If you want the best and money is no option Strider Knives are the best knives on the market. They are a custom gig out in the san diego area and I know plenty of marines and seals that have sweared by them and carry them on a daily basis (including myself from there MK1 to the folders). They are operated by Mick Strider and Duane Dwyer who are prior military. The emersons are a second, his custom knives are a whole other ballgame though. I like the super-cqc7 and the super-cqc10. For Benchmade I like the axis locks primarly the axis 550.
Uhh, I’m I the only one reading this thread and wondering WTF? So let me get this straight- you’re carring a knife in case you ever have to, like… STAB someone?! I’m not being sarcastic- seriously, do you guys honestly find yourselves in situations where you think you might need to shank a guy for self-defense? I mean, I live in a neighborhood riddled with hardcore crackheads and hardened criminals, and I never feel unsafe. They see me everyday, I see them, and they know I’m not involved in their game. They’re actually quite friendly with me and often stop to pet my dogs.
Now if you’re carrying a knife to do things like gut a fish, cut twine, or make cool little wooden sculptures, sure- makes sense. But for self-defense? Really? Where do these supposed confrontations usually take place? Bars?
Maybe it’s an age thing. Guess I just don’t feel the need to ram my horns into the side of the mountain anymore.
Chris - Emerson makes some beautiful knives. I’ve been eyeing the Combat Kerambit for a while now, though I haven’t stepped up and bought one (yet). Does the smaller blade length still let the Wave feature do its thing for quick draws?
I’ve carried spydercos for years. My everyday knives are the spyderco Military (serrated) and the Native (plain). The thumb hole on the Native was too small for my taste, so I filed it open, leaving a little “Wave”-like hook. Works pretty well. Great knives, and the tips have never bent/broken.
Cold Steel rocks. For fixed blade, the mini culloden is awesome. Unbreakable, and the grip feels great. I don’t think they’re part of the regular lineup anymore, but you can still find them all over the 'net.
[quote]skutch wrote:
Uhh, I’m I the only one reading this thread and wondering WTF? So let me get this straight- you’re carring a knife in case you ever have to, like… STAB someone?! I’m not being sarcastic- seriously, do you guys honestly find yourselves in situations where you think you might need to shank a guy for self-defense? I mean, I live in a neighborhood riddled with hardcore crackheads and hardened criminals, and I never feel unsafe. They see me everyday, I see them, and they know I’m not involved in their game. They’re actually quite friendly with me and often stop to pet my dogs.
Now if you’re carrying a knife to do things like gut a fish, cut twine, or make cool little wooden sculptures, sure- makes sense. But for self-defense? Really? Where do these supposed confrontations usually take place? Bars?
Maybe it’s an age thing. Guess I just don’t feel the need to ram my horns into the side of the mountain anymore.[/quote]
That is a very strange post on your part my friend.
There are plenty of utility uses for folding knives, but if it comes down to it, yes they are quite effective for protecting yourself. As a cop, I would certainly hope everyone is responsible and mature when they choose to carry a weapon. If you fit that bill, it is not about bar fights or locking horns or whatever else you threw out there. It is about taking responsibility for the safety of you and your loved ones.
What would you do if one of those crackheads turned ugly on you? Submit? Posture? All possible valid responses, but they won’t always save your life if the bad guys intentions are really bad.
Maybe you are the one who needs to do a little introspection about this kind of thing before coming on here with an attack like that.
“It is better to have and not need than need and not have.”
[quote]nfisher wrote:
Chris - Emerson makes some beautiful knives. I’ve been eyeing the Combat Kerambit for a while now, though I haven’t stepped up and bought one (yet). Does the smaller blade length still let the Wave feature do its thing for quick draws?[/quote]
Yep, the Wave works great, standard or reverse grip. Takes a little getting used to the finger hole sticking out of your pocket though. Mine’s #101 out of the limited edition hand finished models that came out first. Very smooth.
I feel the same way. I have 4-5 Spydercos. I like the Native III but I prefer an exposed thumb hole.
Have you seen the Poliwog yet (pictured above)? Crazy looking thing, but it’s nice to see them getting risky with design. Spyderco pretty much invented the modern pocket knife: one hand opening, practical serrated edge, pocket clip. (Although Al Mar came up with some of that stuff before starting his own company, I think.)
