I have look at older posts, about penile sensitivity and see it comes down to t/e ratio. I am struggling dialing in. I have been at this for years. I have tried higher doses (175-200 weekly) and changing frequency along with lower doses (50-100weekly). I cannot find anything that works. The higher I go the more tense I feel and more irritability. The lower I go, the more I struggle with motivation in life. Does anyone add pregnenalone to their regimen or DHEA? I have increased body fat also and am trying to get it off. My hormones have been wreaking havoc. When I find a good dose mentally, I have no libido and very low sensitivity. I can get bloods and have been following them, there’s just nothing that seems to help. I also have tried HCG which made it worse. I have switched to sust hoping it would be a slight change, it hasn’t seemed to change to much. I appreciate any feedback
Any thoughts on adding Enclomiphene? Part of me wonders if there are downstream hormones I am missing a ration of
BTW I’m 39, 6’2, 280. Been on T for about 13 years or around there
What’s your bf like? Obesity is associated with decreased sensitivity down there. Bio-mechanics can be as important as hormones in this sort of thing and lifestyle equally so.
What’s your general health like? Diet, exercise, sleep?
Following. I suffer occasionally from sensitivity loss but could never pinpoint what’s going on. Doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason to it.
I have been on pregnenolone but it didn’t seems to give me any benefit so I stopped. My levels were/are low. Never tried DHEA.
It’s been rough the last 2 years. Got divorced, moved, got a more sedentary job. The issue has existed long before that, I just managed. However, those things definitely need to change. Diet over the last two years has also when to crap. I did a stint of carnivore (going back to it) and lost 60lbs without testing and felt amazing. I gained most of it back.
What I found really interesting is when I was on carnivore, it was mostly a limp noodle. It was bigger flaccid definitely but didn’t really want to work. I am wondering since the phytoestrogens had been removed, I needed to up my test dose? It was a crazy difference in feeling.
My only reservation here is that if you don’t want to make carnivore a lifestyle then I would not go there. You will gain the weight back once you go back to “normal” eating. I have seen this happen more than a few times over the years.
Losing weight and keeping it off needs to be a lifestyle shift, not qa quick fix.
Definitely going to be here to stay once I do. My body felt incredibly different on it and like complete junk off of it. I fire my believe it is I proper diet.
My e2 value was at 32 which is the higher end of range. My test was at the bottom of the range. I was doing hcg mono at the time of the bloodwork. 10k ius daily (tried a restart)
Unfortunately, sexual issues on TRT are extremely, extremely common. No one really talks about it, but there are hundreds of examples of it, everywhere online. My libido and erectile function were so much better pre TRT, with hormone levels in the gutter. As much as we dont want to admit, not only does TRT have such a minute difference on the sexual system its not worth mentioning, more often than not it makes it worse.
I wouldn’t, no. too many draw backs with SERMs long term, and I prefer the idea of replacing the hormone I need directly. I’m not concerned about fertility.
Typically I’ve use cyp for my T replacement. Do you think sustain would possibly give a better result? Have you ever tried scrotal cream? I heard that gets people really horny becuase of dht conversion.
I have anastrolzole if needed. Should I switch to aromasin if needed?
so let me chime in real quick on my experience. I was on TRT for two years. One of the worse decisions I’ve ever made. Now granted im sure it has worked wonders for certain individuals. But I will say this if you are 40 years and younger and you have low testosterone or erectile dysfunction with out contributing factors such as health issues or you do not have a history of drug or alcohol use. Jumping on TRT with out finding the root cause will not help. If you do not address the root cause TRT can make things worse. I got off of TRT after it made my symptoms worse and feel alot better
I didn’t ask about his BMI I asked about body fat. There are multiple studies that show obesity and ED and sensitivity are linked. ED and sensitivity at the most basic physiological level are blood flow related, high body fat is associated increased atherosclerosis prevalence - even without studies, it stands to reason high bf would potentially be a culprit.