Pimples and Zits

I have never suffered from acne or skin problems, on or off cycle, but now whilst on 200mgs eth per week I am getting zits/ boils/ pimples (not sure the correct terminology) on my chest and back,only a few, but they are heavy duty, if I have to come before I scheduled Its not the end of the world, just wondered if any of you guys had any advice especially if anyone has overcome this.

Admittedly I was injecting the 200mg once a week, and have changed to every third day to stabilize blood levels. I am also supplementing with zinc and washing the areas with anti dandruff shampoo. My diet is good, I have recently started using a new protein powder and bars (PHD) which I am going to cut out to see if it helps. The problem is once one goes a new one arrives…

I basically do think its the gear as I never suffered from this whilst I was off, although I’ve done 1000mg week test before on an appalling diet (bulking) and not had a single problem with zits or acne.
Any advice greatly appreciated guys…

I bet there are some informative threads if you search.

In fact, I know there are; I started one.

Hi DOH crazy, I have just re read the thread you started, I have ordered some Nizoral and another cream mentioned on there and will let you people know how I get on.
I think what I am getting in cystic acne, or cystic boils, basically under the skin type painful spot/lump boils/ basterds, the last one actually felt like a ball bearing under my skin, If these new treatments I am about to try do not work (I’ve also started supplementing with selenium and zinc) I may try doxycycline or come off.
I maybe should have been more specific in my original thread by asking if anyone has over come these boil type under the skin things.

If you are getting cystic acne Nizoral wont do anything.

Massage mild soap, like Dove, into your skin. Use a washcloth every few days to buff the skin lightly. This is just for the acne areas btw. That will keep the inflamation down to a degree and prevent you from producing excess oil due to over drying. This will likely not fix the problem at all.

I used an antibiotic called minocycline. It cleared up after 4 weeks but I stayed on it for 6. That was about 2 months after PCT ended. I get acne the worst in PCT but this last time was the only time I had actual acne and not just random white heads and clogged pores. I also used a topical gel at the same time, a clindamycin/benzoyl peroxide mix. I dont think it did much besides bleach some of my shirts. If I were you, I’d go to a dermatologist and if he/she recommends accutane, which probably wont happen, say you want to try someting milder first.

Thanks BONEZ, I have ordered the Nizoral just to keep on stand by. I have been quite lucky in that I have never got acne on or off cycle, just the odd zit here and there, though for some reason over the last 12 months or so when I’ve been on they’ve just been coming and going.
I think I might have to try something stronger to try and eliminate the problem, I can deal with a few pimples but these have been a consistent issue for a few months now.
With reference to accutane the people I have heard of who have used it have all sworn by it, its so
mething I am going to research further and give some consideration to, it would be nice to do a cycle and know acne/ spots are not going to be an issue. An ex of mine was prescribed accutane when she was 14 for acne and her mums a nurse and she has had no problems (apart from being crazy)

If you dont normally have bad acne then I dont think you’d need something even close to as strong as accutane to fix AAS related acne.

Just my opinion.

Pay attention to your estrogen levels too because they seem to have a large relationship to acne; probably why so many of us get worse during PCT estrogen rebound.
I’ve tried over the counter stuff Neutrogena puts out some decent stuff but when the rubber meets the road you may need something on the level of accutane. I know I did last time. Admittedly I ran it very low dose because the stuff is crazy $$$$ at recommended doses. It works better than anything IMO however even on low dose accutane I can still get the odd zit here and there myself

I woke up the other day with 2 new zits and thought enough’s enough, I have decided to come off completely.
a chest covered in acne scars is simply unacceptable to me, I’m not worried about acne during pct as pct last time was when they went, I’ve also used adex throughout, fingers crossed things can only improve. I think If I ever use aas again I will run the accutane course when I’m fully recovered. I dont see the point in having a good body with terrible skin, I’d rather be a few pounds lighter. The thing for me is I’ve never had acne or been a hairy guy, I’ve been quite lucky with my skin, the 2 things that really freaked me out was the body hair growth from a single course of tren I did (never a prob with test even at the gram a week level) and these fucking cystic boil things, that I hope wont scar!
I’m off to research accutane…

It seems the recommended dose of accutane is 1mg per pound of body weight, but one site suggesting 40mg per day is enough?
Anyone who has experience using accutane successfully (as in it eliminated acne for them) can you tell me how long you used it for and how much per day relative to your body weight please?
I remember a poster on here in about 2004 called Mike Katz, who said he had successfully ran the accutane course and, like everyone else who has done it, says its the best thing they ever did.

