I was going to GNC.Looking around for some casein protein.I saw gakic.I thought to myself,“might be interesting to give it a try and see what happens.” I look on the bottle to see the price. OVER 80 F@#$%$! BUCKS!
I wouldn’t waste my money on that crap if it was the last thing in GNC. Hands down. Middle fingers up. Goodbye GNC!!
[quote]The_Grim_Reaper wrote:
I was going to GNC.Looking around for some casein protein.I saw gakic.I thought to myself,“might be interesting to give it a try and see what happens.” I look on the bottle to see the price. OVER 80 F@#$%$! BUCKS!
I wouldn’t waste my money on that crap if it was the last thing in GNC. Hands down. Middle fingers up. Goodbye GNC!! [/quote]
Why would you get pissed at GNC because of they charge for a product that you “wouldn’t waste my money on that crap if it was the last thing in GNC?”
I don’t get why people would get upset over something like this. Does GNC somehow owe you lower prices or something? Newsflash – they are a business whose goal is to be profitable.
If you don’t like their prices simply shop elsewhere.
Because it was only 65 bucks last week when I saw it.Now it's over 85 bucks.Thats a load of crap.I'm saying no one should pay that much money for some dumb crap that probably won't even work.
[quote]ChrisKing wrote:
The_Grim_Reaper wrote:
I was going to GNC.Looking around for some casein protein.I saw gakic.I thought to myself,“might be interesting to give it a try and see what happens.” I look on the bottle to see the price. OVER 80 F@#$%$! BUCKS!
I wouldn’t waste my money on that crap if it was the last thing in GNC. Hands down. Middle fingers up. Goodbye GNC!!
Why would you get pissed at GNC because of they charge for a product that you “wouldn’t waste my money on that crap if it was the last thing in GNC?”
I don’t get why people would get upset over something like this. Does GNC somehow owe you lower prices or something? Newsflash – they are a business whose goal is to be profitable.
If you don’t like their prices simply shop elsewhere.
[quote]The_Grim_Reaper wrote:
Haramdar wrote:
dude…GNC…dont get me started …
Lol.let us hear it.[/quote]
No really, you dont wanna hear it.
Only thing I can say really is that I am amazed that a company that does not train it’s employee’s in an proper fashion can expect people to actually enjoy their experience at the business, when they can’t give accurate information, without referring to the label of the product or running over to their little product sheets from the companies on how to sell stuff.
Then I flip around and look at how uneducated the public really is. That in and of itself is enough to make veins pop up in my forehead.
[quote]ChrisKing wrote:
The_Grim_Reaper wrote:
I was going to GNC.Looking around for some casein protein.I saw gakic.I thought to myself,“might be interesting to give it a try and see what happens.” I look on the bottle to see the price. OVER 80 F@#$%$! BUCKS!
I wouldn’t waste my money on that crap if it was the last thing in GNC. Hands down. Middle fingers up. Goodbye GNC!!
Why would you get pissed at GNC because of they charge for a product that you “wouldn’t waste my money on that crap if it was the last thing in GNC?”
I don’t get why people would get upset over something like this. Does GNC somehow owe you lower prices or something? Newsflash – they are a business whose goal is to be profitable.
If you don’t like their prices simply shop elsewhere.[/quote]
Are there points awarded somewhere for pot shots at GNC? Don’t like,don’t shop. Everything is over priced at the mall for jeeps sake. Or did you think that pair of jeans you bought at Aber were really worth $73?
man, gnc use to be my #1 spot and now the manager looks at me as if i was some kind of an idiot drug attic or something.
“i feel like telling him man i put some serious food on your table and you look at me as if nothing.” he sees me in the mall he don’t say hi or nothing. he just passed me up as if he never new me.
[quote]joe_cool wrote:
man, gnc use to be my #1 spot and now the manager looks at me as if i was some kind of an idiot drug attic or something.
“i feel like telling him man i put some serious food on your table and you look at me as if nothing.” he sees me in the mall he don’t say hi or nothing. he just passed me up as if he never new me.
[quote]The_Grim_Reaper wrote:
I was going to GNC.Looking around for some casein protein.I saw gakic.I thought to myself,“might be interesting to give it a try and see what happens.” I look on the bottle to see the price. OVER 80 F@#$%$! BUCKS!
I wouldn’t waste my money on that crap if it was the last thing in GNC. Hands down. Middle fingers up. Goodbye GNC!! [/quote]
I’m just really not sure why you’d be upset about the store rather than the manufacturer. Just don’t buy it, get some Spike instead, they sell that at the reasonable price which Biotest sets.
[quote]joe_cool wrote:
man, gnc use to be my #1 spot and now the manager looks at me as if i was some kind of an idiot drug attic or something.
“i feel like telling him man i put some serious food on your table and you look at me as if nothing.” he sees me in the mall he don’t say hi or nothing. he just passed me up as if he never new me.
If you really hate them that much, then send their business elsewhere. I get mad at GNC because fat people go in there wanting to get healthy and get taken for a ton of $$$. They come out with a $40 box of “Dieter’s Tea” and a month later are at 0% progress and most have resolved to stay fat.
I direct all of my co-workers to Biotest (t-nation.com) for protein, etc. and another site for vitamins, etc. That way people don’t get ripped-off and GNC loses out. Make a goal of converting 5 people a week… you might even form a new religion. You could call it “Destroy GNC on $uper Tuesday” and pass out business cards for both the sites on that day…
[quote]Tango-down wrote:
If you really hate them that much, then send their business elsewhere. I get mad at GNC because fat people go in there wanting to get healthy and get taken for a ton of $$$. They come out with a $40 box of “Dieter’s Tea” and a month later are at 0% progress and most have resolved to stay fat.
I direct all of my co-workers to Biotest (T-Nation.com) for protein, etc. and another site for vitamins, etc. That way people don’t get ripped-off and GNC loses out. Make a goal of converting 5 people a week… you might even form a new religion. You could call it “Destroy GNC on $uper Tuesday” and pass out business cards for both the sites on that day…[/quote]
I love your thinking man! Thats gonna be my new goal.Lmao.Guys,lets form our own “screw GNC” religion!
[quote]snipeout wrote:
joe_cool wrote:
man, gnc use to be my #1 spot and now the manager looks at me as if i was some kind of an idiot drug attic or something.
“i feel like telling him man i put some serious food on your table and you look at me as if nothing.” he sees me in the mall he don’t say hi or nothing. he just passed me up as if he never new me.
[quote]joe_cool wrote:
man, gnc use to be my #1 spot and now the manager looks at me as if i was some kind of an idiot drug attic or something.
“i feel like telling him man i put some serious food on your table and you look at me as if nothing.” he sees me in the mall he don’t say hi or nothing. he just passed me up as if he never new me.
That’s because GNC was your #1 spot. I’d lose respect for you too, if you could have gotten better supps for less elsewhere.
Then I flip around and look at how uneducated the public really is. That in and of itself is enough to make veins pop up in my forehead.
This is why they don’t need to educate their employees.[/quote]
Tell me about it.I went in there a month ago and asked them if they had casein protein.This fat chick behind the counter just went off into her own world say,“We have whey,we have pm protein.” I was like ,“wtf?” I couldn’t believe how uneducated they are when it comes to basic stuff.It’s GNC,they should know basic stuff.
Along these same lines, I notice that HOT-ROX is 49.00 a bottle here at Biotest. $15 cheaper at GNC. Is there a difference. I’m seriously asking. I’d rather give my business here but… (yes same # of pills)