PCT, 6 Months After

Salute, iron warriors,

I was diagnosed with liver cancer 17 months ago. Before that happened, I was living a healthy life, I was eating healthy, training hard and planned everything, I was healthy person. I wasn’t doing anything unhealthy that would cause the disease, and it made me feel weird, like a life unjustice, when I found out that I’m suffering from cancer. People who eat, drink and smoke junk have average health, and I, who have spent so long and hard work on being healthy and strong, am doomed to die soon. I accepted the verdict, without fear of death and sad thoughts. What I decided to do was to start using testosterone injections because I no longer had concerns about a future, because the end will come soon anyway.

I used testosterone enanthate for the first three months at 500mg/pw, 750mg/pw after that. I became physically and mentally much more powerful and had no side effects. Muscle mass and overall body strength increased dramatically. I felt good, I didn’t worry about the consequences because I was aware that I was dying soon enough, I got those facts from a doctor. Testosterone also relieved my abdominal pain due to cancer. I even stopped using pain relievers, I was strong enough to fight that pain. I was happy to leave this world strong and peaceful and that I would be a good looking corpse in my coffin when my friends come to see me and say goodbye for the last time. Cowards are dying every day, bur warriors never dies, if they fall during the battle.

The estimates are that I have half a year or a year left, maybe few months longer, according to the doctors.

Now I want to get off the anabolic, I have achieved enough and I want to spend the last days clean and natural.

So I would ask those who are experts to suggest PCT that will bring me back to normal testosteron levels after 3 months of 500mg / pw and three months of 750mg / pw of pure testosterone enanthate, without any other anabolics. What types of medications, how long and in what quantities? As you can guess from the story changes, I’m not very good with the time, so I would ask expert people to give me advice on PCT as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance, good people, and brothers by weights, God bless you. Brother Zed

Once you use steroids your never “natural” again

Il be completely honest pct is when guys run into issues. They often feel like shit for a couple months before restoring thier natural levels then often cant wait to jump back on cycle to get the good feeling back. There is also a chnace you never recover or don’t recover well and are left with libido problems etc. If you got 6 months to a year left do you really want to spend atleast a few of those months fucking around with pct? Let’s say you pct feel like shit for 2-3 months and then tap out 3 months after that you essentially wasted half of the rest of your life. I think your best bet is to stay on man live your final days feeling alpha looking amazing!

But it’s your life your call so if you do pct grab some Nolvadex and run it 40/40/20/20/20/20 starting 2-3 weeks after your last shot.


Thanks a lot for an advice.

OK, situation is getting a little better with my illness, so I will have some extra time, even long time for me. Can you explaine please that pct Nolwadex week by week dose and do I need HCG after this cycle? Thanks

Its already been told to you. You cant expect people to repeat themselves over and over because you finally have time to pay attention.

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He was saying 40mgs per day for two weeks then 20mgs per day for four weeks. Some of the short hand we use here can be not completely obvious to a new member.

HCG can be used up to the PCT SERM therapy but do not overlap them. The whole thing we are doing during PCT is trying to get our body to produce it’s own 'hcg" via the HPTA loop. So taking HCG during PCT is counter productive and can actually work against your recovery.

If you still have some time before you start your PCT then you can get HCG and blast it at a dose some where around either 500iu twice a week or 250iu every other day. You can follow that dosing after you start off with a big first shot somewhere around 1000-1500iu. This is a modification of the old school method. There isn’t really any direct way to calculate what you need in regards to dose but there is a correlation between how long you were suppressed or how suppressed you were (dose or compound depending) and how high you need to dose the HCG on your first shot. I saw somewhere a long time ago where some one had a rough chart to help you calculate that first shot. I don’t know how accurate that chart was and keep in mind the community has gotten away from just blasting HCG right before PCT. Using it throughout the cycle just seems to give better results but for you that ship has sailed. So I wouldn’t put much stock in that chart anyways.

