Hey everyone, I’m 20 years old and I’ve been in the weight room for a year and a half now and have taken myself from 320 lbs to 187 lbs (6’1") in that time frame. My form on the upper body lifts has been good throughout my time training but due to mobility issues and ignorance I’ve only been using good form on my lower body lifts for about four months, and to be honest I’ve only been training correctly, or what I believe to be correctly, for four months.
I followed Crossfit Football for about two months and I saw a forum on here that shit on CFFB pretty hard but it did do a lot for me, although it is definitely lacking in many ways so I stopped and tried to build a program specific to my needs. I’m gonna post some of my stats and then transition into what kind of help I’m looking for:
Squat: 275 lbs 1RM last time I tested, but currently doing 3x3 at 265 lbs
Deadlift: 365 lbs 1RM
Bench: 250# 1RM
Power Snatch: Currently doing 5x3 at 150 lbs
Press: 160 lbs 1RM
Bent Over Row: 185 lbs 1RM
Sumo DL: 345 lbs 1RM
Floor Press: 3x5 at 190 lbs
Max Pull-ups: 13
Max HSPU: 12
1 mile: 6:50
Now for my training split…
Squat 3x3 @ 265
Floor Press 3x5 @ 190
Weighted Pull-ups 3x5 @ 7.5
HSPU 3xMax
Farmer’s Walk 3x45sec @ 75 each hand
5x3 Power Snatch @ 150
Work up to 3RM Sumo DL @ 325
Bent Over Rows 3x5 @ 155
Max Chin-ups 3x5
Weighted Planks 3x30sec w/ 45 plate on back
Squat 3x3 @270
Plyo Push-ups 3x5
Press 3x5 @ 140
Weighted Pull-ups 3x5 @ 10
Low-Hi Cable Chop 3x6 @ 40
Paloff Press Iso Hold 3x30sec @ 40
Increase squat by 5 each time, sumo by 10, snatch by 2.5, and all upper body lifts by 2.5. Rest between sets is 3 minutes except for body weight and ab exercises which is 1 minute. Only cardio is pickup basketball with my friends a few times a week and a 4 hour fasted walk on Tuesdays because I trim the gravestones of a massive graveyard. The only supplement I take is creatine mono and the only medication I take is Adderall XR 30 mg every morning. I get about 2400 calories per day 35/30/35 C/P/F.
I weigh my meat and measure my milk and salad dressing. Don’t count calories from veggies or fruit but I only have a banana in the morning for fruit. Carb sources are milk, potatoes, and bread. Protein is chicken breasts, milk, eggs, and 93% lean hamburger. Fat is milk, burger, eggs, cheese, and a little bit of cesar dressing. On average two days a week I’ll relapse into my old fat self and eat a good amount of ice cream or pop tarts and shit like that.
Couple months ago I was 195 and eating about 1500 calories a day without losing any weight. Was about to drop to 1200 a day but I was like fuck that I’ll die so I slowly started raising them. Got down to 187 but I’ve been stalled for about four weeks and not seeing anymore fat loss. And that’s why I’m here. My goal weight is 180 and I’m gonna need some help to get there.
My goal as far as performance is to be strong and fast. Aesthetically I know I’m not gonna look like a freak beast at 180 but I’m confident I’ll look pretty good and the freak beastness will come once I pack some muscle on. I’m more concerned with performance but if I need to put strength on the back burner to get to 180 then so be it.
The only things I’m pretty dead set on not changing is squatting and snatching, wanna keep those in the program. Upper body strength isn’t much of a priority. I just don’t think my two pig out sessions a week are the only thing holding me back so I need the help of more experienced and knowledgable people.
Ask me any questions that will help you help me. I really appreciate you taking the time to read this post and ANY help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks