Please Critique My First Cycle


I’ll cut right to the chase. I’ve read a whole ton on this topic, I have been lifting for nearly 5.5 years now and I have created myself a 5,000 calorie diet split over 6 meals.

sub 6% body fat measured via DAX/DEXA scan

I recently lost a lot of weight (in the range of 200lbs, done naturally) and I would like to correct some of the extra skin I have that surgery could not correct to my satisfaction.

Sustaject 250:

Week 01: 600mg split over 3 injections of 200mg each
Week 02: 600mg split over 3 injections of 200mg each
Week 03: 750mg split over 3 injections of 250mg each
Week4-9: 1000mg split over 2 injections of 500mg each
Week 10: 800mg split over 2 injections of 400mg each
Week 11: 600mg split over 2 injections of 300mg each
Week 12: 400mg split over 2 injections of 200mg each

The reason I am starting off so low is because I don’t know how I feel on the stuff, so I would like to start off on the slow slide just to be sure I can handle it. I know a lot of people say you should load on the first day, but I’ll sacrifice some potential gain just to be on the safe side.


Week 10-12: 200mg split over 4 injections of 50mg each every other day
Week 13: 150mg split over 3 injections every other day

I know you aren’t supposed to bulk then cut (from what I have read), but some people have told me, they have done this in the past with great results. Opinions on this please?

3 Weeks after the last injection I will begin using Clomid. The problem is I’m not really sure for how long I should run this. Nothing I read actually told me the duration. My best guess would be to run it for 4 weeks taking a 50mg tablet each day. I don’t know if I am running this for too long or too short.

I will also have Femera (letrozole) in case I begin to see the early signs of gynecomastia.

Day 1: .50mg Letrozole
Day 2: 1.0mg Letrozole
Day 3: 1.5mg Letrozole
Day 4: 2.0mg Letrozole
Day 5: 2.5mg Letrozole

Repeat day 5 dosage until the gynecomastia subsides.

Does this look ok? If not, what should I change or add on. The reason I don’t want to stack is that this is my first cycle and I do not want to get very large, this I am not stacking with Deca. Another reason is that Deca is detectable in the system for 18 months or more. I just don’t feel comfortable with this.

Thanks in advance

You better watch you… stack anything together and you may win the Olymipa next year.

How are you bulking and then cutting? Just because you plan to waste some winstrol at the end of your cycle? If your attempt is to drasticaly reduce your calories in an attempt to reduce bodyfat as well, then say bye bye to all the new muscle you may have earned. Wait 3-4 months after this cycle and then try to cut anymore unwanted bf.

Dont change your test dosage all over the place like that or the frequency of injections. If you plan on using a sus like blend then inject it EOD and stick to the same dosage throughout the cycle. 600mg a week will be lots for your first cycle. Works out to just under .7 CC EOD if your product is 250mg/ml.

Letro is a very strong product sometimes causing a persons body to have too little estrogen. Likely something that wont even be necessary at 600mg/wk.

Different people are running their clomid differnt ways. Superdosing for the first couple days and then down to 50 mg/day for the remainder. Or 100 mg/day for the first week and then down to 50mg/day. 3 weeks should work out fine.

You currently weigh 225 lbs and have recently lost 200lbs, so you was over 400lbs recently?

You would be better off just injecting EOD, also each injection will be 250mg not 200ml, inless you wish to measure out 4/5 of a ml each shot

[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
You better watch you… stack anything together and you may win the Olymipa next year.

How are you bulking and then cutting? Just because you plan to waste some winstrol at the end of your cycle? If your attempt is to drasticaly reduce your calories in an attempt to reduce bodyfat as well, then say bye bye to all the new muscle you may have earned. Wait 3-4 months after this cycle and then try to cut anymore unwanted bf.

Dont change your test dosage all over the place like that or the frequency of injections. If you plan on using a sus like blend then inject it EOD and stick to the same dosage throughout the cycle. 600mg a week will be lots for your first cycle. Works out to just under .7 CC EOD if your product is 250mg/ml.

