[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
[quote]ZEB wrote:
He is not the worst possible pick that Romney could have made, but very close to it.
First and foremost he has no charisma. For the umpteenth time the average Joe does NOT decide who he likes based on the man being able to rattle off facts and figures which Ryan is well capable of doing. They choose based on how the person looks and their gut reaction to those looks. Ryan looks like a big goofy kid who has his fathers sport coat on. If you look close enough you will see the word “geek” written on his forehead.
Obama will go after Ryan on his proposed budget “he wants to give tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires…bla bla bla” And he will actually have the numbers to twist in order to make Ryan look every bit the elitist that they have painted Romney. When you choose a VP you are trying to “balance” the ticket this DID NOT happen with the Ryan pick. But I should not be surprised as because the Romney team appears to be flat footed and tone deaf. If you remember the also allowed Obama free reign for 30 days to paint Romney as an out of touch rich guy who doesn’t pay his taxes.
In order to win Romney needed either a woman, or (as I’ve been saying) an hispanic or cuban. He also MUST win Florida (and Ohio) this pick does not help him win either of those states nor does it attract the female vote or the minority vote that I’ve spoken of.
I was never optimistic going into this race as I always thought that Obama had several advantages, the big one is obviously him being the incumbent. But now I am the most pessimistic that I have ever been. They’ve just handed the Obama team a big stick to beat them with by picking Paul Ryan.
Sure, Romney can still win, because anything can happen in a Presidential race with about three months to go. But short of a minor miracle we will have four more years of Obama! And Romney will have himself to blame through being non responsive to repeated attacks early on, and then picking Paul Ryan as his VP when he actually could have changed the entire race by picking a better candidate.
Strangely enough - and you rarely hear me say this - Zeb is right.
I obviously hold Ryan in low regard as a politician because of his ridiculous (to me) policies, but from a purely strategic standpoint he was the worst possible pick… another nerdy white northerner with no charisma.
I was truly worried that they would pick Condoleeza Rice. Smart, experienced, highly educated black woman… could have made things tough.
Romney ended this by himself, all on his own. Poorly run campaign that reminds me of Kerry in 08 - head in the sand and not hitting back until it’s too late.
Great thing for my side though.[/quote]
Rice would have been a very smart choice , but Ryan is bat right wing crazy shit so called conservative