So depending on when you want to start PCT and don’t stop the test enanthate and then wait longer than two weeks to start the PCT/Nolvadex. That two weeks needs to be followed. So if you have X amount of test left that you are going to use then use it up because you can use HCG while still using the test. Basically just blast a big shot of HCG then follow the 500iu twice a week or 250iu EOD until it’s time to start the PCT. Anywhere from 6-2 weeks right before PCT is basically the concept of the old school method. I have been rather vague about how long or exact dose because I don’t know what size of HCG kit you will be getting. I have seen them in 1000iu, 2000iu, 5000iu, 7or8000iu and 10,000iu. I would stay away from the pre mixed HCG. If it comes already liquid in a bottle then I would not get it provided you can still get the kits that have the dry powder and the ampules of that liquid sodium chloride. If you don’t want to try and measure out tiny little bits out of a 5000iu per ml kit then you can also get some bacteriostatic water to dilute it. One 5000iu kit will be about 1ml after you mix it if you add 4ml of bac water then you have 5000iu in 5ml or 1000iu per ml. It’s a lot easier to measure 500 or 250iu that way.

I just read your full post. First good for you and how you choose to handle the cancer!

I have an older friend with some sort of bone cancer. Part of his therapy is steroid injections, I dont know what but he gets a few shots once or twice a month. His wife is around and I don’t want to ask about his steroids when so much else is more important. With what you said about the pain and no more painkillers the test is obviously helping you and it is not outside the realm of what a doctor might even call for in situations like yours. Hell a lot of steroids were at one point or another used in conjunction with cancer and other life threatening conditions.

I don’t think you trying to PCT now is a good idea. Your going to crash and you are already at a disadvantage in regards to recovery. I would strongly urge you to consider a Testosterone replacement therapy level of dose for the remainder of your time. At the very least you will get to keep up the good work you put in and no post cycle crash. Just the thought of even a light post cycle crash and cancer makes my skin crawl for what might go through your head. My first PCT I ended up crying at a fucking commercial on TV, you don’t maintain a strong mental fortitude during PCT. You yourself said it the shots helped you stay off of painkillers thus far so if you roll into say a 100-150mgs per week of test enanthate dose you will be able to stay active and as strong as you can be. I just see the post cycle crash utterly devastating you physically and mentally. And that is assuming you and your body can even actually recover test production in your strained state.

Please just think about rolling into a TRT level dose, there will be no devestating crash and you get to keep your gains so you can do the whole “good looking corpse” thing. You will at the least get to feel physically strong as you can during the remaining time and that mindset is priceless even without cancer. And seriously bravo to you for how you choose to go out, head up, teeth gritting, a stiff upper lip and eyes straight forward in attack mode. Make that shit fight you for every millimeter of ground.

Thanks a lot, mate. So, I was thinking to go to the 500mgs next week, and to get to 250mgs another week and to keep being on the 250mgs. Do you think that I will lose some mass and strength when I get to the 250mgs?

At 250mg per week you shouldn’t loose anything as long as you can keep up the activity in the gym. Heck you might still gain some and you should definitely still gain definition and tone. 250 is the low end of cycle level doses. Guys first starting out can actually gain quite a bit on 250 mgs per week. I myself have numerous cycles under my belt and currently weight in at 240-ish at just at or a hair under 6 foot and I am below 10% body fat. I blast and cruise and recently I have been cruising on 200mgs per week but I have recently moved up to 250mgs just to see what it does. At 200mgs of enanthate o wasn’t gaining anything appreciable but I did gain definition. The reason I share all this is just so you can use it as a way to judge and assess what you want to do for a TRT/ cruise dose. If you take a 0.3ml shot twice a week that equals 150mgs per week, 0.4 twice per week equals 200mgs and of course 0.5 twice per equals 250mgs provided you are using test enanthate 250.

