Planning Blast & Cruise, Questions

I’m on TRT 200mg/week (Cyp). I have a few questions:

  1. Will a 12-week course of 400mg/week be enough to notice some benefits? I want to be very conservative as I have never done any cycles or anything before.

  2. My last Estradiol level was 8.3, which is already very low. That being said, if I double my Test dose will I be reasonably safe from estrogen-related side effects? I don’t currently have any side effects. I am most concerned with gyno…I am assuming that higher Estradiol would be a cause and/or indicator of gyno, someone correct me if I am wrong.

  3. Do I need to have an AI on hand? I know it is a must for traditional cycles, but what about a TRT blast & cruise? I currently don’t take any AIs or SARMs.

  4. If I start to experience side effects, do I take an AI or just decrease my weekly Test dose? Or should I take an AI from the beginning? My doctor doesn’t have me on an AI and I wouldn’t want to needlessly mess with my estrogen if unnecessary.

Thanks for the help everybody.

i am almost sure its a cruise, not TRT…

Yes and no. Your diet and knowledge about training will be the factors that decide this,

you might get more than double your estro, but i am sure that it wont be too high… 50-60 is still very ok for someone who blasts test, you know…

No, depends on genetics. My e2 was 300 for a year, i didnt even get a bloat. No gyno. Only took me 45min to finish during sex but that was the only side i got.

Better have one just in case. Dont take it if you dont need it, but always have EVERYTHING on hand before you start something. Have all the test you need for all the period of time, have hcg, have ai, have everything that might be needed. There is nothing worse as to shoot yourself in a leg and then stress about getting stuff you need on the go.

You do bloodwork. After you get your results, you decide on the dose of AI. You cant just take “AI”. Dosing is very important - some people crash e2 into ground with 1/4 of a tab, but some, like me, need to eat em like skittles to get any benefit. Anyways you will need to know exact numbers and just experiment with lowest dose and then do another bloodwork, correct the dose, and repeat.

Anyways, 400mg of test a week is a good dose, and its nothing too crazy also. You will be fine if your training and diet is on spot.
If you are not gaining shit on 200mg, then you probably wont gain shit on 400mg also. Just upping the dose does not change much if your basics suck.

Hmmm. I’d be pretty nervous waiting for multiple bloodwork results before doing anything about itchy, puffy nipples. I agree that I would want to (eventually) accurately dial in on the right dose of AI, however it would be nice to get ahead of problem rather waiting for the lab to get back to me. Is there any general protocol you can recommend?

If this is without any AI, then you’re likely not going to run into e2 issues on a blast of test only. Keep an AI on hand, for sure, but doubt you’d need it.

But, I’m curious with e2 that low, how much you’d get out of a test blast. I say give it a go and start a log here so you (and we) can track your progress. Good luck

Would you mind elaborating?

I just mean that given most guys on TRT wouldn’t feel awesome with e2 that low, and doubling his test dose would maybe double his e2, at most? Just guessing. And a big part of the benefits of running test come from the conversion to estrogen, especially when it comes to muscle building, so just curious how much a blast would help him if his e2 stayed low. Maybe he’d notice some good progress keeping his test dose the same but adding in some estradiol to get into the 40-50pg range? Or doing the blast and adding e2 if needed, tracking progress before and after?

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Gyno doesnt happen in one day. Bloodwork does. You do it at 8AM and latest you will have it on same day at 4PM.
There is NO general protocol as people react totally different. Some kill their e2 and then have problems with a dose, that wouldnt even budge my e2.

I use labcorp and it takes 3-5. Still like you said, gyno doesn’t happen overnight.

This is what I’ve seen in my limited research.

The drugstore near me uses Labcorp. What is the name of the test you use?