Hey everybody, im in need of some critism and advice on my first cycle.
I plan to do a 10 week cycle of Sus 250, injecting 1ml (250mg) per week. However from what i have read on many forums, most recommend injecting a dose of 500mg every 8 days to ensure that blood level don’t become unstable, however i can only obtain 10ml of the stuff, what are your opinions on this?
My current weight is 86 KG at 5’10" at around 14% BF. I have some minor gyno as a result of puperty.
I smoke cigarettes but plan to quit before i start my cycle.
During the cycle i am planning to eat around 3500 - 4000 calories.
My protein aim each day is around 250 - 300g from mostly red meat, white meats and whey powder.
My carbs will be mostly from low GI sources (complex carbs) such as brown rices, steel cut oats and pasta.
Fats will be mostly from the meats, flax & fish oils.
My supplementation will consist of a blended whey powder (isolate, concentrate and casein), BCAA, creatine, and maltodextrin for an insulin spike PWO.
My main goal for doing this cycle is mainly the strength gains but mass wouldn’t be bad. I do kungfu 2 times a week and i plan to workout the other 3 days with mainly body weight compound exercises such as pull/chin ups, dips, stair sprints. I will also be doing some barbell exercises such as squats and dead lifts.
For my PCT i am having some problems as i cannot obtain any Tamoxifen Citrate (i.e. Nolvadex) as its strictly for prescription in Australia (and 3 doctors refuse to prescribe it for my minor gyno). To substitute im hoping that Novadex XT and Sustain alpha will be sufficient. Another problem i am facing is getting hCG, do you think it will be needed if i do such a low dose of sus?
So basically i need any opinions on my plans, my main questions are…
Do you think i will need any HCG on this cycle? (i see many different answers on the internet)
How much mass do you think i could gain, some say 20LBS? ( i really dont want to gain more than 10KG)
Do you think my PCT will work or should i keep sourcing for Tamoxifen?
Any other critisism please give.
Final note: The only Steroids i can obtain is Enanthate, Sus 250 and Dynobolin.
I chose Sus 250 because i don’t want a drastic mass increase.
Thank you,