I think with your situation trying to dose exactly where you just maintain your mass is pointless. Going 250 per week will definitely leave extra test floating around in your blood/body and that way absolutely nothing that needs or wants test will not get it. Please keep in mind I am not a doctor but I do know some cancers are actually estrogen sensitive like breast cancer and some cancer therapy requires hormones. I think the hormones are just because your body is so weak it won’t produce it’s own or that is probably the case with a larger percentage of the cases. I am sure some cancer actually needs testosterone to help fight it outright, perhaps not directly but still.

FYI, you don’t need to taper down the dose. With how the enanthate ester last via it’s half life once you stop 750 per week you can just start 250 per week and that half life will naturally ease you down to the 250. I really doubt you will even notice any drastic changes beyond after sex you won’t still be trying to climb the walls like the 750 might have had you doing. All you need to do is just pick a date to switch over to the lower dose (we are going to use the “250” as an example) and simply just start injecting 250 per week. I would recommend you splitting your weekly dose into two equal shots per week if you have not already been doing that.

Man, sometimes when I expect the end like it is is just around the corner, I want to take it all, to burn out in the gym, but I always talk to someone, friends or family and they bring me to my senses, and make my rage go. Thanks a lot, I appreciate.

No worries bro actually happy to assist.

I realize I am about to write this to a guy with cancer, just try to see the meaning and message not the words.

I say first you have a good way of handling this, the whole “leave a good looking corpse” thing is straight up a baller move. (And I am not a douchebag that says shit like baller move or even baller) You can’t control a lot of things in life especially people and in my experience the more you do try the worse the results are. I fully agree that you choosing a healthy life and getting cancer is TOTAL bullshit. I fucked around as a high schooler through college and even to early early thirties after I came back from Iraq (it was totally constant I had my somewhat removed from my ass shortly after college but I easily fell back into old ways). It would be actually somewhat fair or “right” if I got cancer or some sort of something like that. But neither of us can control that shit.
I say take the whole good looking corpse thing further. Not only in the gym but everyday life. You literally do not have to worry about tomorrow or next year or life progress at age 40,50, whatever. I am not saying go be a dick but fuck go do whatever you want! Shit go lie to the bank and get a ridiculous loan and go crazy. What are they going to do when you die and don’t pay it back, put a lien on your grave plot? You will already be in it.
Shit go be a sleezy slut puppy and fuck anyone and everyone you can. I bet if you were just like “I just want to feel alive while I can” that would be all it took to take someone home from the bar or wherever you go to find someone. I bet that line would work even better since you are doing the whole good looking thing.
I guess what I saying and goes along with my earlier line about making it fight you, go crazy, make every minute count, go full on balls out, pedal to the metal, and don’t stop until you drop, LITERALLY! Again I am not saying go be a dick and totally disregard other people’s feelings and value, just go make every second count. Don’t slow down and let yourself think, it really is a dangerous pastime. Hell if your not a guy to dip and dash on a sexual partner then just see how many good looking whatever’s you can spend time with and somewhat connect with. You might actually find the love of your life and get to be actually happy for the rest of it.

I really hope you keep your head up. Keep us updated, I know I don’t know you but I’ll be damned if I wouldn’t at least message you so you don’t have to feel alone during this shit. Seriously my email is in my profile so hit me up, at the least we can trade gym techniques and not say a damn thing about any other subject. I will say that choosing to vent the frustration in the gym has been a better choice for myself so don’t feel bad if you go and get lost in the gym a lot.

YCan I ask your age?

I wish you the best and hopefully you beat this!

Cases like this reaffirms my decision to not go 100 healthy, those people get crapped on…

Anyway, if you are my age (41), screw PCT. when on 500 test I feel like I can hop off and still feel as good, but it always fails for me. I’ve tried 11 restart attempts and they’ve all ended badly. Plus I think test has a healing affect. Also I think low test (pct) has a negative effect on the body.

