Hey everyone I’m pretty new here as far as posting goes so I’m going to just post my info and beg for criticism.
Background Info: I used to be the fat kid that got made fun of but now no one really makes fun of me any more except jokingly. I got into “weightlifting” when I was 14 doing pretty much just bench press, curls, some shoulder stuff very minimal, but that was it then I got serious about losing weight and here I am now.
Height: 6’
Weight: 192lbs, I dropped to about 175lbs from 235lbs but I realized I was really small then I decided to finally eat and I have gained 17lbs in about a month and a half and I look WAY better than I did at 175lbs, I don’t have access to a digital camera as of now though so no pics for now.
BF%: Well thats kind of tough to tell, I never had it tested but when I suck my chest out you can see muscle on my stomach from the side and from the front you can see the outcrop of muscle but no individual abs.
Goals: To be BIG and MUSCULAR as hell with about 12% bf.
Monday, I did this today so I will post what I lifted today.
Deads 10x3, 275lbs
BB Bench 5x5, 240lbs I have been benching since I was 14 and I’m 18 now so that is why the bench is so high but I have only been deadlifting for about 3 months.
DB Rows 4x6, 100lbs
Lockouts 3x12, 245lbs
Chins 4x6, BW+25lbs
Sprints 15 mins
Squats 10x3
Dips 5x5
Pull Ups 4x6
Military Press 3x12
Inverted Row 3x12
Sprints 15 mins
Front Squat 10x3
Incline BB Bench 4x6
T-Bar Rows 5x5
Weighted Tigerbend pushups 3x12
DB Preacher curls 4x6
Meal 1: High fiber/protein cereal in skim milk and bannana
Meal 2: Half chicken sandwich on 100% wholewheat bread and apple.
Meal 3: Half chicken sandwich on 100% wholewheat bread.
Meal 4: Chicken sandwich on 100% wholewheat bread.
Meal 5: Half chicken sandwich on 100% wholewheat bread.
Meal 6: Spoon of peanut butter…not really a meal but whatever
Meal 7: Another spoon of peanut butter…
Meal 8: Whatever my mom is cooking for dinner, I usually dodge the carbs, bread, pasta, and go for the meats and veggies.
100% whey
Creatine Monohydrate
Omega Fats with fish oil
I will appreciate any tips.