I got my hands on some Epistane before the recent ban. I have 4 bottles of RPN Havoc with 90 count of 10mg capsules.
Background- 2 years of training experience, mostly powerlifter style, high amounts of calories. 6’2" 250lbs. I look like a linebacker but not a fat linebacker, I’m stout looking and have never touched a body fat caliper. I do not have abs but you can slightly see some bicep veins and a big one in my shoulder when I squat. My lifts are as follows: Bench-355 touch-n-go: Squat 485: Deadlift 455: Incline 285 touch-n-go
and I can also do 9 bodyweight chin-ups (WITHOUT cheating). My cardio consists of tire flips, jump ropes, and truck pushes when I feel like. (so maybe once a week)
The only supplements I’ve ever taken has been some protein shakes before and after workout with some creatine and beta-alanine in them. Right before bed I take ZMA.
How should I run this protocol? Right now I’m thinking of 30/40/40/40/40/30mg. I’ll also have some of the research use liquid clomid and take 20mg once a week until post cycle where I’ll do the norm. I do believe I will be somewhat susceptible to sides although I am unsure if that will be an issue with this compound. What do y’all guys think about setup? I’m 27 years old.
I seriously doubt you squat that much weight to parallel, since your deadlift sucks ass at your size.
I seriously doubt you look like a ‘stout linebacker’ with those stats, especially if you’re exaggerating your squat as much as I think you are. And a tng 355 bench press at your size? That’s god damn awful. I nearly reached your bench press weighing 190, and my deadlift is about 100 lbs over that. I think you need a reality check buddy. I barely look like I could be a competent wide receiver, and I certainly don’t look like a linebacker. And I wouldn’t look more like a linebacker if you added 60 lbs of fat to me, lol.
Yogi’s right. You may see ‘some’ results, but you may not. The dose is low, and epistane on its own will do very little. I know there are boards that favor the prohormones, and suggest that huge gains are possible, but the truth is that most of these claims are likely exaggerations.
I seriously doubt you squat that much weight to parallel, since your deadlift sucks ass at your size.
I seriously doubt you look like a ‘stout linebacker’ with those stats, especially if you’re exaggerating your squat as much as I think you are. And a tng 355 bench press at your size? That’s god damn awful. I nearly reached your bench press weighing 190, and my deadlift is about 100 lbs over that. I think you need a reality check buddy. I barely look like I could be a competent wide receiver, and I certainly don’t look like a linebacker. And I wouldn’t look more like a linebacker if you added 60 lbs of fat to me, lol.
Yogi’s right. You may see ‘some’ results, but you may not. The dose is low, and epistane on its own will do very little. I know there are boards that favor the prohormones, and suggest that huge gains are possible, but the truth is that most of these claims are likely exaggerations.[/quote]
I’m 6’2" with 26" arms. I have very short arms that’s why I can’t deadlift. As for the bench press I suffered a torn labrum in each shoulder during HS football so it has been tougher to advance than it used to be. I also hate deadlifts.
So the general consensus is my deadlift and bench are bad squat is overrated and 30mg won’t do much?
[quote]5StarAthlete wrote:
I’m 6’2" with 26" arms. I have very short arms that’s why I can’t deadlift. As for the bench press I suffered a torn labrum in each shoulder during HS football so it has been tougher to advance than it used to be. I also hate deadlifts.
So the general consensus is my deadlift and bench are bad squat is overrated and 30mg won’t do much?[/quote]
For what it’s worth, I assume you squat high because most football players do. Hitting legit depth can be humbling if you’re not currently doing it. When I see a huge squat number, and a mediocre deadlift number, that’s a red flag.
And yea, that’s pretty much going to be the consensus. If I were to use epistane, I would run it at 50 or 60 mg, and that would be on top of a reasonable amount of injectable testosterone, 500mg or more per week. I think epistane’s not a bad choice in terms of the prohormones out there, but it needs to be used in conjunction with testosterone to yield reasonable results. Even for someone doing their first cycle. Prohormone-only cycles are all but worthless in general.
The 26" is from the uppermost part of my humorous to the end of my middle finger, it’s not a circumference measurement. I squat to parallel, it hurts my knees if I don’t. For the deadlift being awful compared to the others I have a hell of time bending over the get the bar because I T-rex arms. My upper legs are parallel with the ground just to do a deadlift with a high hip position.
I’ll see about the test, it’s tough to find a supplier and I also don’t want to cross the legal boundary. My natural levels are too high right now to obtain some from the doc.