please help a rookie

I’m a 19 year old college student, I have been training for 4 years. I’ve been contemptplating steroids for a quite a while, and recently decided to try a cycle of something pretty mild, I am not real hardcore. What would you guys recomend? I appoligize for my newbieness.

No need to apologize. You are asking before you dive in which is the right thing to do.

My opinion is that need:

-More age…4 to 6 more years.
-More experience…It takes longer than 4 years to peak out genetically.
-More food.
-More research.

Then, try a “softcore” product such as Mag10 supplemented with Tribex and M for a year or so.

Then, reevaluate your position in light of where you are and what you have learned.

Good Luck!

Search the forum for the “Steroid Newbie thread”, and then get back to us

finish puberty…

Dang, I thought 10% of high school athletes were on roids? He’s out of high school so were ignoring the fact that he’s probly got friends alrady juicing at 16 or 17.

If you’ve got to do something try out a safe compound that clears out quickly - no deca, abombs, tren! check it, there are lots of threads about safe roids.

There is no one 'safe" AAS. Some are safer than others yes, but indepth knowledge of how different chemicals work, what reacts with what, how your body processes these chemicals, sound diet and training, etc is crucial.

Also, if we use common sense here anyone in this kids age range doesn’t need AAS. All he needs is lots of food, sleep, and sound training. His test levels are through the roof - if he dedicates himself to improving his physique he will make astonishing gains.

The reason I say this is that I was one of those stupid 17-18 yr old kids that took AAS without knowing what I needed to. I took dbol tapering it up and down like a moron and a shot of deca a week. I effectively shut down my own natural testosterone production at 18! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize how stupid that is.

In addition, I still had leaps and bounds to make with both my training and nutrition habits (as I am sure this kid does). Looking back, it was probably one of the dumbest things I have ever done in my life.

PS I have wicked back pumps right now.

steroids arent the answer now bro. the guys above gave you good advice. use mag 10, creatine, nitro tech. stuff like that for now. lol atrain. good advice. it would help to finish puberty

Many great bodybuiders got burned out relatively young because they started using steroids when they were around your age. “DeAngelos, Santoriello, etc” had great potential but today they no longer belong with the elite crowd. Don’t mess with disaster, instead train, eat and rest properly, along with some over the counter products will bring about good results. Believe me these three things mentioned above are not easy even for us who have been training for a long time. Develop your genetic potential first before taking the anabolic route. At 19 you’ve barely even reached the surface.

wow, thanks for all the information. After reading this post i’ve decided to hold off.