Looking to run 2nd cycle. 1st (thanks to the wisdom of people here) was Test E only, 600 pinned twice. Used an AI although not sure I needed to. Nolva for pct.
Near zero sides, a bit shut down towards the end.
Sadly lost a lot of gains due to divorce f**king with my head and therefore my diet, sleep, gym motivation.
For cycle 2, I’m looking at Test e and DBol/Winny. I have both.
How much test should I run?
Is Dbol and Winny together too hazardous (both are oral). I’m aware of the liver risk, I’m zero alcohol and got good liver protection and I drink more water than the fishies. I p*ss clear except for first thing in the morning.
But running 3 compounds instead of 2, increases change of sides and not knowing which is causing them. I’d like this to be my final cycle and then just go TRT, but if too hazardous I’ll do a 3rd cycle and do Test + Dbol then Test + winny… but ideally not. Thoughts?
For PCT should I go clomid and Nolva, instead of just Nolva this time?
What are your constructive suggestions for this guys? The direction I got from here last time made for a successful cycle, so would appreciate the same.
I’m 47.
14% BF ish