Back Acne and What I Did About It.

Started getting some bumps on my shoulders and back. Read on another forum to use Nizoral Anti-Dandruff shampoo every day as a body wash. I’ve been using it for about 2 weeks, and I am all cleared up. I noticed a difference after the first treatment.

I lather it up with a luffa, and then let it sit for about 2 minutes before rinsing it off.

I suggest trying it if you haven’t already.

Thanks I’ll give that a try since I’ve always had some bumps on my back also…

Yeah this trick has been out there for sometime. Im not convinced its more effective than standard acne bodywashes, but you get the idea.

If you use gear you should have alot of Nizoral, or the 2% solution around.

Hair, skin, whatever, just dont drink it, its good shit.

And for all the pretty boys out there, even off cycle and shit it makes your hair thicker than normal, girls love it.

is that available at local supermarkets.

i also heard Head and Shoulders Anti-Dandruff works. it has something to do with the zinc content apparaently

Personally I favor the tretinoin creams and so many guys swear by the legit accutane. But whatever works, works

Do not take accutane if you don’t have to.

Thats some crazy shit from a medical perspective.

Thanks DOH, I’m having some massive breakout trouble right now, worst it’s ever been, and I can’t figure out for the life of me how to take care of it short of prescription medicine, which I’m not interested in trying (because it’s not that bad, just bad for me). It all over my shoulders and upper back, and down my arms and even on my forearms. Very annoying.

I’ll give this a shot.

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acutane cycle, one or possibly two times, acne never comes back . It’s not so harsh as people make it out to be. It’s like steroids, people will mention the worst.
Yes you get dry lips and skin, but use moisturizer and some lip balm and ur good to go. My liver tests are coming out fine even at 120 mg of tane a day (mind you i dont drink or use oral steroids).

[quote]youngblood52 wrote:
is that available at local supermarkets.

i also heard Head and Shoulders Anti-Dandruff works. it has something to do with the zinc content apparaently[/quote]

Yes, I bought mine at CVS. It comes in a fancy little box, in the shampoo isle.

[quote]Westclock wrote:
Do not take accutane if you don’t have to.

Thats some crazy shit from a medical perspective.[/quote]

x2, I really don’t know how it is even legal. Most medical professionals are even scared of it.

[quote]Cortes wrote:
Thanks DOH, I’m having some massive breakout trouble right now, worst it’s ever been, and I can’t figure out for the life of me how to take care of it short of prescription medicine, which I’m not interested in trying (because it’s not that bad, just bad for me). It all over my shoulders and upper back, and down my arms and even on my forearms. Very annoying.

I’ll give this a shot.[/quote]

I also chose to pass on the prescription medications, especially after I saw how well this works.

Not only are those bumps not appealing to the opposite sex, they can be quite painful.

[quote]Hussayn wrote:
acutane cycle, one or possibly two times, acne never comes back . It’s not so harsh as people make it out to be. It’s like steroids, people will mention the worst.
Yes you get dry lips and skin, but use moisturizer and some lip balm and ur good to go. My liver tests are coming out fine even at 120 mg of tane a day (mind you i dont drink or use oral steroids).[/quote]

I do use orals, and might have a single drink once a month or so. My liver wouldn’t be happy.

[quote]Hussayn wrote:
acutane cycle, one or possibly two times, acne never comes back . It’s not so harsh as people make it out to be. It’s like steroids, people will mention the worst.
Yes you get dry lips and skin, but use moisturizer and some lip balm and ur good to go. My liver tests are coming out fine even at 120 mg of tane a day (mind you i dont drink or use oral steroids).[/quote]

Accutane is not comparable to oral androgens in the slightest, broadest sense.

It is a drug that it little understood in its actions and is a far cry from merely an acne drug…

It is a drug used to treat some really fucking nasty diseases/illnesses… and as is usually the case, the drugs that do that do so with side effects to match.

It is harsh in many ways - much more so than oral AAS.

[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:

x2, I really don’t know how it is even legal. Most medical professionals are even scared of it.[/quote]

Me too. I think it is because it is a chemotherapy drug and as such NEEDS to be legal.

