Always very thankful for the expertise and guidance on this board. And any experiences or insights you have that might help, thank you so much and I am grateful for your time.
2x / week Test Cyp IM (nothing else).
Question 1 - Has anyone had a better experience going from 2x / week or E3D to MWF or EOD? If success with MWF do you feel like crap on Sunday? Additionally if you moved to MWF or EOD, did you switch from IM to SubQ injections or did you stay with IM?
I would like to try MWF unless EOD makes a lot more sense. I’m considering MWF as I have a feeling that my body / brain needs T on the same days every week which wouldn’t be the case with EOD. And I’m also unsure if it makes sense to move from IM to SubQ with more frequency. Someone experienced in this, please tell me if any of this doesn’t work this way if I’m wrong.
Question 2 - when you drop dosage to move to a new protocol / frequency like 2x / Week to MWF, do you feel like crap in the first week or does it even out pretty quickly or preferably, do you not feel it all? ie. 2x/week Wed morn 43mg, Sat eve 43mg (wk Total 86mg) —> Mon 0.28mg, Wed 0.28, Fri 0.28 (Total 0.84mg).
What compound are you using? It’s a longer acting test, I think most people would say there isn’t enough difference to matter (on paper) between once a week 3x/week.
I’m on test cyp 50 mg twice weekly and I don’t notice anything different between the day injection is due and the day after an injection.
Assuming Cypionate/Enanthate you’re unlikely to realise any real benefits beyond twice weekly injections.
Daily and every other day injections, really only have utility when using short acting esters like Propionate.
To answer your second question. I doubt you’ll notice. I often forget to take my second shot of the week and barely notice in half the dose. Like most others on TRT, your low SHBG will have your free T sky high which likely acts as a buffer during disruptions to injection routine.
I agree with the above two guys. TRT was first commonly administered every 2-3 weeks. A lot of guys had no issue with this. 1-2x per week for long esters is plenty.
Monday morning and Thursday night are the sweet spot for me. If I forget a dose, I don’t notice any difference because of the long ester and build up in your system.
I’ll agree with everyone else here. If you want to switch to more weekley shots then use prop and pin EOD.
When you adjust the dosage it will take at least a week to begin to change.
If your suggesting drooping 2mg/wk then you will notice 0 difference. If you think you do then it’s in your head.
You don’t mention what “issues” you are having that is prompting this?
You are really overthinking this. However, there is nothing wrong with trying different schedules. That’s the only way to find out. Will not hurt you. Give it a fair shot before determining it does not work.