Hello all. I am finishing a 25 week cut on November 1st. I started at 209 lbs, around 20+% bodyfat. Yesterday my wife took my bodyfat measurements (23 weeks in) and the caliper measurements indicate I am in the 8% range at 186 lbs. (7 site, 5 measurements per site and the average was taken at each site). I realize there is a margin of error; the % is not so important; I just want to make sure the sites continue to decrease over time.
Anyhow, I run my own small personal training business in Charleston, South Carolina, and I wanted to take the opportunity to book a photo shoot at the end. The idea was to not only commemorate the end of a lot of work and dedication, but also to get some shots that I can use in advertising (website, Facebook, cards, flyers). I want to show folks that I can do (and have done) what I may have to ask them to do. My initial thought was to have the photographer take shots while I am working out.
I have a gym close by, where I know the owners and they are not super busy. I can book a time and pretty much be the only one there. I already went there with the photographer and he had some cool ideas to block out the mirrors and alter the lighting. I was hoping to get some ideas from people who have done something similar and were pleased with the results. I am pretty mobile, and pretty strong (read strong for a local gym), and I think I can get some cool shots of ass to grass squats with 3 plates, RDL’s with over 4, pullups with 100 lbs,etc. In other words, lifts that I think I do pretty good on and may look cool to get a shot of. I can almost do a one arm chin. My goal is to do it for the shoot. My pressing strength is average. But my coach suggested that my lifts might not be so hot after I do the photo prep. My other option is to do the whole “coyly lifting my shirt to show abs, while smiling” but that just isn’t my personality. I am not that guy. I am proud of my work, but I would have a rough, likely awkward time, trying to sexy it up. If anyone who has done it and has some advice and some photos you wouldn’t mind sharing as an example, that would be really cool.
Note 1: The images I am going to attach are my beginning weight pick at 240, before my coach. My pic starting with my coach at 209 lbs. And my most current pics.
Note 2: I used Menno Henselmans for my change from 209 lbs to about 2 weeks ago, when I had to stop because of an unexpected $1000 car bill for some carbon build up in my car’s engine. I could not afford to continue, but I am still using his plan and he was kind enough to give me the modifications to use should my progress stall without him. But let me say that he did a hell of a job changing the way I think about exercise and fat loss. If you want results, and you do not mind working hard, he will get you there, no questions asked. His approach had me P.R. on a lot of lifts during the cut. Most of my lifts did not stall until a little bit ago. But little changes kept the progress going smooth. I highly recommend him.
Thank you in advance for your help.