Letro is a very strong product sometimes causing a persons body to have too little estrogen. Likely something that wont even be necessary at 600mg/wk.

Different people are running their clomid differnt ways. Superdosing for the first couple days and then down to 50 mg/day for the remainder. Or 100 mg/day for the first week and then down to 50mg/day. 3 weeks should work out fine.[/quote]

The idea was once I do the last injection, I maintain the current diet of 5000 calories for about a month. At that point I would gradually reduce my calories to 4500 and stay there for 3 weeks and then cut down to 4000 calories, stay here for 3 weeks and then finally cut down to 3500 calories and hope to drop 1-2lbs of mostly fat per week in order to be ready for this summer. It will be the first time I’d be taking my shirt off in public and not be ashamed of the way I look.

Could you please explain why I am wasting the Winstrol? If I understand the drug correctly, it is used to help define a person’s body and remove much of the water retention a person may have gained during their bulking cycle. Everything I read said that it is used mostly by body builders right before competitions to give them that “hard” look.

I’ve talked to several people who have done this in the past and none of them said it was a bad idea. It’s not the best idea since in theory you are supposed to do a bulk cycle and then a cutting cycle, but using Winstrol right after a bulking cycle has worked for them. I don’t disagree with you, I just want to better understand the reasoning behind what you are saying.

From my understanding a person doing 400mg a week will in total put on about 20lbs of weight over a 12 weeks span. If you had to guess, how much total weight (that includes muscle, fat and water) would I gain if I were to do a 600mg or even an 800mg per week cycle? Any idea how much of that would be just muscle? I know it varies from person to person, but I’d love to know what a general figure might be.

I know Letro is a very strong drug but it appears to be the best one out there. I would love to avoid using it, but I honestly would like to have some on hand just in case I do develop gynecomastia with a 600mg or 800mg dosage a week.

Thanks for the advice on the Clomid. I’ll do as you say!

[quote]electric_eales wrote:
You currently weigh 225 lbs and have recently lost 200lbs, so you was over 400lbs recently?

You would be better off just injecting EOD, also each injection will be 250mg not 200ml, inless you wish to measure out 4/5 of a ml each shot[/quote]

Correct, I was 412lbs at my highest weight. I could send you (via email?) pictures of me before and after if you’d like. I’m honestly afraid to post them online here since I’m terrified of someone I know discovering them. Sadly, a lot of people look up to me now because of how much weight I lost and how much muscle I gained naturally. I would really hate to see someone that admires me find this thread and be a let down.

If I were to take 250mg every other day, that would be around 1750mg per 2 weeks, which averages out to 875mg a week. Would I then REQUIRE to use Letro for the gynecomastia? From what I understand, as people approach the 1000mg mark, gynecomastia does become a problem then. I know everyone is different, though.

[quote]Nstart wrote:
electric_eales wrote:
You currently weigh 225 lbs and have recently lost 200lbs, so you was over 400lbs recently?

You would be better off just injecting EOD, also each injection will be 250mg not 200ml, inless you wish to measure out 4/5 of a ml each shot

Correct, I was 412lbs at my highest weight. I could send you (via email?) pictures of me before and after if you’d like. I’m honestly afraid to post them online here since I’m terrified of someone I know discovering them. Sadly, a lot of people look up to me now because of how much weight I lost and how much muscle I gained naturally. I would really hate to see someone that admires me find this thread and be a let down.

If I were to take 250mg every other day, that would be around 1750mg per 2 weeks, which averages out to 875mg a week. Would I then REQUIRE to use Letro for the gynecomastia? From what I understand, as people approach the 1000mg mark, gynecomastia does become a problem then. I know everyone is different, though.[/quote]

I am no expert, but I have ran 4 cycles using sustanon previously, I use arimidex during cycle at .25mg ED if using sus at 250mg EOD.

I have not had a problem with with this ratio, some people may reccomend .5 mg of Arimidex ED but I have also found comflicting evidence where it is reccomended to use .25 mg EOD instead of ED, the reasoning for this is that if you use too much anti E it can of course reduce your gains, personally I would rather have that problem than gyno.

