Pinning Prop Sub-Q?

Hey brothers,

I am planning to run Prop at 300mg/week and was deciding between pinning ED or EOD.
I am more inclined to pinning ED to minimise the chances of side effects especially facial acne. Huge no no.

If i were to pin ED, will i be able to pin 0.5ml sub-q everyday?

Absolutely. Just rotate spots well and you should be golden. Hell, use slin pins for delts and lats too.

Edited because “skin pins” sounded gross.

If you are prone to acne it will make no difference whether you inject daily or weekly your going to get zits.

Thank you brother.
Do you know what’s a perfect insulin needle size for pinning prop?

Actually i’m not very sure if I am prone to acne. I do get occasional break outs here and there and have bad skin days but would say nothing too severe. But would like to minimise the potential side effects that might occur.

You will just need to see how it goes. If zits start popping up, your back will be the first place to look, then you have to cut your cycle dose. Most guys in my gym that have acne issues when cycling just cover up with hoodles whatever it takes. When cycling you really need to focus on diet and gym. Nothing else.

Thank you, will take note. I’m not very much concerned about back acne or chest acne but rather more concerned about facial acne

They run between 28 and 31. I’ve used 29 and 31, both work well. Couldn’t actually tell the difference between them, so it was a matter of what was cheapest at the time I reordered. You’ll probably have to draw with a larger gauge and backfill the insulin syringe.

There is/was a Dr. on YouTube who advocated sub-q injections of test into the abdominal region. I have never attempted this, but he did make an argument for why it was in his view superior to IM shots. I think he’s dead now, but his vids are still alive.

Ha, just read pinning lats comment… gawd that takes me back :slight_smile: