If you came up with this plan yourself then you have a WHOLE LOT MORE research to do.
If the guy you got your stuff from said to do this layout then do not EVER follow his advice. Seriously your dick might not work after one of his cycles.
My understanding is you are doing two weeks of test followed by two weeks of EQ and then two weeks of primo with anavar. I hope I misunderstood you. Genuinely I hope I miss interpreted your layout.
Test cypionate has to be run for a minimum of 10 weeks really it should be 12.
EQ should be run at a minimum of 12 really 15.
Primo depending on what ester it should be the 10-12 or if it is a true “primo” knock-off and has the acetate ester then maybe 6 weeks for special situations but really 8. Primobolan is a name brand for methenolone acetate but everyone tends to call both esters the name primo.
Nothing you got will do anything running it for two weeks or for a total of 6 if that is what you meant for the test cypionate.
I read the part about you wanting to see how you reacted before buying all the bottles. In theory this makes sense but in practice this is a bad idea. I can’t even count how many stories I have heard about guys starting their cycles without everything they needed and something happened like delayed shipping. Always have everything, you need to especially include your PCT, before you pin the first shot of anything. You do not want to end you cycle without the necessary recovery drugs trust me and many many others on this point.
If you have not listened to reason and followed the advice of the members here yet then let me reiterate something iron said, “TESTOSTERONE ONLY ON YOUR FIRST CYCLE!” (I did paraphrase a bit) I know you already bought half of your stuff so you have some EQ, primo and anavar, just save it. Stick it to the side for when you can properly use it and harness all of it’s benefits. Trust me you can’t properly harness it right now.
Please let me know that you were not planning on running test for two weeks then switching to EQ for two weeks then primo and anavar for two weeks. Even if you meant a total of six weeks all that would do I shut down your natural testosterone production and literally give you no results. Those six week cycles you see online are with short estered hormones and only done for specific situations. The average guys has no business trying to run a six week stack on his first cycle, especially if it has all long esters in it.
Go read up on esters, estered hormones, half life, and why we wait two weeks after a long estered cycle to start PCT. Also read up on the wait period of short estered cycles.
I seriously hope there was a typo. If there wasn’t and your source understood what you were planning and didn’t immediately object and try to correct it, then someone should set him up so he stops helping people seriously damage themselves for a profit. And I wish no ill will on any person who is just barely putting effort into not being a dick, my bar is about as low as you can go. But if he understood what you were planning and didn’t try to correct it then he shouldn’t be associated with this world. All he will do is give it a bad name.
I clearly state this in closing. I have no intention of this post coming across harsh. What you wrote and how I read it concerned me that much.