Planning on Doing an Epistane Cycle

When I get back from my holiday which is December 1st, I am going to be running a Prohormone cycle, and from the reading I’ve been doing, I’m going to be using IBE Epistane.

I don’t have access to AAS, I also don’t a clue how I could find out where to get some either, so I figured that Epistane would be a good start.

I’m starting this thread early because I just want to make sure everything is set up and in order before I start it.

To start off with, some information about me and my training history -

I’ve been training since I was around 17 and a half years old, at which I weighted 98lbs at a height of 5’5"**

2 years, 9 months later (6-7 of which I didn’t train due to torn rotator cuff), I weighed in at 145lbs, 5’8" and finally started training properly.

I’m now almost 21 (birthday is nov 16th), and I weigh 193lbs at 5’8". I can squat 315, bench 225 and deadlift 365 - all for 8-10 reps.

In a couple of days I’m going to purchase everything necassery for my cycle. This will include:

IBE Epistane - 90 capsules at 10mg a piece.
Nolvadex - 60 capsules at 10mg a piece.
Genetic Edge Cycle Insurance

I’ll be running Epistane for a 4 week cycle, with 3 weeks of PCT.

Heres what it will look like:

Cycle with IBE Epistane
week 1: 10mg 20mg 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg + 2 satches of Cycle Insurance a day
week 2: 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg + 2 satches of Cycle Insurance a day
week 3: 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg 40mg 40mg + 2 satches of Cycle Insurance a day
week 4: 40mg 40mg 40mg 40mg 40mg 40mg 40mg + 2 satches of Cycle Insurance a day

PCT with Nolvadex
week 5: 40mg a day + 2 satches of Cycle Insurance on day 1-2 (to finish it all off)
week 6: 30mg a day
week 7: 20mg a day

Liv.52 will be taken as 1 capsule three times a day

I was also thinking of stacking a test booster with the Epistane, such as ALRI Restore or 6-0X0.

So for my questions:

Are there any improvements that could be made to this cycle?

Also, I’m having some dentist work done halfway through my cycle, general anaesthetic will be used. Could that cause any problems?

Thanks for any help.

** At around 15 I’m pretty sure I had un-diagnosed depression, which resulted in lack of appetite, so I just didn’t eat very much and my body didn’t grow

I think this may have set me back a couple of years - so I’m not sure if my endocrine system/overall growth may take a couple more years than usual to finish.

If so I’m not sure if I should wait until I’m 23+ before starting this, instead of 21.

Any help on that issue is appreciated.

yes, wait til you are older, like when you are 24 or 25. Lots of natural growing left in you. Alas, you probably won’t, so find some real gear and use that. Do not use a test booster while on cycle as it will not help, not one bit, and will be a complete waste.

[quote]idowhatican wrote:
yes, wait til you are older, like when you are 24 or 25. Lots of natural growing left in you. Alas, you probably won’t, so find some real gear and use that. Do not use a test booster while on cycle as it will not help, not one bit, and will be a complete waste.[/quote]

Ideally…wait till 25.

But in my opinion, which isn’t worth anything because I’m not an endocrinologist mind you, 21 is developed enough to avoid any serious risks of permanent damage.

4 weeks with this compound should not cause serious suppression.

Thanks for the advice guys.

I could also do a 2 on/ 2 off cycle with this.

The article on IBE Epistane says that this is a good approach - you gain less muscle overall, but you get less sides too.

"What is pulse cycling? (posted in the Epistaneâ?¢ forum at IBE, written by Dr.D)

Dosing something to intentionally avoid long term sides, such as HTPA suppression and liver damage. With pulsing, the serious, long term side effects of chronic oral treatment are avoided and short term side effect, like acne and mineral retention, are milder that usual. This allows for higher dosages to be used.

Basically, if you dosed on an ED basis you would get 100% effect, 100% short term sides and 100% long term sides. If you dose EOD on a pulse protocol, you still get about 60% effect, 75% short term sides but only about 40% of the long term sides.

That’s not a bad trade off and very economical on the body and the wallet too! Of course if you would have gained 10lbs this means you will only gain 6lbs pulsing, but it also means you can do this for 2 or 3 times longer than a normal cycle. That equals about 2 months of worry free dosing, so the net effect is a gain of about 12lbs instead of 10lbs over twice the time frame with less sides and a milder PCT requirement if even needed at all.

It’s a great long term strategy and good for newer users looking to run fast, clean, cycles for 1 month with no PCT needed later.

That’s how I perfected it. There are two basic approaches to do it:

EOD or 2on/2off depending on your workout schedule. Doses can be high (30-40mg) but take them close together preferably before 6pm (1 dose pre and 1 dose post-w/o instead of spread out like normal).

Or doses can be lower (10-20mg) if you want to stretch it to 2 or 3 months instead of just 1.

Dose at least 3 times per week but not more than 4."

I remember reading that Bill Roberts advocated that for MAG-10 as well? Did he say anything about only taking MAG-10 3x a week with the 2on/2off schedule?

[quote]Goodfellow wrote:
Thanks for the advice guys.

I could also do a 2 on/ 2 off cycle with this.

The article on IBE Epistane says that this is a good approach - you gain less muscle overall, but you get less sides too.

"What is pulse cycling? (posted in the Epistane�¢?�¢ forum at IBE, written by Dr.D)

Dosing something to intentionally avoid long term sides, such as HTPA suppression and liver damage. With pulsing, the serious, long term side effects of chronic oral treatment are avoided and short term side effect, like acne and mineral retention, are milder that usual. This allows for higher dosages to be used.

Basically, if you dosed on an ED basis you would get 100% effect, 100% short term sides and 100% long term sides. If you dose EOD on a pulse protocol, you still get about 60% effect, 75% short term sides but only about 40% of the long term sides.

That’s not a bad trade off and very economical on the body and the wallet too! Of course if you would have gained 10lbs this means you will only gain 6lbs pulsing, but it also means you can do this for 2 or 3 times longer than a normal cycle. That equals about 2 months of worry free dosing, so the net effect is a gain of about 12lbs instead of 10lbs over twice the time frame with less sides and a milder PCT requirement if even needed at all.

It’s a great long term strategy and good for newer users looking to run fast, clean, cycles for 1 month with no PCT needed later.

That’s how I perfected it. There are two basic approaches to do it:

EOD or 2on/2off depending on your workout schedule. Doses can be high (30-40mg) but take them close together preferably before 6pm (1 dose pre and 1 dose post-w/o instead of spread out like normal).

Or doses can be lower (10-20mg) if you want to stretch it to 2 or 3 months instead of just 1.

Dose at least 3 times per week but not more than 4."

I remember reading that Bill Roberts advocated that for MAG-10 as well? Did he say anything about only taking MAG-10 3x a week with the 2on/2off schedule?[/quote]

Pulsing PH’s is stupid.

Most of the reason Bill advocated pulsing for MAG-10 is because its the only way to use PH’s without causing serious suppression and therefor requiring a SERM PCT.

And even if pulsing, I believe that using an SERM during the off weeks is still preferred…

Bill would have to comment, I have never used pulsing with AAS, and certainly its his protocol to begin with.

You have an SERM, just make it simple, dont stretch it out and make in more difficult than it has to be.

Pulsing has some advantages in theory, but really its just another liability for a new user to screw up and hurt themselves.

Run it simple, run it all at once, run your PCT and be happy.