PCT After Deca When On TRT?

I’ve done some searching and I’m pretty sure I know the answer but want to make sure so I dont screw something up.

I am 38 and on TRT and have been for over two years. 100mg 2x/week test cyp gives me a test of 800, e2 is 30 while on .5 arimidex 2x/week. I want to do a low does deca cycle 200mg/week and plan on upping my test a little. At the end of the cycle do I need to do PCT or just back down to my TRT dosage?

Umm lol? You serious? Do you want to stay on trt or come off completely after? Its your choice. Youve been on trt for two years and its generally a for life commitment. Go back to trt dosage. The only reason you would pct is if you were coming off everything completely and if you chose to do so you will need quite an extensive pct which more than likely you won’t fully recover from any way which will put your natural t levels even more in the shitter assuming they were low before treatment.

Thanks. I guess I should have been more clear. I know I’m on try for life. Sucks but i wasn’t producing anyways so its better then that. You confirmed what I’ve read just wanted to make sure I didn’t screw myself up more then gentics did already. :slight_smile:

Thanks. I guess I should have been more clear. I know I’m on trt for the rest of my life, just wanted to make sure I didn’t screw myself up more then genetics already has.

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
Umm lol? You serious? Do you want to stay on trt or come off completely after? Its your choice. Youve been on trt for two years and its generally a for life commitment. Go back to trt dosage. The only reason you would pct is if you were coming off everything completely and if you chose to do so you will need quite an extensive pct which more than likely you won’t fully recover from any way which will put your natural t levels even more in the shitter assuming they were low before treatment.[/quote]

go easy man, the guy’s got a bmx for a head! He’s lucky he can even communicate

but yeah man, TRT negates the need for PCT. Might want to consider getting something to keep prolactin in check as that can kill boners, TRT or not

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
Umm lol? You serious? Do you want to stay on trt or come off completely after? Its your choice. Youve been on trt for two years and its generally a for life commitment. Go back to trt dosage. The only reason you would pct is if you were coming off everything completely and if you chose to do so you will need quite an extensive pct which more than likely you won’t fully recover from any way which will put your natural t levels even more in the shitter assuming they were low before treatment.[/quote]

go easy man, the guy’s got a bmx for a head! He’s lucky he can even communicate[/quote]

Lol! I actually used to ‘bmx’ mainly street riding and skateparks back in the day, is that what you do?

I started racing bmx after desert racing dirt bikes for a lot of years. Its a lot less traveling and a hell of a lot cheaper.

I’ve got caber in case prolactin gets out of hand.

Thanks for the help.

Keep estrogen in check and you should be golden

Keep estrogen in check and you should be golden