 setting that makes it harder/easier; I’m not sure how that part works only that it clearly does something. It’s got a few decent uses, I really like it.
Today a guy actually dragged a bench into the squat cage, then went and got some db’s and then sat on the bench and curled inside the squat cage !!.
wish i had my camera with me.
[quote]big nurse wrote:
Today a guy actually dragged a bench into the squat cage, then went and got some db’s and then sat on the bench and curled inside the squat cage !!.
wish i had my camera with me.[/quote]
It’s because of the gravitational/electromagnet effect that strengthens you when you surround yourself with all that steel.
It’s all explained in my SRC’s for Dummies book.
At first I read Star Trek machine. Then I read it. I’m pretty disappointed. A Star Trek machine would be awesome. I’m still waiting for someone the make a transporter and I thought your gym had one.