Paul Ryan destroys Mathews.
Saw that - Matthews is such an idiot. He let the Dem get away with murder - why didn’t he ask him any tough questions? Instead, he tries to drill into Ryan and - thank God Ryan is tough, smart and prepared - proceeded to make a fool of himself. Truth. Wins. Out. Always.
[quote]katzenjammer wrote:
Saw that - Matthews is such an idiot. He let the Dem get away with murder - why didn’t he ask him any tough questions? Instead, he tries to drill into Ryan and - thank God Ryan is tough, smart and prepared - proceeded to make a fool of himself. Truth. Wins. Out. Always. [/quote]
x2… they need to let this guy get on TV more and talk to the american people. He has good presence and obviously knows what he is talking about…
Talk about biased questioning on Matthews’ part. Kudos to Ryan for maintaining his composure, not to mention clearly winning the exchange.
As much as I hate to say it, I think we are probably looking at the next presidential candidate if he chooses to run. Tho I doubt he will because he would get destroyed for his Tarp vote.
[quote]John S. wrote:
As much as I hate to say it, I think we are probably looking at the next presidential candidate if he chooses to run. Tho I doubt he will because he would get destroyed for his Tarp vote.[/quote]
Agreed, but Ryan is a sharp cat…and treads into unsafe waters and kicks ass.
I enjoyed that little exchange. Ryan hammered that douche with fact after fact. The dem guy had nothing but a bunch of hand waving and “they can afford more taxes” bullshit, and didn’t back up a single thing he said.
In other news, Chris Matthews continues to suck sweaty donkey balls.
Wow. That O’Donnell guy is a complete douche.
Ryan didn’t fall for the trap, good man.
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
Older now but more liberal bias in the media. [/quote]
I cringe every time I see that video pop up. That’s not even bias, it’s a full frontal, “We don’t give a fuck.” assault on rationality and honest questioning.
I have no idea how these guys even consider themselves serious journalists.