On another note, nolva may not be that good for the liver, and google cancer association with nolvadex.

Imo I’d stay on trt test or just stick with 500 test… what if that cures the cancer? May be worth trying. Just stay away from hgh

I too have to remind myself not to post when I drink too much…

Thanks again, NIC, I really have great respect for the veterans, you are all great guys who are not treated good enough from the society and system, take a bow for your wartime. I am 39 yrs old.
We will all come to the end of earth life one day, sometimes I’m even glad to know that my time has come, so I can do what I want to do while I am still around. Yes, we can’t control most of the things, life is what happens, not what we plan of want. But if I had a chance to live again, I would do everything the same way as I did in my life. No regrets at all, with one big exception - I didn’t have my own children. But as my old man used to say, that may be good for some reason.
I think a lot about this, I didn’t talk to anyone about using test, people would think I went mad because I’m using steroids on the body that will be eaten by worms within a short time - people who are reading this are the only people who know, even if I am an anonymous here. But, as great Tom Platz said in his speech, it is not just our muscles and body that are temporary on this Earth, everything is. So I will be on test till I die, no reason to take off, really. I will be on 500mgs per week. It is not just about strength and muscles, it is more about strong spirit and spiritual strength when it comes to enduring the pain, and it hurts like hell when it comes in the middle of the night or day. I never was a weak person, I was always a fighter, but right now I need something to make me even more tough and test is just what I need and what helps me.
Thanks for the answers, thanks to everybody. We are all knows, I suppose, that most of the society today is a bunch of selfish assholes who just dont care for other people. I always tried to care for good people, when I thought they are good. I never was an asshole for someone who didn’t deserve that. I had a few fights in the town, and it was always when I protected someone, even someone I didn’t know, never met before. I was always a big guy, so I dint have much problems, average people don’t wanna start fight with big guys, mostly. Like I said, no regrets - I would do everything the same, Im standing tall above all my life decisions. Hello death, I wont sell my skin easily to you.

It’s not like that man, and forgive me for not having enough time - that’s actually real truth, I run out of time. But whatever, I will not do the PCT, those kind persons from here are right about that.

Staying at a straight 500mgs will eventually not do anything in regards to stimulating new development. Even in your situation blast and cruise. The basics are you blast at cycle level doses for a cycle length of time then drop down to a cruise dose, traditionally a testosterone replacement therapy level. For you and your situation I would say just cruise at 250, just makes it easier to dose and you could possibly still develop at that dose. So if you drop down the test to 250 you could stay there for anywhere from a month to 3-4 then go back up. The other thing and I would only put this out there because of you unique situation, you could add in something else, definitely not a toxic oral or even injectable winstrol. You could even drop test down to 250 then add in something else for a while then stop that and go back up to just 500 test. Again I only put this out there due to your situation, absolutely no one else should think this is an acceptable course of action a meer six months into their AAS journey.

If you drop to cruise levels of test and add In something else you will keep your body in that state of being stimulated by new and different anabolics.

If you are interested in adding in then might i suggest you look at; masteron, equipoise, NPP (I would stay away from deca, that long ester just causes too many possible sides), if your source is good even primo possibly. If you can find it DHB aka 1-test aka dihydroboldenone is like a weak tren or strong primo and i like it. I would absolutely under no circumstances even think about orals or injectable winstrol. Also tren in any form would just be a bad idea. I personally just think that it is just very intense with odder side effects and since it got its name in the barn yard everyone thinks that somehow it is toxic.

I only suggest the idea of different compounds because there is a chance that staying at 500mgs your body will just get use to it and it will no longer allow positive movement. Really what I am concerned about is that feeling that wonderful strong feeling we get on cycle will go away for you because you will become sensitized. Switching it up, even just blasting and cruising with only test will allow your body to have the sensation of increasing Testosterone levels when you go into a blast.

Just some fyi, food for thought.

Thank you, NIC, I will do something like that. Thanks for your time.