I went in there the other day and they had HOT-ROX (not even Maximum Strength) for 70 bucks, and only 80 capsules. shiza
Wow you admitted to going to GNC. Did you do this while listening to A Richard Simmons motivataional tape?
[quote]assenvy wrote:
Wow you admitted to going to GNC. Did you do this while listening to A Richard Simmons motivataional tape?[/quote]
Nothing wrong with GNC they sell things Biotest doesn’t produce, aminos, and they sell Tea Tech(it’s the bomb!!!)
Why is GNC so horrible?
[quote]BluePfaltz wrote:
Why is GNC so horrible?[/quote]
They are known to be pricey and most(not all) of the employees don’t know what they are talking about.
[quote]superpimp wrote:
Nothing wrong with GNC they sell things Biotest doesn’t produce, aminos, and they sell Tea Tech(it’s the bomb!!!)[/quote]
I did not know that GNC had TeaTech. Must be about $15 a container, since I get it for about $6 online.
I go to GNC every now and then, even though the guys that work there are bigger than me, they don’t know shit, and that pisses me off. And I have seen them at the gym too, idiots did like 300 sets of shoulder shrugs followed by bicep curls. God damn it, I eat clean, bust my ass at the gym, and I take Surge post-workout!!! Oh well, I’ve been at this about 10 months, and I’m about a foot taller than both of them, so HA!
[quote]analog_kid wrote:
superpimp wrote:
Nothing wrong with GNC they sell things Biotest doesn’t produce, aminos, and they sell Tea Tech(it’s the bomb!!!)
I did not know that GNC had TeaTech. Must be about $15 a container, since I get it for about $6 online.
I go to GNC every now and then, even though the guys that work there are bigger than me, they don’t know shit, and that pisses me off. And I have seen them at the gym too, idiots did like 300 sets of shoulder shrugs followed by bicep curls. God damn it, I eat clean, bust my ass at the gym, and I take Surge post-workout!!! Oh well, I’ve been at this about 10 months, and I’m about a foot taller than both of them, so HA! [/quote]
It’s about 10 and then 15% off the first week of the month so not bad.
Alright, I’m gonna clear the air here right now! Number 1: HOT-ROX and all sports and diet products at GNC are 25% off until at least March 24. That 80 ct. HOT-ROX is 52.49. If you have a gold card and come in during the first 7 days of the month, you’ll get an additional 20% off that. you factor in the shipping from buying from the 'net, and it’s pretty competitive pricing. The reason we don’t have the larger, max strength HOT-ROX is b/c it isn’t in the warehouse yet. If there’s any real drawback to GNC, it’s the fact that we don’t get brand new stuff in right away. So what? with all the promotions going on now, just buy two bottles and stop whining and wait till the large size comes in stock!
Number 2: We do know our stuff… most of us. If you can’t already tell, I work for GNC. Anyway, Yeah, I know I’ve worked with my share of people who don’t know jack about the products and could care less. There’s three reasons for that: #1, we can’t, by law, make product claims. #2, some people just don’t study the products. #3, employees who study products, study them solely based on the product’s advertising. This is especially true for sports nutrition items. It’s a shame, but I can tell you for sure that just about every corporate manager and franchise owner knows their stuff to a certain degree. Nobody can know everything about every single product in our store… I have a sports nutrition database in my brain compared to the rest of the people that I work with, but I’m weaker when it comes to herbs and natural remedies. So I have to study them and learn about them. It’s not easy to learn something your not into. Same with the people that I work with. Not all of them are strength athletes/bodybuilders. Most of them in the region that I work in are chicks who like to drink green tea. But we do know our stuff. I know my stuff b/c I study sports nutrition more than I study for my classes!