Cold Steel rocks. For fixed blade, the mini culloden is awesome. Unbreakable, and the grip feels great. I don’t think they’re part of the regular lineup anymore, but you can still find them all over the 'net.[/quote]
Cold Steel has become, well, strange in the last few years. They dominated the 90’s, then they just, I don’t know, lost focus. Looks like they still make some good stuff though.
i’ve been carrying a crkt m-16z.
designed by kit carson but made in taiwan( in very very small letters) so minus the $400 price tag. the knife is kinda old skoool, bit heavy, bit bulky, but is really stiff and fits my hand very well. also keeps a good edge and performs every time- they named it m-16 but it’s really more of an AK if you ask me. solid torx screw construction all the way round -even the clip. finger flip action is really sweet and there’s an extra safety which is good peace of mind when you’re really gnawing through something. nice knife for 50 bucks.
[quote]JD430 wrote:
Try islandsecuritystore.com. I cant find better prices on blades(but would be happy to know if there is anyone out there that can beat them).[/quote]
Those are some good prices. I like Knife Center too, mainly for “window shopping.”
SOG Flash II. It’s an assisted open. Not as smooth and fast as some, but for about $50, a strong dependable tool that holds an edge. I actually prefer the non-serrated. Touching up the edge is simpler.
I carry it with a full sized HK USP.
[quote]Loose Tool wrote:
SOG Flash II. It’s an assisted open. Not as smooth and fast as some, but for about $50, a strong dependable tool that holds an edge. I actually prefer the non-serrated. Touching up the edge is simpler.
I carry it with a full sized HK USP.[/quote]
I’ve coveted the USP for quite some time. I carry a Performance Center SW 5906 which I love. Any thoughts on the smaller version of it?
I don’t buy into the concept of a smaller handgun. Smaller magazine capacity (8 vs. 12 rds) and smaller site radius, to me translates into a less effective weapon, tactically. Plus, if by chance, you run the weapon dry, and you don’t have a spare magazine you can more effectively smash someone upside the head. The 45 cal. full size USP is not a small gun, but I still have little trouble concealing it at 205 lbs.
I’m currently carrying the Micro-Tech Amphibian with an urban camo finish. I love this thing and have had it for about a year now. I rely on it everyday for something at my job. The company is out of Florida and makes a great knife.
I also have an Emerson CQC-7, that I have had for about six years now. I carry it sometimes but not as often as my Micro-Tech.
[quote]JD430 wrote:
skutch wrote:
Uhh, I’m I the only one reading this thread and wondering WTF? So let me get this straight- you’re carring a knife in case you ever have to, like… STAB someone?! I’m not being sarcastic- seriously, do you guys honestly find yourselves in situations where you think you might need to shank a guy for self-defense? I mean, I live in a neighborhood riddled with hardcore crackheads and hardened criminals, and I never feel unsafe. They see me everyday, I see them, and they know I’m not involved in their game. They’re actually quite friendly with me and often stop to pet my dogs.
Now if you’re carrying a knife to do things like gut a fish, cut twine, or make cool little wooden sculptures, sure- makes sense. But for self-defense? Really? Where do these supposed confrontations usually take place? Bars?
Maybe it’s an age thing. Guess I just don’t feel the need to ram my horns into the side of the mountain anymore.
That is a very strange post on your part my friend.
There are plenty of utility uses for folding knives, but if it comes down to it, yes they are quite effective for protecting yourself. As a cop, I would certainly hope everyone is responsible and mature when they choose to carry a weapon. If you fit that bill, it is not about bar fights or locking horns or whatever else you threw out there. It is about taking responsibility for the safety of you and your loved ones.
What would you do if one of those crackheads turned ugly on you? Submit? Posture? All possible valid responses, but they won’t always save your life if the bad guys intentions are really bad.
Maybe you are the one who needs to do a little introspection about this kind of thing before coming on here with an attack like that.
“It is better to have and not need than need and not have.”[/quote]
I should’ve expected someone would misinterpret my question as an attack- it wasn’t meant to be one. Obviously this is legitimate thread about different types of knives, and I have no desire in hijacking it for a ‘Bowling For Columbine’-style debate about the use of carrying a weapon for self-defense. I just found it a bit odd/funny when I saw the subject line ‘Pocket Knives’, and saw how many people were so quick to chime in about how they do indeed carry one. Sorry- I’m from Canada.
Yes, of course their are plenty of utility uses for carrying a knife. I guess I just find it to be an ineffective choice for a weapon of self-defense. Offense, sure- like if you’re planning on mugging someone or robbing a store, yeah- use a knife. But if someone pulls a knife on me, what should I do, pull a knife on HIM? That’s not gonna end well for either of us. If you’re that seriously worried for your life and the welfare of your family, why not just carry a gun? Wouldn’t that really get the point across? I’m honestly not being condescending.
