I have a few thoughts I would like your input with. I have come to the end of my cycle and am about to go into PCT. I have more or less reached my goals but am missing just the last bit.
My cycle consisted of:
1-4: 50mg dbol ED
1-9:100mg Test P, 100mg Tren A, 100 Mast P EOD.
10-12 100 Test P EOD.
Hcg and aromasin e3d.
So I got gear for about 9 more weeks of 100mg Test P, 100mg Tren A, 100 Mast P EOD and about 3 weeks extra prop.
I was considering cruising on test for a week or two more then blast tren and mast before finishing up and hitting PCT.
I guess I am asking what you people think about blasting again or just finishing up and save to gear for another run later…
It is the first time I have taken the blast/cruise route and I am loving it!
Obviously more time on the juice instead of coming into PCT may effect recovery…
There is no point cruising for 2 weeks. I allowed 14 weeks between using Tren, I actually “felt” like I needed that amount if time, any sooner I think would have been a mistake. That was coming of long esters, Tren E and Test E, now I will be blasting in short esters for 8 weeks followed by Test E cruises for 8-12 weeks…
So, I would make sure if you choose the cruise route that you cruise for as long as you were on cycle or more and understahd the risks involved.
yogi and andy already nailed it. PCT is going to suck if you make this cycle that long. Cruising is still on cycle, as far as recovery is concerned. I also think you’ll reach a point of diminishing returns by extending your cycle so long. To me, it would be better to come off for at least a couple months, regardless of how you value recovery. You’ll get more out of the drugs that way IMO.
Decided to go ahead and do a PCT like you guys suggested and use the gear for another cycle when bloods are good again.
So now i was just considering what to stack with for my next run.
i have 3 10 ml vials of a test P/Tren A/Mast P blend @ 100mg of each pr ml. and enough Hcg and aromasin for another go. i should add up to about 9 weeks.
I was considering either stacking with Anavar or maybe som extra tren A.
The goal is to get a shitload stronger and add on some LBM. Any thoughts? i can get my hands on most stuff.