I’ve just spoken to a girl I know who is a nurse, and she says doxycycline will only work as long as I take it,then the acne will return, so it doesn’t deal with the cause. It could be good then I suppose to clear up acne post cycle, but during the acne will return if the doxycycline is discontinued before the test
i have ordered myself some online so hopefully it will clear me up, and hopefully with this and some vitamin e cream the scars on my chest won’t be to bad (how lucky am I, gyno removed, no scars, and now some nice new acne scars on my chest, maybe I’m destined to have an imperfect chest?
Can anyone who has used accutane be kind enough to share their experiences with me? Its not something I want to rush into, but as I’m about to take a good few months ‘off’ the thought of permanently banishing acne (especially this cystic type I’m getting, apparently the worst type) is becoming more and more appealing to me.

No experience with accutane.

But I did use an antibiotic called minocycline. I assume doxycycline is an antibiotic also and is probably somewhat similar. Anyway I used it for 6 weeks and my acne cleared up great. It didn’t come back. But I did find out what caused the acne initially by doing a little experiment. I used dbol to bridge between a test cycle and pct. I got 2 spot on my back after a few days of the dbol. I used a little extra arimidex and the spots went away and no new ones showed up even a few weeks into SERM pct. I’m guessing the methylestradiol from the dbol was to blame. My skin actually gets clearer on test so if youre getting the acne from the androgen my story may not help. But definitely make sure you manage your estrogen levels on and off cycle.

I’ve used and am using accutane. Here’s the thing your mileage will vary. I’ve heard of people who get crystal clear on this stuff. My skin improved but did not get crystal clear. Most sad of all for me is that accutane appears to have done nothing for my scares and skin discolored blotches. Best I can say is that it is rather effective in preventing and limiting new acne and but only mildly effective for curing old existing acne-related stuff

I’m not sure how helpful this is because I used it such a long time ago in my teens, it was for facial acne and it was not related to AAS usage.

I did 2 courses of it through my teens. It cleared up both times but the second time really cleared it up for good.

I don’t know what my dosage was (it would have been the recommended dosage and my bodyweight was very low at that time - probably around 150 to 160 at 5’11").

As I recall, it was not very pleasant. First, I was living in a dry climate. The skin on my face was so dry that it molted like a snake that loses its skin. My lips were constantly dry - I had to put on pounds of chap stick and I was forced to use moisturizers on my face which I was uncomfortable doing because moisturizers and acne just don’t seem to mix well. Secondly, my joints ached similar to the aching that I experienced when I overdid it with Letro.

But I’ll tell you what - I would do it again in a heartbeat!


I also treated it with Tetracycline before resorting Accutance when I was younger and I am sure that it destroyed the natural flora in my gut so take the necessary precautions to introduce good bacteria to your system if you decide to go the route of antibiotics.

if u can see a derma the accutane w/benzefoam is a very good combo the benzefoam can be pricy…

I did a course of accutane when I was 16 so I can share my 2c:

Firstly I would only do it if you’ve tried and exhausted other options, because accutane can have some nasty sides, especially in the first month or so of use (during the first month it actually makes your acne worse and you get ridiculous breakouts). Having said that, I personally regard accutane as the greatest drug ever invented (yes, even better than gear, as having bad acne is pretty much life-destroying). It completely cleared up my acne (which was on the bad side of moderate), and I haven’t had any pimples since.

Regarding dose, I was on 40mg for 3 months then 60mg for 6 months, and I weighed 80kg at the time. My suggestion for a recreational user would be not to exceed 0.5mg/kg body weight

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
No experience with accutane.