As to what I would do if one of those crackheads turned ugly on me? I’m a fairly large person, so people tend to leave me alone. But to answer your question, I dunno- probably try to reason with him (not likely with a crackhead), and if that didn’t work, size him up and see if I could settle it with a few kicks and punches. Or run like hell. I don’t think trying to stab a flailing spastic crackhead would work all that well.
Anyway, I didn’t mean any disrespect JD, and I wasn’t trying to mock anyone. Continue on with the knife-chat. I’ll be over in another section trying to figure out how to add a few pounds to my shitty squat.
[quote]skutch wrote:
JD430 wrote:
skutch wrote:
Uhh, I’m I the only one reading this thread and wondering WTF? So let me get this straight- you’re carring a knife in case you ever have to, like… STAB someone?! I’m not being sarcastic- seriously, do you guys honestly find yourselves in situations where you think you might need to shank a guy for self-defense? I mean, I live in a neighborhood riddled with hardcore crackheads and hardened criminals, and I never feel unsafe. They see me everyday, I see them, and they know I’m not involved in their game. They’re actually quite friendly with me and often stop to pet my dogs.
Now if you’re carrying a knife to do things like gut a fish, cut twine, or make cool little wooden sculptures, sure- makes sense. But for self-defense? Really? Where do these supposed confrontations usually take place? Bars?
Maybe it’s an age thing. Guess I just don’t feel the need to ram my horns into the side of the mountain anymore.
That is a very strange post on your part my friend.
There are plenty of utility uses for folding knives, but if it comes down to it, yes they are quite effective for protecting yourself. As a cop, I would certainly hope everyone is responsible and mature when they choose to carry a weapon. If you fit that bill, it is not about bar fights or locking horns or whatever else you threw out there. It is about taking responsibility for the safety of you and your loved ones.
What would you do if one of those crackheads turned ugly on you? Submit? Posture? All possible valid responses, but they won’t always save your life if the bad guys intentions are really bad.
Maybe you are the one who needs to do a little introspection about this kind of thing before coming on here with an attack like that.
“It is better to have and not need than need and not have.”
I should’ve expected someone would misinterpret my question as an attack- it wasn’t meant to be one. Obviously this is legitimate thread about different types of knives, and I have no desire in hijacking it for a ‘Bowling For Columbine’-style debate about the use of carrying a weapon for self-defense. I just found it a bit odd/funny when I saw the subject line ‘Pocket Knives’, and saw how many people were so quick to chime in about how they do indeed carry one. Sorry- I’m from Canada.
Yes, of course their are plenty of utility uses for carrying a knife. I guess I just find it to be an ineffective choice for a weapon of self-defense. Offense, sure- like if you’re planning on mugging someone or robbing a store, yeah- use a knife. But if someone pulls a knife on me, what should I do, pull a knife on HIM? That’s not gonna end well for either of us. If you’re that seriously worried for your life and the welfare of your family, why not just carry a gun? Wouldn’t that really get the point across? I’m honestly not being condescending.
As to what I would do if one of those crackheads turned ugly on me? I’m a fairly large person, so people tend to leave me alone. But to answer your question, I dunno- probably try to reason with him (not likely with a crackhead), and if that didn’t work, size him up and see if I could settle it with a few kicks and punches. Or run like hell. I don’t think trying to stab a flailing spastic crackhead would work all that well.
Anyway, I didn’t mean any disrespect JD, and I wasn’t trying to mock anyone. Continue on with the knife-chat. I’ll be over in another section trying to figure out how to add a few pounds to my shitty squat.[/quote]
There’s an old saying about that, “Don’t pull a knife unless you plan to use it, don’t use it unless you plan to kill with it”. Or something like that. Either way, it never crosses my mind to pull it on anyone.
A good knife is like a work of art, especially if it is solid enough to use everyday. I carried one even before I actually needed to; now, working at a stone yard, it is more a matter of necessity. Some folks collect keychains, others collect knives. Just how it rolls.
But yea, I have been hearing alot about Spyderco lately. I just never like the designs they come out with. Maybe if they came out with a stag handle or something, I would like it better.
As for American blades, they are always second to German ones. J have a beautiful Hen and Rooster penknife that I have had since I was thirteen, and it is by far the highest quality knife I have ever had. Stag handle, beautiful blade, etc. Paid through the nose for it, but you get what you pay for. I never had a Damascus blade, but I would always be afraid that the fucker would break on me (they just seem brittle).
