Greetings experts… I’ve recently started TRT. So far Dr. has adjusted my dose from the obligatory 200mg every 14 days to 200mg every 10 days due to low nadir point after starting therapy. I’ve since adjusted does to 120mg E6D and haven’t had much issue. My current problem is with shrunken testicles and ache associated with exogenous test induced testicular atrophy. I’ve brought up HCG on multiple occasions. One euro is an idiot who sent me to a fertility Dr. Fertility Dr. sent me back to the euro. The only way I’ll get HCG is 1) when I’m ready to have children and they take me off Test or 2) when I can find some peer reviewed studies showing the actual benefit of HCG in conjunction with TRT for preserving testicular health and size as well as the other benefits that are anecdotal in nature on the forums.
Does anyone know of any papers out there I can bring in to help convince my euro? I received some excellent advice to try searching Pubmed, but unfortunately I’m an idiot in that regard and have no idea whatsoever what I’m looking for.
Other options would be A) if someone could PM the name of a Dr or clinic they use in the central florida area (tampa, brandon, lakeland, orlando) that prescribes TRT with HCG that maybe they use or B) If someone could PM me a reliable non chinese based HCG source. Not a fan of arsenic with my gonadotropin haha…
Thanks in advance for any and all help and advice…
One more option that you might want to consider is going to a local compounding pharmacy and asking for a referral to a doc that has prescribed HCG to young men that got it filled there. Worth a shot.
Sucks the pubmed search came up empty. One day I will go digging for studies and post them…hard to find good stuff on it now with all the HCG Diet crap out there on the net though.
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
One more option that you might want to consider is going to a local compounding pharmacy and asking for a referral to a doc that has prescribed HCG to young men that got it filled there. Worth a shot.
Sucks the pubmed search came up empty. One day I will go digging for studies and post them…hard to find good stuff on it now with all the HCG Diet crap out there on the net though.[/quote]
I’ve tried calling some compounding pharmacies here with no luck. Maybe a trip will yield more results. That one pubmed study looks somewhat promising so maybe I’ll take that in next trip. Until then I guess I’ll keep digging for more while looking for a new doctor… Thanks again for all the help.
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
Which pubmed study/?[/quote]
The one above regarding intra testicular testosterone. It mentions a follow up at the end leading to future studies determining the ITT level to maintain spermatogenesis. At least that’s something alluding to HCG’s usage in maintaining testicular function.
With the atrophy, ache, and sperm count of 0 i’m dying over here for a Dr. that actually knows what they are doing and can get me HCG…
“However, recent studies indicate that intratesticular T can be maintained during TRT with co-administration of low dose HCG, suggesting that exogenous HCG in the setting of TRT may also preserve spermatogenesis in these men.”
Same thing… they looked at guys on T+hCG and their testes were still functional.
[quote]KSman wrote:
“However, recent studies indicate that intratesticular T can be maintained during TRT with co-administration of low dose HCG, suggesting that exogenous HCG in the setting of TRT may also preserve spermatogenesis in these men.”
Same thing… they looked at guys on T+hCG and their testes were still functional.[/quote]
Interestingly, the 250IU/EOD HCG dose group was the closest to baseline, and the 500 HCG dose yielded even better results than baseline. It looks like the T doses were constant among all subjects (200 ml weekly).
For TRT, T+hCG, T does the heavy lifting. You do not want higher hCG doses to make more T, injected T is more cost effective. hCG maintains the testes. Larger doses lead to high T–>E2 inside the testes and competitive AI’s like anastrozole cannot work inside the testes.
For hCG monotherapy, one needs to look at the labs and avoid high T–>E2 issues. Perhaps 325 or such might be more suitable on a case by case basis. Just doubling does not make any sense. For the research, 5000iu was just another arbitrary data point and should not be blindly read as any kind of dosing option.