I would love to see pictures of your reduction in size that is an amazing feat to have lost such weight, to be at 6% body fat now is tremendous, I would love to hear aboyt your training routines and diet ad supplements used, do you have a problem with excess skin right now?

Thanks, I will look into running .25mg of Arimidex while on the cycle. From the quick research that I did on Arimidex, it appears that this drug not only reduces estrogen but it also increases testosterone levels.

I sent you an email with all my info and before and after pictures.

I forgot to include the routines, and the supplements I took. I’ll email you again after I write it up.

I did have problems with extra skin and I did have to have plastic surgery to remove skin from multiple parts of my body. By far the two worst were the stomach and the legs.

[quote]Nstart wrote:

I’ll cut right to the chase. I’ve read a whole ton on this topic, I have been lifting for nearly 5.5 years now and I have created myself a 5,000 calorie diet split over 6 meals.

sub 6% body fat measured via DAX/DEXA scan

I recently lost a lot of weight (in the range of 200lbs, done naturally) and I would like to correct some of the extra skin I have that surgery could not correct to my satisfaction.

Sustaject 250:

Week 01: 600mg split over 3 injections of 200mg each
Week 02: 600mg split over 3 injections of 200mg each
Week 03: 750mg split over 3 injections of 250mg each
Week4-9: 1000mg split over 2 injections of 500mg each
Week 10: 800mg split over 2 injections of 400mg each
Week 11: 600mg split over 2 injections of 300mg each
Week 12: 400mg split over 2 injections of 200mg each

The reason I am starting off so low is because I don’t know how I feel on the stuff, so I would like to start off on the slow slide just to be sure I can handle it. I know a lot of people say you should load on the first day, but I’ll sacrifice some potential gain just to be on the safe side.


Week 10-12: 200mg split over 4 injections of 50mg each every other day
Week 13: 150mg split over 3 injections every other day

I know you aren’t supposed to bulk then cut (from what I have read), but some people have told me, they have done this in the past with great results. Opinions on this please?

3 Weeks after the last injection I will begin using Clomid. The problem is I’m not really sure for how long I should run this. Nothing I read actually told me the duration. My best guess would be to run it for 4 weeks taking a 50mg tablet each day. I don’t know if I am running this for too long or too short.

I will also have Femera (letrozole) in case I begin to see the early signs of gynecomastia.

Day 1: .50mg Letrozole
Day 2: 1.0mg Letrozole
Day 3: 1.5mg Letrozole
Day 4: 2.0mg Letrozole
Day 5: 2.5mg Letrozole

Repeat day 5 dosage until the gynecomastia subsides.

Does this look ok? If not, what should I change or add on. The reason I don’t want to stack is that this is my first cycle and I do not want to get very large, this I am not stacking with Deca. Another reason is that Deca is detectable in the system for 18 months or more. I just don’t feel comfortable with this.

Thanks in advance[/quote]

I would honestly leave out the winstrol for another time, where you can focus the entire cycle on cutting. At least run it for six weeks at a dose of 60mg+ a day. No need to inject just drink it!

congrats on the weightloss


Thanks. From the research I did, they say that you should only do 2 cycles a year but no real time line is ever given. Can I do my bulking cycle, wait 2 months and then do a cutting cycle? Or do I have to wait something like 4-6 months before I can do the cutting cycle?

For your first go with the .7 cc EOD for 600 mg/wk. No need to go any higher than that for your first cycle. .25 mg adex EOD should also work out well for you.
That is amuch better option for you for you to complete this cycle, wait 3-4 months and then cycle again with a calorie reduced diet.

bro,your going way to high than needed,I personally wouldnt go anyhigher than 500mg/ week considering it is your first cycle and even 500mg is a very fair amount to administer.I would only use the letrozole if needed,look for the signs of an early break out, if anything occuors begin by tapering your way up SLOWLY untill the break out subsides then simply taper down. My advice would be to do a bit more research and then come back here with your final conclusions and see if its approvable. Good luck man.