Whatsup guys
I lost all my gains and all i get is small bones and depression and all low t symptoms
My question is
Testosterone can converte to only to dht and estrogene ?
It can converte to other hormones
Because my e2 level is normal
But the oily skin and acne is really bad
my testosterone level is 0.16 ng/ml
Lh 00
SFH 0.1
I c’ant walk anymore because i have no muscle
When i inject testosterone i feel more more weak than before
Please help
This is my acne it’s infected
Antibiotic make it worse
Accutane make it worse and make me depressed with my low t
im on 100 mg test prop eod
I inject testosterone because my HPTA is shutdown from 3 years ago
Before 3 months my t level was 15 ng/ml and i was having a clear skin
I was big as hell
Now i cant leave my room or eat please help guys
I believe on you
I hope this is a terrible joke. if not man, I feel bad for you, you are fucked.
hopefully someone with more computer knowledge than me can run this image through a search and see where else it pops up to end what I hope is a troll thread quickly.
[quote]dez6485 wrote:
I hope this is a terrible joke. if not man, I feel bad for you, you are fucked.
hopefully someone with more computer knowledge than me can run this image through a search and see where else it pops up to end what I hope is a troll thread quickly.[/quote]
I dont have any advice. I’ve seen pictures like this before, but I have no idea what causes this. Quite frankly I’d imagine that hygene must have something to do with it, as the picture you posted with the arimidex and the finasteride there is clearly blood on your thumb and under your fingernail, so apparently you don’t think much about washing your hands thoroughly after touching that acne.
[quote]dez6485 wrote:
I dont have any advice. I’ve seen pictures like this before, but I have no idea what causes this. Quite frankly I’d imagine that hygene must have something to do with it, as the picture you posted with the arimidex and the finasteride there is clearly blood on your thumb and under your fingernail, so apparently you don’t think much about washing your hands thoroughly after touching that acne. [/quote]
No it’s not blood
It’s a exterieur skin medication call liosine look like blood
Please brother when you inject testosterone and all you get its acne
And your t level decrease day after day
What that is men ?
I feel like shit thnx again for your help
Thx KSman
Really you always help me with your advices
Im relly in trouble this time
I have done a blood test and i have some lab data when i was in the hostpital before 2 days from now but the docotors d’ont know about steroids
I leave in a bad country
The dermatologe make my acne worse than before he give me antibiotic that make this bad and bad
The endro tell me look son you will never get childs in your future and he say this like he want me in troubles
He say your t level is dengerously low and your lh and fsh is shutdowned sow your balls are not working any more and your sperme count will be small as hell he give a shot of 250 mg of test e evrey 15 days and it make me tired and make my acne worse
After this he was leaving my hospital room
I spend 1500 euro in the hospital to worst my acne and lisen to some people that know nothing about TRT or Gear.
My bro KSman i have a adrenal fatigue i take 30 mg hysrocortisone a day from 6 months
And i will be on it for life mybe i will recover mybe not
This the story
i do 2 remplacement therapy
I was in a good helth in the 2 therapy
But the last month evreythings gone
I feel tired i lose muscles
My mood become like a 90 years old man
But i have some hope to recover
My laste chance is write a topic to members who have experience
I c’ant eat or sleep depression no muscles my joints hurts me as hell and my bones is really weak
I will take pictures of blood test and i put this as an images in reply
<3 respect to you bro
[quote]KSman wrote:
Do not do labs for LH/FSH when doing gear as LH/FSH will always ==> Zero
Not enough info or lab data to work with.
There are 7 stickies in this forum. Please read the advice for new guys sticky.
Have you done any thyroid labs?
More going on than your T levels, need to find the cause.
What exactly are you injecting?
When did the problems start?[/quote]
I’m sorry about your situation, guy, but you did this to yourself. Nothing about what you were doing was TRT. 2 grams a week it’s a massive dose and running it for 30+ weeks is insane. I don’t even know if you can do a restart in your situation. It’s silly that you’re worried about your ‘gains’. You’re going to need to completely clean things up for probably a year to even get close.
He looks fairly young and if he had decent levels prior then he can probably bounce back. With proper restart protocol that is. But I doubt that he is ready to listen or ready to handle anything like that.