Number 3: OK, fine, so we don’t sell that many Biotest products. Maybe that’s because T-mag rips a new one on every other product we sell that they don’t make, ya think? Sure we sell 5000 vareties of NO2, and most of them are “useless” according the majority of people on this site, but wasn’t it Biotest who brought on the whole Myostatin-blocking thing? Gimme a break, man! Listen, we sell HOT-ROX, we sell RED KAT, we sell TRIBEX, we sell MAG-10 Avenger. So what if we don’t sell Grow!? or Surge, or Power Drive or Spike. We sell plenty of good quality protein products, post-workout drinks, and pre-workout enhancers. 90% of our products are legit. Sure the science doesn’t support NO2 very much (or at least the science that David Barr bothered to look at), but people still like it, who am I to stop them from buying it? Y’all need to back up off GNC, or try a different GNC, we have over 6000 locations nationwide. I also believe that it’s also the customers responsibility to do some research of their own on products, to get an unbiased opinion b/c, let me let you in on a little secret of corporate GNC: their employees get commissions for products, I don’t b/c I work at a franchise store. That means Joe Blow at GNC in the mall can sell you on some 7 lb. tub of SELL-SPECK and they get $5! It doesn’t matter if the product works or not, they’re gonna sell you what gets them the money in their pockets.
The same idea about researching on your own was true with ephedra, only an idiot would have come into the store, bought the original HustleTeck MyFoxyButt with MaHuang, and not assume any risks, or at least not read the warning on the label. Here’s a hint: Do your own research, isn’t that a novel idea? Read T-mag, or any other website/magazine that shows a lot of published, quality, research (I like MD as well as T-mag). Knowledge is your responsibility b/c you’re the one putting the stuff in your body, right? That’s what I thought!
Jon H.
PS. Tea-Tech is $9.99 regular price. Gold Card discount makes it $7.99. You buy tea-tech online for $6, and pay $4 for shipping it’s the same price and you gotta wait several days for it jackass!
Jon H.
[quote]MWcollegiate wrote:
PS. Tea-Tech is $9.99 regular price. Gold Card discount makes it $7.99. You buy tea-tech online for $6, and pay $4 for shipping it’s the same price and you gotta wait several days for it jackass!
Jon H.[/quote]
Relax big daddy, as I said in my post not all people who work at GNC are morons, we also all know that people at GNC make commission hence they push the stuff they get the most for. I also said it’s about 10 for the TeaTech, I forgot how much the discount is since I haven’t bought anything for a bit(I am broke), no one here is ripping on you, if you come to T-Nation you have knowledge of what you are doing.
sorry, man. Guess I was just venting. By the way, about the guys you see at GNC and the gym doing the 300 sets of shrugs and curls that are bigger than you, I work with one of them, he’s got decent lats, that’s about it, and his shoulders are rounded so far forward that it would make Eric Cressey want to cry… Keep hittin’ hard and eatin’ good and you’ll get bigger than them. Trust me I’ve seen it happen with myself. When I walked into the gym at my college, everyone was bigger than me it seemed (I’m 5’6", go figure). I was only 160, too. Now I’m 215 at 10% BF (but still 5’6", gotta work on those height exercises and I embarass every one of those meatheads everytime I’m in the gym (except in benching, I still suck at that for BW, I kill 'em all dips!). Stick to it, man, it’s only 10 months. It’s taken me three years to get where I’m at, and that’s still pretty quick gains.
Jon H.
[quote]MWcollegiate wrote:
1.Sure we sell 5000 vareties of NO2, and most of them are “useless” according the majority of people on this site…
2.Sure the science doesn’t support NO2 very much (or at least the science that David Barr bothered to look at).
The first statement is correct. I don’t think you understand David Barr’s association with T-nation. David writes about what ever he feels like writing about, which his articles are great and are for the betterment of everyone, not a means for financial gains or to sell Biotest products. David is a respected scientist who calls it as the scientific data sees it. If you think David forgot (somehow!!) to include other meaningful data that refutes his findings then post it. Give the source information so others can look it up.
[quote]MWcollegiate wrote:
Number 3: Maybe that’s because T-mag rips a new one on every other product we sell that they don’t make, ya think?
Your logic is flawed. Biotest doesn’t sell the crap that every other site sells, because it’s crap. Other than integrity, what’s stopping them from selling it and making a bundle? I grow tired of asking this and having people bring up Myostat to dodge the question. So, to all the teen morons on the other sites I challenge you to answer that question.
Sure the science doesn’t support NO2 very much (or at least the science that David Barr bothered to look at)…[/quote]
While I encourage people to question everything, you need to explain why you think I was selective in my research. Think about it -the industry has had YEARS to show evidence that this stuff works, but they haven’t. Why do you think that is?