But I did use an antibiotic called minocycline. I assume doxycycline is an antibiotic also and is probably somewhat similar. Anyway I used it for 6 weeks and my acne cleared up great. It didn’t come back. But I did find out what caused the acne initially by doing a little experiment. I used dbol to bridge between a test cycle and pct. I got 2 spot on my back after a few days of the dbol. I used a little extra arimidex and the spots went away and no new ones showed up even a few weeks into SERM pct. I’m guessing the methylestradiol from the dbol was to blame. My skin actually gets clearer on test so if youre getting the acne from the androgen my story may not help. But definitely make sure you manage your estrogen levels on and off cycle. [/quote]

Thanks guys.
The strange thing is it seems to be the duration of the test thats causing this, I was on 250mg omnadron eod for 12 weeks with no problems, then I cruised on 200mg test a week, still using adex (maybe not enough) and after about the 6 month mark the problems started, admittedly I was injecting the 200mg eth once a week, but I dropped to 100mg and things started to clear up (maybe just coincidence) I think coming off is the answer, though I do intend to go on hrt soon so need to clear this up (excuse the pun) I’m quite happy to take a year off anyway to do the accutane, if I know this cystic acne crap wont come back.

I’ve never had acne before and have been very lucky in that respect. The scars aren’t that bad, in fact I’m quite confident they’ll clear over time if no more appear.

[quote]GGlife wrote:
I did a course of accutane when I was 16 so I can share my 2c:

Firstly I would only do it if you’ve tried and exhausted other options, because accutane can have some nasty sides, especially in the first month or so of use (during the first month it actually makes your acne worse and you get ridiculous breakouts). Having said that, I personally regard accutane as the greatest drug ever invented (yes, even better than gear, as having bad acne is pretty much life-destroying). It completely cleared up my acne (which was on the bad side of moderate), and I haven’t had any pimples since.

Regarding dose, I was on 40mg for 3 months then 60mg for 6 months, and I weighed 80kg at the time. My suggestion for a recreational user would be not to exceed 0.5mg/kg body weight[/quote]
I will weight until after PCT, then weigh myself as I’ll be lighter then, I’m expecting to weigh about 95kg, so I’m looking at about 45mg per day, do you think 6 months will be adequate? I was hoping 3 months, though if I do this I’d like to do it properly. Thanks GGlife

[quote]DieSucka wrote:
I’m not sure how helpful this is because I used it such a long time ago in my teens, it was for facial acne and it was not related to AAS usage.

I did 2 courses of it through my teens. It cleared up both times but the second time really cleared it up for good.

I don’t know what my dosage was (it would have been the recommended dosage and my bodyweight was very low at that time - probably around 150 to 160 at 5’11").

As I recall, it was not very pleasant. First, I was living in a dry climate. The skin on my face was so dry that it molted like a snake that loses its skin. My lips were constantly dry - I had to put on pounds of chap stick and I was forced to use moisturizers on my face which I was uncomfortable doing because moisturizers and acne just don’t seem to mix well. Secondly, my joints ached similar to the aching that I experienced when I overdid it with Letro.

But I’ll tell you what - I would do it again in a heartbeat!
Thanks, Can you remember roughly the duration of the courses?

I also treated it with Tetracycline before resorting Accutance when I was younger and I am sure that it destroyed the natural flora in my gut so take the necessary precautions to introduce good bacteria to your system if you decide to go the route of antibiotics.


[quote]hangiron wrote:
if u can see a derma the accutane w/benzefoam is a very good combo the benzefoam can be pricy…[/quote]
thanks dude I’ll have a look on benzefoam tonight.

[quote]samgold wrote:

Thanks, Can you remember roughly the duration of the courses?


I think it was about 4 months and I have no regrets. The antibiotic seemed more damaging to me than the Accutane.

By the way, if you want to avoid scarring, don’t dig at the zits as tempting as it is. Just let them run their course (if possible - of course if a little pressure will release it then fine but don’t dig). It’s usually the trauma that leaves the scar.