Pct?... trt?... wth!?!

I will be 51 Friday. I’m in week 14 of 20 with 300mg Deca weekly and 250mg Cyp weekly. 50 mg Proviron daily and A couple more weeks left on 60 mg tbol daily.

Bloods are great. Feel fantastic!

What the heck do I do with PCT? I have Nolva, Clomid and HCG on deck. BUT, I have read so much on this topic that I know less than before I started reading. Please advise me on the best PCT protocol. Do I use both Clomid and Nolva? When do I start HCG? Or do I entertain TRT?.. and what does that look like? Does that not keep my receptors saturated?

I have one more cycle lined up. Test, EQ, Tbol, and primo. How long do I wait until this cycle? Is it better to run HCG on cycle?

Please advise. I am overwhelmed by all of the different opinions and suggestions.

Thank you

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At 51 I would consider TRT especially if you are going to continue to cycle gear.


Is your cholesterol passable on tbol?

I second this.

When you’re done with your cycle, just go back to TRT at say 150mg/wk.
You can go higher, but 150 is an advantage over natty while also being responsible with respect to health.

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I cannot say for certain. I plan on doing another panel next week, which will be my fourth week on tbol. Please educate me more. I am assuming that the cholesterol mark would affect/effect the reply to my initial inquiry?

Understood. That is the way I was leaning upon reading extensively, but I appreciate greater the insight here. Thank you

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Thank you! You had mentioned this to me weeks back in the onset of this cycle. That is when I began to check into it. Many swear that taking time off has kept their body (internally) in better shape. Does running 150mg not inhibit gains in the future? I’m not going to go crazy, but I just remember all the old school about saturating receptors.

Bro talk. TRT is perfectly safe. Prob more so than tanking your hormones for PCT

No. It will help immensely keeping what you have


So at the end of cycle, the next week just take 150mg test? Is there a better test? I have more cyp and prop. I read several accounts of people adding .25 prop to their TRT “cruise”. Their claim was that it increased their libido and gave them a bit of pop. They pinned only twice a week. You and I have discussed this with the esters. Should I use a different test for the TRT?

Prop will need to be pinned EOD. Just use the cyp for TRT.
Get your protocol nailed down for 6 months and then experiment if you want to.

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Understood. How long do I TRT before it is good to start another cycle? Is that the six months you referred to?

You can start another cycle whenever you feel you want to and your bloodwork looks good.
The 6 months refers to the time it will take to get your TRT protocol nailed down. Could even take longer depending on how your body responds.

And 150mg per week is a good starting point for the TRT?

Yep, 125-150 is great.

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probably unless you have fantastic genes

All AAS skew cholesterol to some degree.

1: Does the AAS aromatise? Estrogen plays a pivotal role re lipid and glucose metabolism, skewing androgen to estrogen ratios more = greater impact on lipids

Take 250mg test/wk without an AI and maybe HDL goes down 5-10%. Take it with an AI and it goes often down 20% or more

Non aromatising AAS skew lipids more than ones that aromatise, and DHT derivatives (and EQ) that act as downstream aromatase inhibitors skew lipids even more than say nandrolone and test.

Then c-17 AA AAS in particular skew lipids through activation of hepatic lipase which destroys HDL

Some are different but if you’re like me and have genetic predisposition/very mild familial hypercholesterolemia (think HDL of 35, LDL of 150-160 without statin, perfect diet can get that ldl down to 140)

And you take these orals I’m looking at LDL of 200-300, HDL of sub 20 or even sub 10 if looking at bodybuilder doses (like 50mg winstrol per day etc)

Granted for three to four weeks this doesn’t really matter, but over 20-30 cycles of 3-4 weeks now you have plaque build up.

The advice you got about TRT is solid, maybe one of these guys knows more, but as for the HCG you have. Hold onto it and after a while your balls will shrink, run a cycle while on cruise to fill 'em back up. I think it’s riskier if you do it on blast.