I spent over a month going through the literature and presented what I found. I’d love to see the critical info that I missed out on. Surely the makers of these products, or an online company that sells them, have some kind of scientifically based rebuttal?
Here’s a hint: Do your own research, isn’t that a novel idea? Read T-mag, or any other website/magazine that shows a lot of published, quality, research (I like MD as well as T-mag). Knowledge is your responsibility b/c you’re the one putting the stuff in your body, right?
Jon H.[/quote]
I find it interesting that you encourage others to do their own research in spite of your own ability or interest in doing so. If I am wrong about this, then please give us all of the info you’ve found that gives you cause to suggest the selectivity of my own research.
[quote]MWcollegiate wrote:
sorry, man. Guess I was just venting. By the way, about the guys you see at GNC and the gym doing the 300 sets of shrugs and curls that are bigger than you, I work with one of them, he’s got decent lats, that’s about it, and his shoulders are rounded so far forward that it would make Eric Cressey want to cry… Keep hittin’ hard and eatin’ good and you’ll get bigger than them. Trust me I’ve seen it happen with myself. When I walked into the gym at my college, everyone was bigger than me it seemed (I’m 5’6", go figure). I was only 160, too. Now I’m 215 at 10% BF (but still 5’6", gotta work on those height exercises and I embarass every one of those meatheads everytime I’m in the gym (except in benching, I still suck at that for BW, I kill 'em all dips!). Stick to it, man, it’s only 10 months. It’s taken me three years to get where I’m at, and that’s still pretty quick gains.
Jon H.[/quote]
Dude, which is it? There seems to be some discrepancy in your numbers. Are you 215 lbs or 176 lbs? You just said in another thread that you compete at 176. If you are at 10% bf at 215 lbs that means you get down to 0.4% bf at 176 lbs; which is impossible.
Looks like I created a bit of heat here…
David Barr,
I never meant to say that you were selective in your research. Actually, your article really cleared the air. The Nitric Oxide Theory is valid, but the NO2 products are basically in the same boat as glutamine. They can provide some benefit, but it’s not as important as protein or anything. Nevertheless, I have dozens of customers who love it.
I do my own research, much of it here on T-mag, and other stuff in MD and other general health publications. But like I said, I can’t know everything about every product. No one can. I don’t buy something from someone unless I really, truly trust that person, and/or I’ve done plenty of research on it. I say customers should do their own research, b/c, since we sell supplements, the user uses at his/her own risk. I learn something new everyday at work. Like I said, not everyone is going to know everything at GNC. But, we always try to educate every employee just enough for them to help the newbies out.
I’m 215 right now, still in the offseason kinda-sorta. I’m saying 10-11% BF b/c that’s what the skinfolds say. Skinfolds can be somewhat misleading. Also, there is some expectation that I’ll lose muscle (or maybe just glycogen and water in the muscle tissue) in the process of dieting down. My plans are to compete at 176 at roughly 3% BF. Not quite as lofty as .04%, but still pretty tough.
Hope that answers your questions.
Jon H.
There are two GNCs here in town still selling MAG-10.
[quote]doogie wrote:
There are two GNCs here in town still selling MAG-10.[/quote]
MAG-10 Avenger: Not a prohormone. Not banned. See other threads for full info.
Indeed, I suck.
I admit it.
However, since I lack a credit card, it’s the only place I’ve been able to buy HOT-ROX (which worked amazingly well) and TRIBEX(which is doing more than I thought it would - a hell of a lot more).
Sure, everytime I go in there, i am told of the wonders of NO2, but I come back with science, and end up with an interesting conversation, and good supplements.
Their 100% whey is good, and I buy it frequently, but Grow! whups it in every department.
Looking forward to when GNC gets Alpha Male.
Think I’ll try the MAG-10 Avenger on my next stop.
[quote]Vash wrote:
…Looking forward to when GNC gets Alpha Male.
Think I’ll try the MAG-10 Avenger on my next stop.
I’m pretty sure MAG-10: The Avenger is analogous to Alpha Male. I don’t know that they stack up identically, but they are both Tribulus/Eurycoma formulations.