Hey guys.
34 years old been on TRT for 6 years.
5’11 195 about 13%bf
Train 6 days a week.
Not entirely sure what to do here. About 3 months ago my e2 came back at 240 pmol/L. My protocol at that time was
120 test E
1mg adex
1000iu HCG split into twice a week
(60mg test
.5mg arimidex
500iu HCG)
All prescribed / pharma
This has been my protocol for 7 years or so. I’ve always been on arimidex because my values were always either elevated or high normal. And I still want another kid so always been on HCG
I was pretty inconsistent with my dosing. Sometimes taking 1mg adex a week in one dose Which I figured was the cause for elevated e2 and after talking to the group realized my HCG was probably too high.
I dropped my HCG by half (500iu) and was consistent with making sure my arimidex was taken every week at the same time as my test and HCG injection
Just got labs done this morning and my e2 came back at 275!!!?? Even higher than last time. I can’t figure it out I’ve always ran decently high on e2 but never this high
My test also came back at 695 which is the lowest it’s been in a while.
I don’t have high estrogen sides at all. I feel good. All the rest of my labs came back great including blood count and lipids
Not sure what else to do. I’m afraid I’ve permanently messed myself up by taking arimidex for so long and want to come off it and just have normal values but I don’t know how. My doc isn’t much help but is pretty open when I suggest dose changes as long as my labs come back clean.
Please help