Right now I’m carrying an old Imperial Barlow knife that is about 70 years old, but in great shape and still more solid than any Japanese knife I have seen. Sharpens up quick, solid blade, and just genuine quality.
I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone post about SOG’s those are my personal favorite, durable and sharp. I carry a Twitch II Rescue, and I also Carry a SOG EOD Powerlock /w Cap Crimper as a Multi-Tool. Almost every shift i find the need for use of both the multi-tool and the knife.
I carry a little Gerber LST Ultralight that I’ve had for almost 20 years. Not sure what the blades were made from back then but I remember it was some sort of alloy. Their web site says the blades are surgical stainless now, but I know this blade isn’t.
I’ve been wanded in many airports and several courthouses and have never had to take it out. Once in Reagan (when it was still National) I removed everything except this knife, even the magnetic strips on my credit cards were beeping. Pen, coins, belt buckle, wallet, not the knife. I have one of those miniature Swiss army knives on my keychain that I’ve had to surrender at courthouse security, but the Gerber stayed in my pocket.
I have quite a few other Gerber, Schrade and Kershaw knives, but the LST is in my pocket every day and has slit more trout bellies than all my other knives combined.
Carry a Spyderoc Endura or a small two blade folder made by a little company in Arkansas, Mt. Ida knives I think. Was real cheap, but the bldes are high carbon steel, take a beautiful sharp edge and its very functional. The spyderco is great for cutting whatever needs cutting, the small knife is a great everyday general purpose pocket knife.
Schrade is a good knife as well. My dad toted a Uncle Henry two blade folder for years, wore the thing out. 5" blades, but they don’t make it any more. He now uses a Eye brand, German made very nice knife.
[quote]mark57 wrote:
I carry a little Gerber LST Ultralight that I’ve had for almost 20 years. Not sure what the blades were made from back then but I remember it was some sort of alloy. Their web site says the blades are surgical stainless now, but I know this blade isn’t.
I’ve been wanded in many airports and several courthouses and have never had to take it out. Once in Reagan (when it was still National) I removed everything except this knife, even the magnetic strips on my credit cards were beeping. Pen, coins, belt buckle, wallet, not the knife. I have one of those miniature Swiss army knives on my keychain that I’ve had to surrender at courthouse security, but the Gerber stayed in my pocket.
I have quite a few other Gerber, Schrade and Kershaw knives, but the LST is in my pocket every day and has slit more trout bellies than all my other knives combined. [/quote]
I have the two inch LST on my keychain. I love that knife. Tough as nails it is.
I carry a serrated kershaw Vapor II. Its a great knife. Have had no problems. And it has withstood a lot.
[quote]elevationgain wrote:
I’ve been through a lot, bulky ones, tiny ones, super sharp ones, duller more robust ones, belt clips, nylon sheaths, leather sheaths, I think I’ve used them all at one time or another.
I just broke my gerber 3.50 BBS last week. Piece of poop if you ask me, not durable, brittle tip, and clunky function. I broke the belt clip off within the first week of owning it and broke the tip off of it so much so that it has lost all function.
I went out and got the Kershaw Blur, black, spring loaded thumb release, strong belt clip, non-skid inserts on the handle, and the blade is tungsten coated, “shave-sharp” with a unique serrated bottom 3rd of the blade. It’s a really nice knife.
Now lets see how long this one holds up.
Who else here carries one?
Favorite brand? Type?
I’ve carried my Spyderco Endura for at least 12 years now. Best pocket knife I’ve ever owned.
[quote]WMD wrote:
elevationgain wrote:
I’ve been through a lot, bulky ones, tiny ones, super sharp ones, duller more robust ones, belt clips, nylon sheaths, leather sheaths, I think I’ve used them all at one time or another.
I just broke my gerber 3.50 BBS last week. Piece of poop if you ask me, not durable, brittle tip, and clunky function. I broke the belt clip off within the first week of owning it and broke the tip off of it so much so that it has lost all function.
I went out and got the Kershaw Blur, black, spring loaded thumb release, strong belt clip, non-skid inserts on the handle, and the blade is tungsten coated, “shave-sharp” with a unique serrated bottom 3rd of the blade. It’s a really nice knife.
Now lets see how long this one holds up.
Who else here carries one?
Favorite brand? Type?
I’ve carried my Spyderco Endura for at least 12 years now. Best pocket knife I’ve ever owned.[/quote]
How do you keep the blade for 12 years? How do you sharpen it? The Lansky kit?