1st workout with the new squat rack. Very, very, weak on squats–first time since 2006 and it showed.
1 set of 10 w/ bar
1 set of 10 w/ 95
1 set of 5 w/ 135
185 for 2 sets of 5
205 for 3, couldn’t get out of the hole on the next rep
1 set of 10 with bar
1 set of 8 with 135
185 2 sets of 5
had to drop to 175 for the last set; I couldn’t get it off the rack (I’m still experimenting with set ups on this one)
Straight leg deads:
165 2 sets of 8
failed on 3rd set, 7th rep
barbell curls:
3x8 w/ 75
skull crushers
75 2 sets of 8
forced chin ups and pullups, cheating off my bench 3 sets each
Basic info:
Height is 6’, weight is 245. I’d like to get bodyweight to 200ish within the year.
I’m not sure I should have done this. I got diagnosed with strep throat and a sinus infection friday and didn’t wind up working out. I figured I’d go in and do an abbreviated workout today (after some antibiotics and sleep). I’d planned to do a single working set of 5 with the same wieght as I used for 3x5 on Monday on my lifts. It didn’t go well and I didn’t get all the lifts in.
1x3 with 265–on Monday I managed 2 full sets and a 3rd set of 4 reps
1x5 with 145 (barely)
Front squat:
1x5 with 95 (holy god the bar on my throat hurt)
Barbell curl:
1x5 with 75 (should have been one of 8)
Db rows:
1x5 with 40 (should have been one of 8)
I’d done this to avoid losing ground while sick but I’m not sure it worked…hopefully my work capacity will be back on Monday and I can lift for reals.
Squats: 3x5 w/ 185
Bench: 3x5 w/ 175
SLDL: 3x8 w/ 160
BB Curl: 3x8 w/ 80
Pull ups: 1x6, 1x4 off my bench.
Adding weight and/or reps to everything next session; may buy a band for my pull ups and chin ups (I’m alternating which ones I do each session) since I’m barely able to get reps even going off a bench.
edit: Had a dr visit today (was still running a fever last night, so got in a follow-up) and was 246 on their scale. Really trying to cut more weight.
I plan to keep on my current workout plan for about 2-3 months then re-evaluate. I’ll take fresh pictures in September and see if I look significantly different.
edit2: volume looks low this workout, I’m not sure if I should add another lift. I’m torn between skullcrushers and dumbbell clean and press (leaning slightly towards clean and press for shoulder and arm work…and the fact it’s explosive which I like).
Dead lift: 2x5 and 1x4 with 245; this was a back off of 265 where I’d been stuck about 3 sessions. I didn’t use straps ths time which was kind of a plus I guess. I’ll get it monday when I do conventional deads again! Then back to 255, then 265. Hopefully quickly.
OHP: 2x5 and 1x4 with 150. w00t! going up
Front squat: 3x5 w/ 135. Adding 10 lbs next time
Kroc rows w/ 50 lbs: 15 reps right arm, 13 left arm.
Rack holds: I tried 225 first and could not hold it; my grip was shot from deads. I went down to 185, held once for 12 seconds (counting one one thousand, etc), once for 9 and once for 5. I’m shooting for 3 holds for 20 seconds.
Chins off a bench; 2x6. I’m putting my safety pins low, placing a bar in, and putting my ankles over the bar. I can still use my legs SOME that way but not as much, helps keep the cheating to a minimum so I hopefully can do honest ones sooner.
Squats: 3x5 with 195.
Bench: 3x5 with 185
SLDL: 3x8 with 165
BB Curls: 3x8 with 80
Pull ups: 1x5, 1x3 off my bench.
Squats were much easier this time than last time despite a 10 lb increase. I’m guessing it’s just practice since I’m doing some sort of squat each session. Thankfully, this means I can go to 205 or 215 next time! I want to get back to at least repping body weight on squat for gods sakes.
7/8–usually I would have done M/W/F but Monday will be spent traveling to a work meeting. Should be back to normal Wednesday
Deadlift: 245 3x5
OHP: 150 3x5–last rep was sort of ugly but it worked
Front Squat–150, 2x5, 1x4–bar rolled on me. ANy advice on stopping the bar rolling? I’m uploading a video of it.
Kroc Row w/ 50–15 each arm
Chin ups: 5 cheaters
Squat: 205 for 3x5; had to pause on the last set, and saw stars, but damnit I got it!
Bench: 195 for 2x5, 1x4
SLDL: 170 for 2x8, 1x6
BB Curl: 90 for 2x8, 1x5
Pull ups: 3 sets of 1 each off the bench. WTH that’s weaker than last time.
Calf raises; 3x15 w/ 90
Deadlift: 3x5 w/ 255
OHP: this sucked hard. 1x5 with 155, 2x3 with 155. WTH??
Front squat: 3x5 with 135, focus on form after lastw eeks accident there.
