I just recently came off a 13 month blast and cruise of test e 300 p/w. Started PCT 15 days after last injection and on my 6th day of PCT. Initially I was taking clomid 50mg 1x a day, then ended up getting my hands on some nolva so decided to use it with the clomid at 40mg a day. Starting feeling really lethargic and shitty the past few days, can’t tell if it’s the SERMs making me feel this way or if it’s just the long ester of enanthate leaving my body. Any advice? Would I be fine with just doing 50mg of clomid ED?
The idea of blast and cruise is to never come off. Trying to come off after a blast and cruise is even worse than doing the cycle and pct route.
You are basically signing up for the worst of both worlds.
Advice is only to stay on TRT like you planned. What the hell happened in one year that makes you change everything you planned for the next 20-30 years?
I eventually want to have kids, and have grown sick of weekly injections. Didn’t think it through initially, now I’ve come to regret the decision and hoping there is a way to come off it productively. @hankthetank89
If you want to run a SERM for few weeks that is fine. I would just wait it out. Hopefully you should recover. Time is your friend.
If you could get your hands on some intranasal test gel that would make for fun experiment. Help you with the recovery and give you pulse of test every AM. Otherwise my preference for “PCT” was 4 weeks of hCG and then wait another 8 weeks and pull bloods. Even my old ass recovered about 80%.
Yeah my Endo told me the same thing. To just let my body regulate itself, and in 4-6 weeks come back for blood work and if anything is wrong then she’d put me on clomid instead. Appreciate you’re input man, very helpful, thanks a lot !
If you still have issues later ask your endo to give you a stint (4 weeks) of hCG (1200-1500 IU / week) and repeat blood work. Then you can isolate where your issue is if interested.