Peak and Trough Lab Times on E3.5D Test Cyp. IM Injection Protocol

Hello all, I have been E3.5D test.cyp. IM injection schedule. Monday morning 9:00AM and Thursday evening 9:00PM. I have heard that peak is typically 36 hours after injection. So if I wanted to measure my peak, I would go 36 hours from my last shot. That made more sense when I was weekly because it meant 4 more days till I hit my trough (time to come down from peak)…but on E3.5D, if I get labs 36 hours after shot, I am hitting trough 24 hours later (just prior to next shot)…will it really drop to trough by then? Or does E3.5D schedule impact timing of troughs and peaks as compared to weekly schedule. If anyone has Info on this, it would be much appreciated.


You don’t know that you peak at 36 hours, for all we know you peak at 46 hours. Test at the 48 hour mark, this will be the closest you’ll get to getting an accurate peak. Know you don’t spend much time at all at peak, your body is responding somewhere between peak and trough.

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I alway thought T cyp peaked in 24-48 hours. A twice a week schedule(M/T) for the best trough guess is Monday morning before your shot. I have also though your peak E2 is 48-72 hour post injection.

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Thanks for the feedback. I had my number wrong in the original post. I meant to say that I had heard that peak is typically at 72 hours (3 days) from injection. Sounds like my best bet for testosterone cyp. peak timing is 48 hours from injection. Also sounds like this would be reasonable time to test E2 as well.

Most docs and clinics want trough to make sure you stay up at a therapeutic level.
I have HCT (thick blood) issues and have found if I allow my free T to go above range for an extended period of time it is the cause of my HCT going over 50%. So I also do mini blood test every now and then to check my peak. That is my control point for max T dose.

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Would trough be immediately before an injection?

I’ll just repeat what I said above.
I alway thought T cyp peaked in 24-48 hours. A twice a week schedule(M/T) for the best trough guess is Monday morning before your shot. I have also though your peak E2 is 48-72 hour post injection.