Peace on Earth, Well not Today.

Not tommorrow or the day after. Not next week, month, or year. Fact there will be no peace on Earth, until we stop hitting our childern.

This is the way I see it. I we teach our children that hitting is wrong. Then we hit them for being bad (or wrong).

This is the message the child will get. It’s not okay to hit, unless someone does something wrong (or bad). Then you can beat the crap out of them.

As long as we teach our children. It is easier to do physical damage than it is to talk things out. We are guaranteed to have wars.

I know this concept is very difficult for some people to rap their heads around. It’s true however, and I don’t see it happening in my life time. Fact is, it may never happen. It can happen, it is possible. I did my part. I broke the chain of violence that plagued my childhood. As did my older brother but not my sister or younger brother (the religious ones).

I dare people to love their children so much, that it would be impossible to hit them. The guilt would be to great.

I know many are not going to agree with this. To those all I have to say is, I’ll bet you feel all big and strong when you’re laying a beating on someone 1/10 your size. Now that’s an asshole not a T-Man.

You all can try. But there is zero justification for striking someone so small. Someone who can not understand what is going on. Because their little brains have not developed to that level of understanding.

To those who do understand, may the road you travel be as understanding as you are. I wish you and yours all the best in everything you do!

You have to get rid of greed before getting rid of violence. Good luck with that.

When I was a kid, I did tons of shit that deserved an ass whooping. I don’t think sitting in the corner would have inspired me to act right…but I am all for raising your kids however you want!

how old are we talking here? I went to a private boarding school from 12-16 and they had corporal punishment. Never had a problem with getting hit for being bad.

I think most of us grew up when corporal punishment at home was the norm. We all reminisce about the times dad got pissed (angry) and smacked us in the back of the head so hard we saw stars.

Then there was the time mom laid into me with a wooden spoon at age 14 when wearing daisy duke shorts. We laugh about it now and play one-up-manship over it. However, I remember the lessons delivered at the time.

We should all raise our children to the best of our abilities but sometimes a smack in the back of the head is called for.

I agree with you, Steamline. I feel that kids act out because they want attention or direction. I was blessed with a well mannered child but grew up with some unruly brothers and sisters. They (or I) never learned anything from being hit.

If hitting a child is the only way you can get your point across, please use birth control.

People always give their own stories like, “well my Pa hit me from time to time, and I’m better off because of it.” How could you possibly know that?

In the eyes of a child, a parent is infallible. If you use violence to punish wrong doing, the child will obviously grow to do the same.

Hitting is certainly easier though. God forbid you think of a better teaching method than the back of your hand.

[quote]Ren wrote:
how old are we talking here? I went to a private boarding school from 12-16 and they had corporal punishment. Never had a problem with getting hit for being bad.[/quote]

I would say until they understand. I’ve had to pull my teenage nephews aside and explain what being a man is all about. However, through wrestling and general horseing around they totally understand what my physical abilities are. That was always enough to back the threats of physical gender alterations.

lol the only way we are going to get peace on earth is if everyone on the planet starts disciplining their children by shooting them in the head. THen when there are no people left, there will be no war.


[quote]streamline wrote:
Ren wrote:
how old are we talking here? I went to a private boarding school from 12-16 and they had corporal punishment. Never had a problem with getting hit for being bad.

I would say until they understand. I’ve had to pull my teenage nephews aside and explain what being a man is all about. However, through wrestling and general horseing around they totally understand what my physical abilities are. That was always enough to back the threats of physical gender alterations.


So violence is wrong, but threats of violence are ok?

Why so serious, son?

Let’s put a smile on that face!

This post is what happens when someone has a limited understanding of biology. 3.5 billion years of competition for resources leading to evolution will not be undone by teaching kids not to hit. That is just ridiculous. I don’t know how to stop war, but a “no hitting” rule doesn’t seem to be close to it.

I know the Romans had a hit really hard rule and they did pretty good for quite a while with that whole Pax Romana thing.

I beg to differ, even though my example happened by accident.

When my son was one year old, he went through a “biting” period. When another kid came up to say hi, he’d chomp 'em on the nose. When my husband or I picked him up, he’d sometimes chomp us on the neck just for the hell of it. We had numerous conversations during which he appeared to understand why he shouldn’t do this, but the biting continued.

One time I was doing some dusting while wearing only my underwear; he snuck up behind me and chomped me right on the butt. I didn’t realize it was him; just as a reflex, without even thinking about it, I whirled around and smacked him.

He went flying across the room, but fortunately landed on the couch so he wasn’t actually hurt. He had a shocked look on his face, and then burst out wailing for several minutes.

Guess what? He never bit anyone after that.

[quote]dragonmamma wrote:

One time I was doing some dusting while wearing only my underwear[/quote]


[quote]pushharder wrote:
Streamline, I think you’re a well intentioned guy but the road to hell…

…and you’re full of excrement from male bovine creatures if you think good, sound corporal punishment is a bad deal. Ye know not of what ye speak.[/quote]

I’m sure he knows what he’s talking about and it works well for how he runs his family and his life.

I run my family differently. My family isn’t a democracy. It’s more of a benign dictatorship and I’m in charge. People’s feelings and opinions are taken into account. However, everyone doesn’t get a vote.

Ultimately only mine counts. Sometimes people need to be reminded of that since I’m ultimately responsible for the welfare of my family. Think Roman Paterfamilias but with a mom.

Children are not tiny adults. You cannot reason with them like you can with adults. Sometimes they have to be dealt with firmly and swiftly. A timeout is rarely effective. A swat on the butt that gets the message across is much healthier than the guilt trip you nonspankers lay on your children, if you have any.

My parents occasionally spanked me when I was little, but apparently it had little to no effect on me, so they gave up on it. Finally when I was six or seven, they happened upon an alternative form of punishment, a punishment which was far, far worse as far as seven year old me was concerned. I would practically beg for a spanking instead…

Every time I misbehaved, they sat me down at the dinner table with a full glass of V8 juice and would not let me leave until I polished off the glass. Trust me, washing a kid’s mouth out with soap ain’t got nothin’ on making him drink V8 juice.

Needless to say that I rarely, if ever, misbehaved with the threat of such vile punishment hanging over my head.

Streamline go fuck yourself man. FFS beat your children.

My parents never hit me I got the friggin 2-6 hour disappointment lecture that was a bajillion times worse. I wish my parents had just hit me so it would of been done with and I could of gone out to play.

Trust me you don’t want to sit down in the chair in the middle of the kitchen all Family Matters style. It sucks sooooooo bad.