Penile sensitivity trials

The reason why I have not considered it is because the changed happened after my very first cycle of Test e about 15 years ago. After a pct, my levels all dropped, body never recovered. I lost about 60lbs gained some back, when I lost the weight, my dick just stopped working completely. I’m very confident it’s not because of the weight loss, but the foods I did not consume. My body fat is about 35% which drastically needs to be cut. I am much more sedentary at my job and in life at this point. I completely understand that needs to be addressed. Going to get going on that within the next month.

My balls don’t work, that’s the issue.

That is an issue, don’t rule out other factors. Like I said hormones aren’t the only thing responsible for erection quality and sensation. You already know that you need to address BF, good that you recognise this, what’s the plan to address this?

Also think about things that improve blood flow, think walking, cardio, etc. Maybe pine bark supplements and eat more garlic, beets.

What’s your blood pressure like?

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Blood pressure has always been good. Even before I gained all the weight, the issues was there. I slept well, worked out frequently, and shower body fat, ate well etc etc

Doesn’t mean it’s a pass on those things but just saying the issue was present when the concerns now were not present.

I’m going back on carnivore and taking it from there. Never felt better in my life.

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That’s fair enough, hope carnivore does the trick for you! Sorry got nothing more to suggest personally, hope you find a solution!

Thank you!! I appreciate any help!

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I’ve been on TRT since the summer. 53 years old, I was constantly tired, and couldn’t lose weight. Was at about 220, bf% was around 25%.
After going on Test, I’m no longer tired all the time. Not that I feel energetic, I barely noticed the change. It just occurred to me that I was no longer tired all the time. I also dropped down to 195, and my bodyfat is below 20%.
I’ve also noticed that I struggle to achieve and maintain an erection, something that hadn’t been an issue before I got on Test.
It’s possible that it’s my age, but the coincidence that it started happening once I got on TRT makes me wonder.

Not a coincidence unfortunately. ED is a very, very xommon side effect of TRT.

You definitely should get your E2 checked. Also look at your dose and how often to inject.

My Dr. has me on biweekly subq injections of .3 ml.
Like I said, I’m dropping weight and I’ve dropped BF%, so at first glance, I didn’t think about it.
Also, when I mentioned it to my Dr., he didn’t seem to think there was anything wrong, and did not mention the link between ED and Test.