Please I need advice how many substances and how much to give in order to make a difference, but with minimal side effects. I don’t want water or hair loss and have always been prone to acne. Currently I am at the beginning of the cycle where I use:
Testosterone C - 220mg / week
Nandrolone Deca - 175mg / week
Boldenone - 440mg / week
Proviron - 25mg / day
Andarine S4 - 60mg / day
Ipamorelin - 900 mcg / day
MK-677 - 30mg / day
It looks a little confused, but I hope it’s not that bad. The point is that I still have Winstrol, oxandrolone, arimidex and I really don’t know what to add or remove.
Can anyone advise me in any way? I have been training for 20 years, of which 5 years about 100 kg and about 12% fat. I already have children. Could the team come up with something sensible? I will definitely use Oxandrolone for about 50 mg / day, just wondering when, as with arimidex. Thanks so much for anything.
Hello I used to try almost everything, but always only a few substances. For example: test 350/ w + deca 350/ w or test + eq + winstrol etc. Three months ago I finished: test 150 + winstrol 40 + oxandrolone 60 + mk677 30mg and after two months acne gradually reappears. Now I’ve driven more things, I want to do the best form of life, but also fight re-acne and water retention. Therefore, the oils are a small amount. I’m not so sure about the other substances, whether to add or remove them at all and add oils and arimidex. I don’t know if to remove proviron and start with oxandrolone now or during a cycle, they are both DHT right? I know I have too much, it’s to avoid side effects. I think a small amount of more substances will do better than more mg per substance. The more I read everywhere, the less I know. Is ipamorelin and mk677 useful at all or is it better to give them to pct? Thanks for any reply.
More or less. From what I’ve heard daily administration should be in mcg your body weight in pounds so this seems like a huge dose. Mixing with Mk could cause some insulin sensitivity issues. That’s if they even have an impact. Most recent posts on here from guys is that the peptides aren’t increasing their IGF levels except for a few outliers. I’ve tried it myself with CJC and it was waste of money. My HGH is only a tad more expensive and does a hell of a lot more.
I would like to see a picture of your physique before we even discuss such complex shit.
Im probably wrong, thats why im asking for a pic, but my first impression is that you want to use AAS to fix something that they cant fix, and i was hoping that it would be proven in your pictures.
Because you sound like you plan some Mr.Olympia cycle and you are fucktons ahead of everyone in here.
You’ve already got Proviron; don’t know that I’d add another oral DHT to the mix (unless there’s some synergy I don’t know about). Wouldn’t add an AI until you know you need it, and start small since you’re on a small dose of test.
Idk I’m conflicted; on one hand I like the smallish doses of many different compounds that all hit a different receptor. On the other it looks too complicated to actually work better than just Test + Var + HGH
To make it a little clearer. I have been working occasionally in the film industry for ten years as a walking backdrop in war and combat films and series, and my job is as a police officer. In October I am going to two amateur local races. I just want to try it, I don’t expect anything extra amazing. Here are my cycles of the last ten years.
test + dbol
test + deca
test + eq
test + deca + dbol
test + winstrol + var
?? test + deca + eq + var / proviron ??
Three months ago I finished the cycle test + winstrol + var (including pct) and this is a photo fourteen days old. Weight 96 kg and I quite like it this way, but I want to do it for 100-102 kg with pure mass. The worst thing I’ve ever done is test + deca + dbol. I played a debt collector in the comedy series and weighed 112 kg. That was probably why they chose me. But when I saw it on TV, I was terribly ashamed. I was extremely flooded with water, a huge head and it looked awful. It was funny, everyone laughed, I said a few words there. but I never want to look like this again. That’s why I try to add a maximum of 5 kg of muscles, but nice ones. So I chose the following: test + deca + eq + something. If I had to add just one thing, would you please advise me what it could be? proviron, var, ipamorelin, mk677 or andarine s4? I thought that andarine and proviron could protect against side effects and mk + ipamorelin made nicer skin and hair etc. In the end, I will probably throw away almost everything or I don’t know what to keep. I would probably need to adjust the doses, but with such small doses, I don’t think I get much water. thanks a lot for any advice.
Yeah, fuck man, you are levels ahead of me, i wont say shit, as nothing i can say matters to someone like you.
You might need whatever you planed. Good luck
With all that you’re planning I still think you should go with HGH over the peptides. You’ve got a ton of stuff listed here you’ve got to be able to get that too. I like EQ, var, and test, what about tren over the nand? From every self proclaimed roid guru on youtube, tren seems to be the AAS of the stars who need their shirts off a lot because of it’s ability to make dry gains. I’m going to start test, HGH, and tren shortly myself, always finish with var.