Calf raises/bbl holds: 135 for 3x15
kroc rows: 50 lbs, 18 per hand. some improvement
inverted rows: 8. I’m adding these in because the cheater chins and pulls I’ve been managing haven’t helped; after 2 weeks of doing them every session I don’t seem any closer to doing an honest pull up, so I’m trying these instead for a couple weeks, seeing if they help more. I certainly feel them more in my lats and upper back
squat: 215: 1x5, 1x4, 1x3. This sucked.
bench: 200, 3x5
straight leg dead: 170, 3x8
bb curl: 90, 2x8, 1x7
invert rows: 1x8, 1x6
this took my lunch money and beat me up
deadlifts: 265, 3x5
OHP: 155, 2x5, 1x3
Front squats: 155, 2x5
Krok rows: 50 lbs, 20 each hand.
Invert rows: 2 sets of 8, one set of 2
squats: 215 for 3x5
bench: 205 for 5,4,3.
Straight leg dead: 175 for 2x8, 1x7
bb curls: 90 for 3x8
negative chin ups (5, couldn’t control the 6th at all)
inverted rows: 5
calf raises/bb hold for time: 90 for 1x15, 1x12, 1x10
7/23. Lifting hungover sucks
deadlifts: 275 for 3x5. Suck it jack daniels, you can’t stop me!
OHP: 155 for 2x5, 1x4
front squats: these, JD stopped. something about the bar resting against my throat made me puke.
break for recovery and rinsing
kroc rows, 65 lbs, 14 each hand.
6 negative pull ups, 10 inverted rows.
skull crushers: 75, 2x8, 1x6
calf raises/weight holds: 100 lbs, 2x15, 1x13
I fucked this up. I’d meant to load 285 on deads but somehow thought that 275 45 equaled 285. I didn’t get that one up, so I dropped it 15 lbs, then did get:
deads: 305 2 sets of 2 reps. I realized my math was still off after falling down on the 3rd rep, second set.
This set the tone for a bad workout the rest of the way:
OHP 155, 1 set of 4, 1 set of 3, 1 set of 3
Kroc rows, 65, 12 reps right, 11 left
3 negative chins
Fucking pathetic workout.
w00t! Felt tired, but had a good workout
squats: 225 for 3x5 (paused to break during the last set)
bench: 210 for 3x5. I hadn’t managed 205 last time but just felt really strong today so said why not
SLDL: 185, 2x8, 1x6
curl: 95, 2x8, 1x6
Negative pull ups: 10
skull crushers: 75 2x8, 1x7
calf raises/holds: 140 for 13, 13, 10.
I realized I missed a post last week in my log, is there a way to edit it to put it in the right place?
this wasn’t great, wasn’t bad. Part of it was I let my frustration get ahead of me.
deadlifts: 285 for 5,4,2. I’m sort of upset but not shocked; I FUBARED the last deadlift workout (that was supposed to be at this weight).
OHP: 165 for 4,3,3. This is where I let frustration get the better of me. I’ve been stuck at 155 for a week or so now and decided that F it I was upping weight.
back squat: 245 for 2, then 1. I was trying for a set of 5, wasn’t gonna happen
Krock rows, 75 for 14 each arm. Oh god they hurt.
Chins: 5, 3, 2. My goal this week is 10 chins in as few sets as needed. Monday I got them in one set, but monday didn’t have rows either.
Some good, some bad
1 pull up
squats, 235: I got 4,3,2 reps for my three sets
1 pull up, 1 chin up
Bench: 215, 5,4,3
failed a pull up and a chin up
SLDL: 185, could only do 3x5–my butt and hams were shot from squat
band assisted pull ups–5
band assisted chin ups (after I failed out on pull ups) 3
starting 5/3/1 using the 4 day template. HOping I can recover better than I had been.
Main lift today was OHP:
120 x5
DB bench: 55 lbs, 3 sets of 10, one set of 7. The book said be ready to be humbled, it was right. I max out at 250 on bb bench so I thought less than 1/2 my max would be fine. Nope.
curls: 55 for 5x10. fairly easily too, which surprised me since I’m weak at curling.
Side raises. 10 lbs, 5x10. It hurt.
I did pull ups in between OHP and the bench; I got 1 on my own, 3 band assisted. I got 5 more band assisted ones over the workout, in between other sets.
Main lift:
deadlift. 205 for 5, 220 for 5, 235 for 8
squats, 5x10 with 115. This was humbling. holy christ. I got them but my legs were cramping, and I slipped in my own set racking the bar at the end. Ow god.
rows: I’d intended to do these as assistance (since deads are a back/leg thing) but it flat didn’t work. Shoulder and arms started twitching on the first set and shaking; I guess dead from yesterdays pressing work??
Abs: 5 planks held for 15 seconds each, 6th held for 8 seconds.
oh god my pecs
170 for 5, 180 for 5, 195 for 8
dumbbell military press: 35 for 2x10, 1x7, 25 for 3, 2x10
flies: 25 for 1x10, 1x6, 1x4. This was humbling. I thought my chest was strong.
pushups: 12
2 pullups between the first set of bench and 1.5 between the 2nd and third set.
2 chin ups between bench and MP, and several partials between the rest of the MP sets.
lunges, body weighto nly 5x10. whimper
7 planks, 15 second holds.
Straight leg deads, 95, 3x10
1 chin up between each squat set and the first 3-4 lunge sets.