Does anyone have a secret on how to make or possibly what to do to make the peeling of eggs easily? To make hard boiled eggs, I usually put warm water in the pot along with the eggs. Next, I heat it up until it starts to boil. Then I put it on low-medium for about 10 minutes and then I turn it off and let cool for an hour or so. Finally, I empty out all the water and let the eggs sit in the pot, on the stove (since they are used up within a few days.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Spending 2-3 minutes peeling the shell off an egg is a pain in the ass.
[quote]hedo wrote:
Bring to a boil. Once they boil shut the burner off and let them sit for about 30 mins.
Empty out all the hot water. Rinse them off. Fill pot with cold water.
Crack the shells by rolling them on the counter top. Peel off the fractured shells while running them under cold water.
If your using fresh eggs it is a pretty reliable method.[/quote]
Hedo’s method is right on. I seem to remember reading something remarkably similar to that in an old book called Muscular Gourmet. I also boil my eggs with a little salt: this seems to break down the calcium in the shells, and also imparts a good flavor to the eggs.
I’d modify hedo’s advice: have a bowl of water and ice ready; put the eggs into it immediately. After a few minutes, go ahead and crack them, then roll them to fracture the shell into hundreds of pieces.
The quicker you can cool them (but don’t worry about them being cold all through), the better to shrink the meat of the egg and create a miniscule layer of condensation between the meat and shell. This prevents the shell from sticking.
50 at a time! I buy them at Costco. Two 18 packs for about $2.40-$2.80.
I crush mine up and add a little hot sauce or soy sauce because the plain eggs get boring. Sometimes mix in a can of tuna or two. That concoction last for about 2 days or so. I am an Udo’s oil fan so that is the oil I like to put in. No worry’s about the kids eating it either.
Now for the tough question, yolks. I generally pull out about 30 of the 36 I make and give them to my dogs, who are very appreciative. I am sure some eat them all. I’m 43 and tend to hold fat around the middle if I eat too many yolks…like 36 of them.
[quote]purdiver wrote:
Also, older eggs seem to peel easier. Wait until they are close to the expiration date before hardboiling them. Don’t know why but it works.[/quote]
I found the opposite to be true. They’re harder to peel closer to expiraion AND it peels off some of the white.
Here’s my method, which doesn’t require ice and works everytime:
Pour out all the hot water
Immediately run a continuous stream of cold tap water into the pot
Slightly crack the shell of each egg and return it to the running water (watch your fingers, eggs are still hot)
Keep the stream of cold water going for about a minute
Let the eggs sit in the cold water for another 2-3 minutes
I’ve found that by slightly cracking the eggs and returning it to the cold water, you cool down the inside much faster, getting the separation you want. I can easily peel a dozen eggs in less than 2 minutes this way.
put it this way : a perfectly boiled egg the yolk will be golden with no grey sulpher outer-orbit and the shell will come off very easily in two or three pieces. i eat boiled eggs almost every day in the car and can peel them with one hand while driving.
that’s what you are shooting for.
i can’t tell you exactly how i do it cause there’s too many variables between my stove and yours, my pans and yours, how much water, how many eggs, atmospheric pressure/ humidity/ambient temperature and the all important heat make up time.
i will say this:
i buy quality eggs.
i let them sit out to reduce make-up time.
i put a pinhole in the fat end.
i put them in boiling water and
i cover the pot to reduce make-up time and also so i can reduce the temp from below and avoid excess heat which gives you sulpher. i shoot for a low boil/simmer that barely keeps the lid jumping. in exactly 11 minutes i have perfect eggs. i usually run about thirty seconds of water over them to stop the carry over cooking. i cook 12 at a time in two quarts of hoh. or 6 in 1 qt. i have nice pots that heat evenly and retain alot of heat. a double boiler or a pasta pot w/inset collander are great for boiling eggs.