But of course, as Hussayn said - chemotherapy is blown out of proportion and people just mention the worst…

Just for the record, Nizoral is great for dandruff if zinc-based stuff isn’t working for you.

A very good friend of mine had a stroke at the age of 17 while on Accutane.
You never pay attention to the warning labels on those medications, but it’s a real possibility, and Accutane has a history of it.

[quote]Hussayn wrote:
acutane cycle, one or possibly two times, acne never comes back . It’s not so harsh as people make it out to be. [/quote]

What you are saying is similar to saying, I don’t know why people say that a controlled dose of cyanide (that is known to, despite monitoring, be too much for some people) is harsh: I’m doing okay on it.

Different people differ in their tolerance to toxic compounds.

Make no mistake, Accutane (isotretinoin) is toxic, with the effective dose being fairly close to the toxic dose.

It can, as personal opinion and in the opinion of many doctors, make medical sense only in the case of disfiguring acne. Not disfiguring in the sense of a person obsessed about their appearance that can’t stand one small pimple, but the pustules/pizzaface sort of disfigured.

I simply don’t know the reason that there isn’t more emphasis on topical isotretinoin instead of taking it systemically. I doubt that saturating the entire body with it is necessary for treating acne: even for the long-term effect, I would guess that treating the skin alone should be sufficient. But I don’t know. It is just a thought. Of course the topical does exist, but experience with it seems to be a lot less.

Perhaps it is a patient compliance thing. It’s easier to pop a pill once a day until the bottle is empty, whereas it’s easy to slack off on applying a medication to the face once the problem has largely gone away.

[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
Hussayn wrote:
acutane cycle, one or possibly two times, acne never comes back . It’s not so harsh as people make it out to be.

What you are saying is similar to saying, I don’t know why people say that a controlled dose of cyanide (that is known to, despite monitoring, be too much for some people) is harsh: I’m doing okay on it.

Different people differ in their tolerance to toxic compounds.

Make no mistake, Accutane (isotretinoin) is toxic, with the effective dose being fairly close to the toxic dose.

It can, as personal opinion and in the opinion of many doctors, make medical sense only in the case of disfiguring acne. Not disfiguring in the sense of a person obsessed about their appearance that can’t stand one small pimple, but the pustules/pizzaface sort of disfigured.

I simply don’t know the reason that there isn’t more emphasis on topical isotretinoin instead of taking it systemically. I doubt that saturating the entire body with it is necessary for treating acne: even for the long-term effect, I would guess that treating the skin alone should be sufficient. But I don’t know. It is just a thought. Of course the topical does exist, but experience with it seems to be a lot less.

Perhaps it is a patient compliance thing. It’s easier to pop a pill once a day until the bottle is empty, whereas it’s easy to slack off on applying a medication to the face once the problem has largely gone away.[/quote]

I think it would also be very difficult to apply a cream to the back.

Now that my girlfriend doesn’t live with me, I had to get a ‘luffa-on-a-stick’ to wash my back. Oh how hard my life is.

Oh yes, for sure, for your original question regarding the back, a cream wouldn’t be very practical. Maybe for some of the traps and back of shoulders, though, it would be okay.

I was addressing the general Accutane matter that had been raised. I don’t have any particular good advice on back acne other than that high estrogen and/or SERMs can be aggravating factors, and so only went into that side point on the Accutane.

I might grab a bottle just to see how this works.

Now does anyone have suggestions how to get rid of those mother fucking under-the-skin-cyst things that I keep getting on my armpits?

haha :slight_smile:

Gonna give this a try … guess we will see.

Doxycycline works as well. Ever since I got home from Afghanistan I’ve had acne across my shoulders…more like boils than pimples and vey painful. The only thing I can guess is that the change in climates has the oils in my skin fucked up. Doxy keeps it away nicely. Luckily I have bottles of the stuff from being overseas. I’ve tried the Nizoral as well and that works good also.

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
“…under-the-skin-cyst things…”?[/quote]

Jesus christ, are you serious?

Some of you lot have a lot worse acne than i ever thought.